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Technology of Centralized Document Production: Process-Integrated Customer Communication Documentation and Output Management Wolfgang Prassl Technology of Centralized Document Production: Process-Integrated Customer Communication Documentation and Output Management Wolfgang Prassl Executive Board Member ICON International Software Distribution and Services AG 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production ICON International Software Distribution and Services AG markets DOPE Technology of Centralized Document Production ICON International Software Distribution and Services AG markets DOPE (Document Processing Enhanced) a standard software product of icon Systemhaus Gmb. H in Stuttgart, Germany. DOPE is a process-controlled correspondence system with rulebased text blocks for the automatic and interactive production of highly personalized business documents (correspondence, policies, contracts. . . ). 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production Automatically and interactively produced personalized correspondence is an immensely Technology of Centralized Document Production Automatically and interactively produced personalized correspondence is an immensely important part of an effective customer service strategy. DOPE reduces design, programming, implementation, printing, postage and handling costs, shortens time-to-market cycles and improves correspondence quality and administrative efficiency. 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production For years, document output management (DOM) has been pegged Technology of Centralized Document Production For years, document output management (DOM) has been pegged as a back-office operation that produces customer statements and bills. * Now, customer experience demands will thrust DOM into a major software category supporting the growing and diverse content that enterprises must assemble and deliver to customers. * * according to Forrester, a leading market research company 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production • According to Forrester , what does it mean Technology of Centralized Document Production • According to Forrester , what does it mean ? It means that enterprises must • consistently manage and deliver output for structured, interactive, and ondemand apps; • integrate with the many transaction systems, enterprise apps, enterprise content management (ECM), and business process management (BPM) deployments within an enterprise; • link proactively with marketing systems and goals. AND they have to combine the print output channels and the digital world 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production With an enterprise approach to DOM, information and knowledge Technology of Centralized Document Production With an enterprise approach to DOM, information and knowledge management (I&KM) professionals can help their organizations improve the customer experience through better personalization, multichannel consistency, and more capable interactive and ondemand applications. * * according to Forrester 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production Forrester states • Companies spend millions of Euro’s managing Technology of Centralized Document Production Forrester states • Companies spend millions of Euro’s managing customer correspondences • Companies spend millions of Dollars managing customer correspondences. • Companies spend hundreds of millions of Rubles managing customer correspondences. • MOST OF THEM DON’T EVEN DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH THEY SPEND 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production • • Today's customer communications must create new business Technology of Centralized Document Production • • Today's customer communications must create new business opportunities. Evaluating the ROI of correspondence management proves that organizations can realize a return within a year and even shorter. A real case: • ING-Di. BA the largest direct banc in Europe is using DOPE and made a calculation of how much one extra mouse click would cost: the result is an astonishing € 500. 000. -/year 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production § What does it mean in practical terms ? Technology of Centralized Document Production § What does it mean in practical terms ? The way of doing business will become much more digital-centric. But before one can implement that strategy one must clean up the mess created by the historically growth. § An area most often ignored are the output channels being used for customer communication. The documents being sent to customers are often the only business card of enterprises which do not produce goods. Especially large enterprises with high volume of communication needs to the outside world like banks and insurances had grown through mergers and acquisitions with the consequence that at the end of the day the new organization has to deal with even more complex IT infrastructures. § A real case: WÜSTENROT & WÜRTEMBERGISCHE 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Old technology / Legacy System Textadmin ASF 3. 3 Data retrieval (Documentslogic) PBP / Old technology / Legacy System Textadmin ASF 3. 3 Data retrieval (Documentslogic) PBP / ASF Württ. Insurance Text editing DOPE/Dialog ASF 3. 3 (native) Archive DOPE/Compose CTV NV + DBP PBP / ASF DOPE/Dialog TSO/DCF eig. PGME RF-Syst. DCF ASF 3. 3 (native) (Korrespondenz) DCF BOM + CTV NV + DBP KA NV + CONTROL D PBP / ASF Cont. Man. Vorg. Historie (Frankiing + Postage opt. . ) ASF 3. 3 + DI 02 DCF BSW NV + DBP CONTROL D Cont. Man. DOPE/Compose POSY Württ. Bank ASF 3. 3 PBP / ASF 3. 3 + B 55 DCF Printing POSY Cont. Man. (Assembler) ASF 3. 3 Post Processing WBP NV + DBP Cont. Man. Release of the print data stream to the physical printing WAA Dasi ASF 3. 3 Building savings Formatting (Copies-- + dispatch, conversion) WAA/TSO KA Insurance Distribution Remark: 4 different ASF-installations, Doc. Bridge-Pilot (DBP) has been installed with different Processes, POSY is installed in 2 seperate installations at Württ and BSW/WBP. 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Target Technology / Output Management Distribution Archive Content Manager Post Processing (Frankiing+ postage opt. Target Technology / Output Management Distribution Archive Content Manager Post Processing (Frankiing+ postage opt. . ) Württ. Insurance POSY (? ) Württ. Bank DOPE / Framework Building savings DOPE / Admin KA Insurance Printing Release of the printing data stream to the physical printing Formatting (Copies- + dispatch, conversion) DOPE NV + DBP (Documentslogic) Text editing DOPE / Compose Data retrieval DOPE / Dialog Textadmin 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Document Creation as a Service of the Application Framework Business App. 1 Business App. Document Creation as a Service of the Application Framework Business App. 1 Business App. 2 Business App. 3 Doc. 1 Doc. 2 Doc. 3 Application Framework Business App. 1 Business App. 2 Business App. 3 Document Output Infrastructure Application Framework 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: Industry: Banking Country: Italy Structure: extended Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: Industry: Banking Country: Italy Structure: extended network of > 10000 branch offices in Italy • An internal study arrived at the conclusion that the cost of the paper based process is about € 13. —for each contract. • About 1. 5 Mio contracts a year have to be administered. • The total cost per year is about € 15. 0 Mio. That amount could be reduced to practically zero by transforming the process to digital. 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: NÜRNBERGER health, life insurance, casuality insurance Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: NÜRNBERGER health, life insurance, casuality insurance etc. established 1884 4. 500 employees (office workers) >35. 000 field staff & agents 4. 800 car dealer agents 4. 500 billion EURO group turnover 7, 6 million contracts 120 million pages / year 13 million envelops 1200 DOPE user, DOPE/mobile rolled out on >40. 000 PCs 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

The Augsburger Aktienbank AG project Augsburger Aktienbank AG Securities and stock brokerage, credit business The Augsburger Aktienbank AG project Augsburger Aktienbank AG Securities and stock brokerage, credit business Hauptsächlich • 250. 000 customers • 120 DOPE-user • 600 Online-documents per day • 7000 Batch-documents per day • 120. 000 account statements at the end of the month • 250. 000 account statements at the end of the year • Since November 2010 everything new including new H/W and software plus DOPE • 2, 5 Jahre project work © Dope-Anwendertreffen 2011 LVM Versicherung 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: „Bulk (mass-) letter generation at GEZ“ Technology of Centralized Document Production A real case: „Bulk (mass-) letter generation at GEZ“ GEZ is a state organization to collect the monthly radio & TV fees from more than 40 million licensees and is a DOPE user. To get out the letters in the shortest possible time is key. GEZ was looking for a new document generation system capable to produce 1. 0 million pages per hour. DOPE not only surpassed the benchmark, DOPE is producing 1. 0 million pages in 15 minutes. ã GEZ 2008 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Technology of Centralized Document Production Other real life examples: LVM insurance, Münster up to Technology of Centralized Document Production Other real life examples: LVM insurance, Münster up to 100. 000 interactive documents per day up to 1. 0 million automatic output documents per day ! ADAC, the largest automobile club in Europe 17 million members have to managed by DOPE, 1000 user GAD computing and output center for 5, 000 Volksbanken 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

The cost of a personalized business document Business Application Document creation Printing Enveloping/ Stamping The cost of a personalized business document Business Application Document creation Printing Enveloping/ Stamping Sending Manually: 5. 00 € 0. 20 € 2. 00 € 1. 00 € Word etc. Office Printer manual internal handling post office This means a total of more than 8. 00 € without TCO, postage, envelope Some of our customers create up to 100, 000 interactive documents… …per day! 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

The cost of a personalized business document Business Application Document creation Printing Enveloping/ Stamping The cost of a personalized business document Business Application Document creation Printing Enveloping/ Stamping Sending Manually: 5. 00 € 0. 20 € 2. 00 € 1. 00 € Word etc. Office Printer manual internal handling post office This means a total of more than 8. 00 € without TCO, postage, envelope DOPE Assisted: 2. 00 € DOPE 0. 02 € 0. 08 € 0. 02 € High Volume enveloping collection Printer machine A total of about 2. 00 € without TCO, postage, envelope etc. and an additional 20% postage discount Some of our customers create up to 100, 000 interactive documents… …per day! 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Qualification summary Look for 3 matches Immediate req. 1. Is Your company using more Qualification summary Look for 3 matches Immediate req. 1. Is Your company using more than one system to create multiple types of business documents (e. g. letters, invoices, contracts, transaction documents, forms)? 2 SAP Output module 3+ IBM ASF 2. What percentage of your line of business documents are generated using PC text processors (like Word, Open Office etc. )? 5%-10% 10%-15% 3. What percentage (or volume) of line of business documents in your organization are printed on local or department printers (instead of a centralized print shop)? 5%-10% 10%-15% 4. Do your line of business IT users sometimes need manual steps or changes between systems to create a business document? • If so, please quantify roughly how much (percent of time for document creation, percentage of volume of documents, etc) 2% 6% • If so, how many and what are the top 3 systems used? 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Qualification summary 5. Would you like to send more electronic documents to your customers Qualification summary 5. Would you like to send more electronic documents to your customers or business partners but are constrained by current systems? Y Yes immediate need 6. Did your organization ever send documents to customers that contained outdated document headers, footers, forms, logos etc. ? >€ 500 k >€ 4 m >2 pa >4 pa Y or >2 weeks* Y or >2 months* • If so, what was the approximate cost and impact? • How often does this happen? 7. Do you think the development and change of document templates takes too long or is not flexible enough? • If so, what are the top 3 factors that are constraining the organization in this regard? 8. Are you completely satisfied with the look, style or layout of your business documents? • If so, what are the top 3 factors that are constraining the organization in this regard? No No, immediate need 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Qualification summary >250 (1 language) 9. Approximately how many users are there for Document Qualification summary >250 (1 language) 9. Approximately how many users are there for Document and External Content Systems? >100 (2 language) • Structured (eg Bulk Print – financial statements, marketing materials) • Interactive (eg business correspondence, HR benefits books, group policies) • On-Demand (eg web-to-print, online quotes, point-of-service customer docs, order confirmations) • Total 10. What is the volume of documents created annually? • Paper based • Electronic only • Mix of Paper and Electronic 1000+ (or multilingual) >500 k >5 m 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Qualification summary Look for 3 matches 1. Is Your company using more than one Qualification summary Look for 3 matches 1. Is Your company using more than one system to create multiple types of business documents (e. g. letters, invoices, contracts, transaction documents, forms)? 2 7. Do you think the development and change of document templates takes too long or is not flexible enough? Yes immediate need >£ 500 k >2 pa • How often does this happen? 6% Y • If so, what was the approximate cost and impact? 2% 5. Would you like to send more electronic documents to your customers or business partners but are constrained by current systems? 6. Did your organization ever send documents to customers that contained outdated document headers, footers, forms, logos etc. ? 10%-15% • If so, please quantify roughly how much (percent of time for document creation, percentage of volume of documents, etc) 10%-15% 5%-10% 2. What percentage of your line of business documents are generated using PC text processors (like Word, Open Office etc. )? 3. What percentage (or volume) of line of business documents in your organization are printed on local or department printers (instead of a centralized print shop)? 4. Do your line of business IT users sometimes need manual steps or changes between systems to create an business document? IBM ASF 5%-10% 3+ SAP Output module • If so, how many and what are the top 3 systems used? • If so, what are the top 3 factors that are constraining the organization in this regard? Immediate req. >£ 4 m >4 pa Y or >2 weeks* 8. Are you completely satisfied with the look, style or layout of your business documents? Y or >2 months* No No, immediate need • If so, what are the top 3 factors that are constraining the organization in this regard? 9. Approximately how many users are there for Document and External Content Systems? >250 (1 language) >100 (2 language) • Structured (eg Bulk Print – financial statements, marketing materials) • Interactive (eg business correspondence, HR benefits books, group policies) • On-Demand (eg web-to-print, online quotes, point-of-service customer docs, order confirmations) >500 k >5 m • Total 10. What is the volume of documents created annually? • Paper based • Electronic only • Mix of Paper and Electronic 1000+ (or multi-lingual) 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Qualification summary DOPE is the modern way to customer communication and at the same Qualification summary DOPE is the modern way to customer communication and at the same time it improves your business situation and reduces your cost tremendously. In other word you become more competitive in a world where your competitor is just a mouse click away. THANK YOU 3/17/2018 © icon Systemhaus Gmb. H

Контактная информация Юрий Сайгин Руководитель Предпринимательского отдела компании РДТЕХ Wolfgang Prassl Chief Operation Officer Контактная информация Юрий Сайгин Руководитель Предпринимательского отдела компании РДТЕХ Wolfgang Prassl Chief Operation Officer ICON International Software Distribution and Services AG Yuri. Saigin@rdtex. ru Тел. : 7 (495) 995 -09 -99 www. rdtex. ru Wolfgang. prassl@icongmbh. de Тел. : +43 1 99 460 6608 www. icongmbh. de