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Technologies for (semi-) automatic metadata creation http: //gate. ac. uk/ http: //nlp. shef. ac. Technologies for (semi-) automatic metadata creation http: //gate. ac. uk/ http: //nlp. shef. ac. uk/ Diana Maynard University of Sheffield Knowledge. Web WP 1. 3 meeting, Crete, 14 May 2004

Overview • USFD is mainly concerned in this WP with best practices and guidelines Overview • USFD is mainly concerned in this WP with best practices and guidelines for ontology-based web applications • State-of-the-art systems and platforms for metadata creation • Metadata is created through semantic tagging • Metadata can be represented as inline (modification of the original document) or standoff (separate storage from the document)

Semi-automatic v automatic metadata creation • Semi-automatic methods are more reliable, but require human Semi-automatic v automatic metadata creation • Semi-automatic methods are more reliable, but require human intervention – Mn. M: requires initial human annotation; pre-defined ontology – S-CREAM – AERODAML • Automatic methods less reliable, but suitable for large volumes of text, and offer a dynamic view – Sem. Tag: semantic tagging from ontology – KIM: semantic tagging and ontology population – h. Tech. Sight: semantic tagging, ontology population and evolution

Semi-automatic methods • Mn. M • S-CREAM Semi-automatic methods • Mn. M • S-CREAM

Mn. M • Semi-automatic in that it requires initial training by user • Uses Mn. M • Semi-automatic in that it requires initial training by user • Uses pre-defined set of concepts in ontology • User browses web and manually annotates his chosen pages • System learns annotation rules, tests them, and takes over annotation, populating ontologies with the instances found • Precision and recall are not perfect, however retraining is possible at any stage

S-CREAM • • Semi-automatic CREAtion of Metadata Uses Onto-O-Mat + Amilcare Trainable for different S-CREAM • • Semi-automatic CREAtion of Metadata Uses Onto-O-Mat + Amilcare Trainable for different domains Aligns conceptual markup (which defines relational metadata) provided by e. g. Ont. O-Mat with semantic markup provided by Amilcare

Annotated data in S-CREAM Annotated data in S-CREAM

Amilcare • Amilcare learns IE rules from preannotated data (e. g. using Ont-O-Mat) • Amilcare • Amilcare learns IE rules from preannotated data (e. g. using Ont-O-Mat) • Uses GATE (ANNIE) for pre-processing + applies rules learnt in training phase to new documents • Concepts need to be pre-defined, but system can be trained for new domain • Can be tuned towards precision or recall

Automatic methods • Sem. Tag • KIM • h-Techsight Automatic methods • Sem. Tag • KIM • h-Techsight

Sem. Tag and KIM • Sem. Tag and KIM both annotate webpages using instances Sem. Tag and KIM • Sem. Tag and KIM both annotate webpages using instances from an ontology • Main problem is to disambiguate such instances which occur in multiple parts of the ontology • Sem. Tag aims for accuracy of classification, whereas KIM aims more for recall (finding all instances) • KIM also uses IE to find new instances not present in ontology

Sem. Tag • Automated semantic tagging of large corpora, using TAP ontology (contains 65 Sem. Tag • Automated semantic tagging of large corpora, using TAP ontology (contains 65 K instances) • Largest scale semantic tagging effort to date • Uses concept of Semantic Label Bureau • Annotations are stored separately from web pages (standoff markup) • Uses corpus-wide statistics to improve quality of tagging, e. g. automated alias discovery • Tags can be extracted using a variety of mechanisms, e. g. search for all tags matching a particular object

Sem. Tag Architecture Sem. Tag Architecture

KIM • Uses an ontology (KIMO) with 86 K/200 K instances • Lookup phase KIM • Uses an ontology (KIMO) with 86 K/200 K instances • Lookup phase marks instances from the ontology • High ambiguity of instances with the same label (e. g. locations belonging to different countries) • Disambiguation uses an Entity Ranking algorithm, i. e. , priority ordering of entities with the same label based on corpus statistics • Lookup is combined with rule-based IE system (from GATE) to recognise new instances of concepts and relations • Special KB enrichment stage where some of these new instances are added to the KB

KIM (2) KIM (2)

h-Tech. Sight KMP • Knowledge management platform for fully automatic metadata creation and ontology h-Tech. Sight KMP • Knowledge management platform for fully automatic metadata creation and ontology population, and semi-automatic ontology evolution, powered by GATE and Tool. Box. • Data-driven analysis of ontologies enables trends of instances to be monitored • Uses GATE to support the instance-based evolution of ontologies in the Chemical Engineering domain. • Analysis of unrestricted text to extract instances of concepts from such ontologies • Instances populated into a domain-specific ontology and/or exported to an Access / Oracle database

1 2 3 4 Web site URL Visualisation of New Instances Ontology in Employment 1 2 3 4 Web site URL Visualisation of New Instances Ontology in Employment Analysis of Results Evolution of Ontologies DB

Ontology-based IE in h-Tech. Sight • Ontology-Based IE for semantic tagging of job adverts, Ontology-based IE in h-Tech. Sight • Ontology-Based IE for semantic tagging of job adverts, news and reports in chemical engineering domain • Semantic tagging used as input for ontological analysis • Fundamental to the application is a domainspecific ontology • Terminological gazetteer lists are linked to classes in the ontology • Rules classify the mentions in the text wrt the domain ontology • Annotations output into a database or as an ontology

Limitations • h-Techsight uses rule-based IE system • Requires human expert to write rules Limitations • h-Techsight uses rule-based IE system • Requires human expert to write rules • Accurate on restricted domains with small ontologies • Adaptation to a new domain / ontology may require some effort

Summary • Tradeoff between semi-automatic and fully automatic systems, dependent on application, corpus size Summary • Tradeoff between semi-automatic and fully automatic systems, dependent on application, corpus size etc • Tradeoff between rule-based and ML techniques for IE • Tradeoff between dynamic vs static systems