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Tech Review Checklist Please arrive at your Tech Review ready to present and discuss Tech Review Checklist Please arrive at your Tech Review ready to present and discuss all of the following information. The material in this presentation is a guide for a tech review – do not use this template in your presentation. 1 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Agenda • • 2 Company Overview (Limited to 10 mins) Quality Manufacturing Product design Agenda • • 2 Company Overview (Limited to 10 mins) Quality Manufacturing Product design Questions/Clarifications Packaging and logistics Commercial Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Company Overview (Limited to 10 mins) – Commercial Overview of Company – Resource Plan Company Overview (Limited to 10 mins) – Commercial Overview of Company – Resource Plan • Total corporate organization chart clearly identifying the resources allocated for each particular program quoted. • Staffing ramp up chart, engineering plan. – Program Timing Plan (ref. last slide) – Launches planned in next 5 years at manufacturing site. – Unigraphics Compliance and data communication process between Allison, your company and Tiered suppliers. – Program management and change management system. – Summarize the key technology, concept, or strategy on which your business is based. Show similar products currently producing. – Quality Certifications of organization and manufacturing facility. 3 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Company Overview (Continued) – Summarize the key technology, concept, or strategy on which your Company Overview (Continued) – Summarize the key technology, concept, or strategy on which your business is based. Show similar products currently producing. – Continuous Improvements – Investment in production technology and equipment as a % of sales last year. – Organizational charts and ownership structure – Free trade zone location – Other customers, main suppliers, outsourced processes 4 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Quality • • 5 Quality metrics – Internal PPM (Parts per million), External PPM, Quality • • 5 Quality metrics – Internal PPM (Parts per million), External PPM, Scrap %, – PPM reduction internal & external per year for the last 5 years – Delivery performance – Certifications (ie. TS, QS, ISO…) APQP (Advance Product Quality Planning) Typical traceability plan Provide quality control process and tools through development and production. – Preliminary PFMEA / Control Plan (a representative PFMEA/Control plan may be used if part-specific not available) Provide capability data on similar parts Provide plan to address or status on open action items from Potential Supplier Assessment (New Suppliers) Prevention of historical SQNs, Allison CPIT/IRT issues, lessons learned – 5 year history should be provided by ASQE – At a minimum include front page from 8 -steps Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Manufacturing • Follow the outline on the next page for machined castings if applicable; Manufacturing • Follow the outline on the next page for machined castings if applicable; if not follow a similar format for the commodity being quoted. • List the critical tolerances for the components being quoted & what is the proposed inspection method. • Provide examples of similar parts and tolerances your facility currently produces with the historical Cp. K values for those dimensions. • If any operations will be outsourced provide the company names that will conduct the outsourced operation. 6 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Manufacturing-Machined Casting Example • • • • • 7 Part Number-specific Process Flow Including: Manufacturing-Machined Casting Example • • • • • 7 Part Number-specific Process Flow Including: Manufacturing location, plant w/duns code, capacity, plant layout, manufacturing process validation plan Equipment brand, model, year, size Core Process - equipment brand, model, year, size, est. cycle time Molding Process - equipment brand, model, year, size, est. cycle time Flow modeling / simulation Special Manufacturing Techniques Special Tooling – material, size, patterns per mold, gating & riser locations Special Gauging Special Containment Procedures Special Testing Error Proofing/Detection with emphasis on pass-thru characteristics Tiered Suppliers – Any process/operations that is completed outside of manufacturing location must be included in process flow and supplier identified. Describe plan to manage your suppliers (in-house expertise, APQP, etc) Estimated cycle time Features/dimensions machined – emphasis on special characteristics Clamp and fixture location Part loading and unloading Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Product Design/ Manufacturability • Product description – – • • Technologies used Itemize quote Product Design/ Manufacturability • Product description – – • • Technologies used Itemize quote assumptions and exceptions to prints and Component Technical Specs. – – 8 Bill of Materials Illustrations, Exploded Views, etc. (New connectors, routing channels, etc. ) Review acceptance of Supplier Quality Manual Section by number (yes / no / exceptions) Review print dimensions & special specifications that are called out. Review details of material specification. Review any alternative design proposals being considered Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Product Design/ Manufacturability • Design & Process Validation Plan if design responsible – Analysis, Product Design/ Manufacturability • Design & Process Validation Plan if design responsible – Analysis, design and validation plan. – If not design responsible, Allison to review DVP&R with supplier • Testing/validation facilities and capabilities – Leak test – Functional test • Math Data capability- Unigraphics Compliance • Supplier Proposals to Improve Cost, Weight and Quality not constrained by Allison Mandatory Requirements. 9 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Packing and Logistics • Anticipated packaging design (AT 1703) – If returnable, ATI to Packing and Logistics • Anticipated packaging design (AT 1703) – If returnable, ATI to provide 1703 & Supplier to confirm acceptance – Need to understand alternate expendable packaging plan on parts where returnable containers are planned in case we get into a situation where we need to use an alternate pack plan – Provide detail costs for returnable and expendable packaging designs • • 10 Quoted Inco Term International Suppliers provide the warehouse name, address, and ship container load that was quoted Ship from address Review AT-1700 & AT-1724 and provide a list of any questions or exceptions Specify the Tariff classification List minimum purchase quantities if any Review Transportation and Routing instructions C-TPAT Certification (If available) Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Commercial • Review and feedback: Commercial Data • Provide and review: – Completed Cost Commercial • Review and feedback: Commercial Data • Provide and review: – Completed Cost Breakdown sheets (1804, 1810 documents) all operations must be broken down on 1804. – Costed BOM detail – Tooling cost, capacity & line-ups • Provide a list of your potential Tiered Suppliers and the selection criteria used. – Explain how tiered suppliers will meet capacity requirements 11 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Closing • Questions and clarifications • Supplier to recap action items, assign owners & Closing • Questions and clarifications • Supplier to recap action items, assign owners & dates • Commodity Manager to define next steps 12 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016

Required Forms • • • AT-1804 -Supplier Piece Cost Breakdown Worksheet- Every operation must Required Forms • • • AT-1804 -Supplier Piece Cost Breakdown Worksheet- Every operation must be listed AT-1810 -Production Tooling Cost Lineup – All tooling must be detailed out AT-1927 -02 Timing Chart AT-1927 Supplier Quality Manual AT-1927 -04 Required Quality Info AT-1927 -05 APQP Open Issues (from PSA if applicable) AT-1927 -19 Supplier Manufacturing Assessment Letter AT-1703 -Container Assumption AT-1960 -A Run at Rate Summary (Enter LCR and Calculated SCR) TS Certification Supplier Quality Best Practices *All forms are to be filled out completely and submitted before tech. review. With the exception of Supplier Quality Best Practices (provided by ASQE), all forms may be located on www. allisontransmission. com in Suppliers/Supplier Forms 13 Proprietary + Confidential AT-1927 -13 Revised 03/03/2016