Team: SOLAR CARS RENAISSANCE Solar Cars in Our Future Authors: Olga Tsessarski, Miguel Thomos, Jaka Petrovčič Eilat – Ludwigshafen – Ljubljana , December 2014
Introduction Photovoltaics developing alternative Work towards energy autarchy of the cities Clean solar energy fuel for vehicles
How solar cells work? Two different types of semi-conductor layers (sillicon) Two layers together => P-N junction Difference in electrons causes current
Brief history The first solar car was invented 60 years ago In 1981 Tholstrup built a solar powered race car in which he crossed Australia Breakthroughs First solar car through the years
Brief history New cars been developed… World Solar Modern racing solar car Challenge invented by Tholstrup, an australian solar car inventor
Advantages of solar cars NO AIR OR NOSIE POLLUTION The purchaser does not have to purchase USUAL fuel Cheaper and less regular maintenance service than conventional cars (Blue, 2014)
Current problems People are not driving solar cars now because: None commonly available in market Too small Design is not appealing to the consumer Not reliable, fuel problems
Dream cars? Nowadays solar cars Would you buy one like this?
The car solution • 4 seater • 120 km/h top speed • 80 k. W motor (Bosch) • 1000 kg full • 150 km range • 30000 $ 4 m 2 of semi-flexible solar panels 8 h recharging from the sun Grid battery charging: 4 h completely, 20 min for 80% full battery
Comparison Drag coefficient 0. 2 Drag coefficient: 0. 28 Electric motor Petrol motor 80 k. W 115 k. W
The city solution • State’s investment into solar panels near parking lots • Recharging cars from the grid(plug in), for a price Picture 6:
Conclusion These solutions would slowly convince the population to change their way of transport. Change the way of thinking Less consumptionate society
Sources: Blue, M. -L. The Pros and Cons of Using Solar Energy for Cars. [Online] 2014. [Cited 23 Nov 2014]. Accessible at the website: Interview with Dr Velko S. Rus, professor of social psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Ljubljana (http: //www. ff. uni-lj. si/en ), in November 2014
Pictures: Picture 1: http: //www. iuses. eu/materiali/eng/STUDENTS_HANDBOOKS/Transport_handbook. pdf Picture 2: http: //www. automostory. com/images/first-solar-car. jpg Picture 3: http: //hight 3 ch. com/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/Solar. Car. jpg Picture 4: http: //t 1. ftcdn. net/jpg/00/29/18/94/400_F_29189417_CXN 92 s. Ir. Bvr 6 v. Ls. IEDgk 12 NOl. Gqe 9 cb. B. jpg Picture 5: http: //www. youdrivewhat. com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/yd 17. jpg Picture 6: http: //www. mazda. co. uk/assets/master/cars/all-newmazda 3/hatchback/exterior/colourator/cars/1/m 3_allnew_hatchback_arctic_white. png Picture 7: http: //crte. org/images/parking/08 -parking-lot 1. jpg Picture 8: http: //cdn. wonderfulengineering. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Solar-Roof. Tiles. jpg