Teaching speaking and writing with monolingual dictionaries Boosting

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  • Количество слайдов: 11

Описание презентации Teaching speaking and writing with monolingual dictionaries Boosting по слайдам

Teaching speaking and writing with monolingual dictionaries Boosting active skills in the English classroomTeaching speaking and writing with monolingual dictionaries Boosting active skills in the English classroom

Albert Sidney Hornby (1898 -1978) The Man Who Made Dictionaries Albert Sidney Hornby (1898 -1978) The Man Who Made Dictionaries

Innovative approach to ELT by A. S.  Hornby • Teaching literature and studyingInnovative approach to ELT by A. S. Hornby • Teaching literature and studying • Studying texts • Study literary texts • Teaching real-life English • Teaching active skills (speaking & writing) through manageable chunks of language=definitions • Master current language Lobster a large shellfish with eight legs and two large claws. It is black and turns into scarlet when boiled In 1942 ASH used just 19 words in his simple definition of ‘lobster’. The Concise Oxford Dictionary , available at the time, used more than seventy.

CEF levels and dictionary definitions Bll my students are intermediate – how can theyCEF levels and dictionary definitions Bll my students are intermediate – how can they deal with definitions? !!!If my students are elementary and pre-intermediate – how can they deal with definitions? ! We have always used bilingual dictionaries!

CEF  benchmarking Common European Framework of reference for Languages CEF benchmarking Common European Framework of reference for Languages

Definitions    CEF levels A 1 -A 2 A person or thingDefinitions CEF levels A 1 -A 2 A person or thing which is dangerous may hurt you: It’s dangerous to drive a car at night without any lights B 1 -B 2 (for sb), (to do smth)likely to injure or harm sb, or to damage or to destroy smth Dangerously Dangerous ground Highly dangerous https: //elt. oup. com/catalogue/items/global/dictionaries/oxford_wordpowe r_dictionary/? cc=cz&sel. Language=cs&mode=hub

Dictionary lessons Dictionary lessons

OPR dictionaries  • Writing compositions entitled by proverbs • Proverbs as quotations •OPR dictionaries • Writing compositions entitled by proverbs • Proverbs as quotations • Translating proverbs • Speculating about proverbs ( Can we do that? When? How? ) Try these proverbs: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business Catchphrases: I was only obeying orders (the Nuremberg trials) –illegitimate defense I’ll be back! (Terminator) If anything can go wrong, it will (Murphy’s law)

Teaching ESP with OPR dictionaries Teaching ESP with OPR dictionaries

A 1 -A 2 B 1 -B 2 B 2 -C 2 A 1 -A 2 B 1 -B 2 B 2 —

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