Скачать презентацию Teaching Mathematics Mastery and ITE Claire Morse and Скачать презентацию Teaching Mathematics Mastery and ITE Claire Morse and


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Teaching Mathematics Mastery and ITE Claire Morse and Laura Clarke claire. morse@winchester. ac. uk Teaching Mathematics Mastery and ITE Claire Morse and Laura Clarke claire. morse@winchester. ac. uk laura. clarke@winchester. ac. uk

A shifting landscape of vocabulary mastery depth multiple representations cumulative curriculum complete and connected A shifting landscape of vocabulary mastery depth multiple representations cumulative curriculum complete and connected perspectives conceptual understanding variation intelligent practice fluency procedural fluency bar modelling practice, apply, clarify and explore

A return to established literature • • Dienes (1960) Bruner (1966) Gattegno (1967) Skemp A return to established literature • • Dienes (1960) Bruner (1966) Gattegno (1967) Skemp (1976) Piaget (1952) Liebeck (1984) Askew (1997) • • Lim (2007) Yu (2008) Lai (2012) Hodgen et al (2014) • Stobart (2014)

Stobart, G. (2014)The Expert Learner: Challenging the myth of ability. Mc. Graw Hill: Maidenhead Stobart, G. (2014)The Expert Learner: Challenging the myth of ability. Mc. Graw Hill: Maidenhead ‘How experts learn’ (chapter 2) Opportunity Motivation Extensive and long term deliberate practice Deep knowledge Extensive memory and skills Reflection

Positive Attitudes to Mathematics Developing Mathematics Specific Pedagogy Developing Mathematical Subject Knowledge Primary Mathematics Positive Attitudes to Mathematics Developing Mathematics Specific Pedagogy Developing Mathematical Subject Knowledge Primary Mathematics Teacher Developing a personal identity

Andrews, P. and Rowland, T. (2014) Master class in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Andrews, P. and Rowland, T. (2014) Master class in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning. Bloomsbury: London Chap, S. L. (2007) Characteristics of Mathematics Teaching in Shanghai, China: through the Lens of a Malaysian. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 19, (1) 77 -89 Fan, L. (2004) How Chinese learn mathematics: perspectives from insiders. Singapore: World Scientific Hodgen, J. , Monahagn, J. , Shen, F. and Staneff, T. (2014) Shanghai Mathematics exchange – views, plans and discussion. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 34(3), November 2014. Available at: http: //www. bsrlm. org. uk/IPs/ip 34 -3/BSRLM-IP-34 -3 -04. pdf Huiying, Y. (2008) A comparison of mathematical teachers’ beliefs between England China. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 28(2), June 2008. Available at: http: //www. bsrlm. org. uk/IPs/ip 28 -2/BSRLM-IP-28 -2 -21. pdf Rongjin, H. and Leung, F. , K. , S. (20005) Deconstructing Teacher Centeredness and Student Centeredness Dichotomy: A Case Study of a Shanghai Mathematics Lesson. The Mathematics Educator, 15, (2) 35 -41 Lai, M. Y (undated) Teaching with Procedural Variation: A Chinese Way of Promoting Deep Understanding of Mathematics. Available at: http: //www. cimt. plymouth. ac. uk/journal/lai. pdf NCETM (2014) Mastery approaches to mathematics and the new national curriculum. Available at: https: //www. ncetm. org. uk/public/files/19990433/Developing_mastery_in_mathematics_october_2014. pdf NCETM (2015) NCETM Mathematics Textbook Guidance. Available at: https: //www. ncetm. org. uk/files/21383193/NCETM+Textbook+Guidance. pdf

Lesson content is influenced by Lim, C. S. (2007) Characteristics of Mathematics Teaching in Lesson content is influenced by Lim, C. S. (2007) Characteristics of Mathematics Teaching in Shanghai, China: through the Lens of a Malaysian Mathematics Education Research Journal 19(1) 77 -89 Within our control • Teachers depth of SCK • Teachers depth of PCK • Teachers beliefs and attitudes • Learners beliefs and attitudes Beyond our control • • • Curriculum demands External assessment Cultural context Expectations of society Parental demands

Year 2: Children Learning Mathematics By the conclusion of this module, a student will Year 2: Children Learning Mathematics By the conclusion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to : • Understand how children develop conceptual understanding and mastery of mathematics and explore appropriate intervention • Trace progression in key ideas and identify equivalent ideas in different forms • Evaluate ways in which subject knowledge can be transformed to made accessible to all learners • Justify specific classroom practices with reference to research and relevant statutory and non-statutory curriculum documentation • Articulate developing priorities for mathematics teaching.

Year 3: The Development and Leadership of Primary Mathematics By the conclusion of this Year 3: The Development and Leadership of Primary Mathematics By the conclusion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to: • understand the role and responsibilities of the curriculum leader in mathematics; • articulate and communicate their vision and philosophy for primary mathematics education; • engage with current debates and thinking relating to good practice in primary mathematics learning and teaching; • develop mathematically rich tasks and experiences for primary children.

Year 4: Enhancing Practice through a Specialism At Level 6: • Critically examine an Year 4: Enhancing Practice through a Specialism At Level 6: • Critically examine an aspect of personal professional practice • Demonstrate knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills, which underpin the specialist curriculum area under enquiry • Use literature (including research, current national policy documents and inspection findings as appropriate) critically to inform and evaluate aspects of professional practice & values • Formulate and undertake an enquiry into an aspect of learning and teaching in the specified area in the primary context. And in addition at Level 7: • Raise issues, pose questions and identify problems and concerns related to the professional area under review • Synthesise information in a manner that may be innovative

Tensions, questions and next steps • National Curriculum and mastery • Student and tutor Tensions, questions and next steps • National Curriculum and mastery • Student and tutor ‘buy in’ • Cross department understanding of mastery • Definitions of mastery – sources? • Working in partnership • Teacher Standards (what is differentiation? Expectations for subject knowledge)

In conclusion • 18 month journey • Not easily packaged • Not just methodology In conclusion • 18 month journey • Not easily packaged • Not just methodology (changed how we teach as well as what we teach, mastery is an embedded pedagogy) • Transforming the programme … working with PS teams, other subject teams, Link Tutors, School Direct clusters • Keeping up to date with latest initiatives whilst maintaining the academic integrity of the programme • Developing students’ sense of being change agents