Скачать презентацию te ua nt rad me l g ge Скачать презентацию te ua nt rad me l g ge

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  • Количество слайдов: 14

te ua nt rad me l g ge a on ana ati f m te ua nt rad me l g ge a on ana ati f m ern l o Int oo sch 1

Анна Анатольевна Тимофеева 2 Анна Анатольевна Тимофеева 2

Мировая экономика 3 Мировая экономика 3

16 лекций Exam 8 семинаров 4 16 лекций Exam 8 семинаров 4

Лекции Теория мировой экономики 5 Лекции Теория мировой экономики 5

Семинары Доклады Тесты Опросы 6 Семинары Доклады Тесты Опросы 6

Final mark üУчастие на лекциях и семинарах: ответы на вопросы => => баллы в Final mark üУчастие на лекциях и семинарах: ответы на вопросы => => баллы в конце занятия ü Тесы => 1 -2 за 1 тест üДоклады (статьи с ответами) => 1 -7 scores üВопросы к статье in vk => 1 score for 1 question üЭкзамен: 10 questions (2 open questions) => 35 scores 7

Final mark The average of the maximum number of points of the three best Final mark The average of the maximum number of points of the three best students is taken for 100% Ø 90 % Ø 80 % Ø 65 % < 65 % 5 4 3 bad < 50 % very bad 8

9 9

No Mobile phones No IPads For the examination and tests 10 No Mobile phones No IPads For the examination and tests 10

Sources: https: //www. cia. gov/index. html The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent Sources: https: //www. cia. gov/index. html The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers. ЕМИСС - uniform interdepartmental statistical system fedstat. ru http: //www. weforum. org The World Economic Forum publishes a comprehensive series of reports which examine in detail the broad range of global issues it seeks to address with stakeholders as part of its mission of improving the state of the world. Besides reports on its key events and standalone publications such as the Global Competitiveness Report, the Global Risks Report and the Global Gender Gap Report, the Forum produces landmark titles covering the environment, education, individual industries and technologies. 11

http: //wdi. worldbank. org/tables http: //www. imf. org/external/data. htm#data International monetary fund МВФ http: http: //wdi. worldbank. org/tables http: //www. imf. org/external/data. htm#data International monetary fund МВФ http: // www. gks. ru The federal agency of government statistics 12

Anna_ti@ mail. ru 13 Anna_ti@ mail. ru 13

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