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TDK-EPC presentation CHIRS DING PMDB 1 -3 Specialist WPG China Inc. SHANGHAI, CN Oct. , 2012 EPCOS PRODUCT LINES & APPLICATIONS 2018/3/15 1
TDK-EPC presentation EPCOS Location 2018/3/15 2
TDK-EPC presentation 产品分类CATALOG 1:电容器Capacitors n 1. 1铝电解电容器Aluminium electrolytic capacitor n 1. 2用于电机运行的AC薄膜电容器AC fc incl. motor run n 1. 3功率因数校正电容器PFC capacitors n 1. 4 EMI抑制电容器EMI suppression capacitors n 1. 5薄膜电容器Film capacitors 2: RF产品/声表面波元件和模块 RF components/SAW components and modules 3: 传感器和传感器系统Sensors and sensor systems n 3. 1温测传感器Temperature sensors n 3. 2表贴SMD负温度系数热敏电阻SMD NTC Thermistors n 3. 3液位传感器Level sensors n 3. 4温限传感器Limit temperature sensors n 3. 5电机保护传感器Motor protection sensors n 3. 6压力传感器Pressure sensors 2018/3/15 一线电容: SANYO/RUBYCO CHICON/KZG/KZE NASONIC 二线电容: OST/JACKCON/TA N/NIPPON/TEAP 三线电容: SACON/GSC/CHO CHOCON/FCO 传感器: 霍尔/施克/RICK/图 库伯勒/海德汉/倍加 巴鲁夫/西门子/多摩 欧姆龙/三菱/施耐德 盟/ELTRA 3
电阻:Thinking/君耀/顺络 TDK-EPC presentation 产品分类CATALOG 松下/CHEMICON 放电管: 槟城/君耀/CN 4: 电子保护器件 电感: 美国:AEM、AVX、 n 4. 1电压保护 VISHAY威世 德国: Cera. Diodes/ 单片压敏电阻 EPCOS、WE 日本:KOA 气体放电管 兴亚、mu. Rata村田、 Panasonic松下、台湾:TA n 4. 2电流保护 -TECH台庆、TOKEN德键、 (浪涌电流抑制器/通讯保护用PTC/过电流保护PTC/) VIKING光颉、WALSIN华新 n 4. 3过热保护 科、YAGEO国巨 中国: FH风华、CODACA科达嘉、 (限温用PTC传感器/LED驱动器温度控制) Sunlord顺络 5:陶瓷开关和加热元件/压电元件 n 5. 1马达启动PTC 5. 2开关用PTC 5. 3加热用PTC 5. 4开关放电管 5. 5多层压电执行器 6:EMC滤波器 7:电感器(SMT电感器/片式功率电感器等) 8:铁氧体和附件 2018/3/15 4
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS COS a, 汽车Automotive onent a-1, 动力传动系统Power train ower in a-1 -1电池控制单元Battery control units ations a-1 -2发动机控制单元Engine control units a-1 -3电子马达驱动Electronic motor drives a-1 -4风机控制单元Fan control units a-1 -5柴油泵/柴油过滤器Fuel pumps/diesel filters a-1 -6启动发电机Starter generator a-1 -7启停系统Start Stop systems a-1 -8变速箱控制单元Transmission control units a-1 -9水泵Water pumps a-1, 动力传动 a-1 -1电池控制 a-1 -2发动机 a-1 -3电子马 a-1 -4风机控 a-1 -5柴油泵 filters a-1 -6启动发 a-1 -7启停系 a-1 -8变速箱 a-1 -9水泵W OS nent a-2, 电动交通用电子元件e-Mobility tions a-2 -1电池管理系统Battery management system a-2 -2升压转换器Boost converters 2018/3/15 5
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS a, 汽车Automotive a-2 -3直流转换器DC/DC converters a-2 -4电动机Electrical motors a-2 -5锂离子电池管理Lithium battery a-2 -6马达变频器Motor inverters a-2 -7车载充电器On-board chargers a-2 -8壁式充电器Wall chargers ations a-3, 便利性(仪表盘/空调控制/雨刷等) a-4, 安全系列(气囊/雷达/刹车灯光等)Safety 2018/3/15 6
l TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS b, 信息&通讯Information & Communications b-1, DSL的应用 DSL Applications b-2, 移动技术应用Mobile applications b-3, 数据处理系统Data processing systems 2018/3/15 b-1, DSL的应 b-1 -1电源 b-1 -2线卡 card/Modem b-1 -3无线 b-1 -4分离 b-2, 移动技术 b-2 -1基站 b-2 -2充电 b-2 -3无绳 b-2 -4智能 b-2 -5接收 -3, 数据处理系 systems b-3 -1服务 打印机 b-3 -2扫描 信 7
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS c, 业Industrial c-1, 电源和转换Power supply& conversion c-1 -1电池充电器Battery charger c-1 -2变频器Frequency converter c-1 -3开关电源SMPS c-1 -4不间断电源UPS c-2, 镇流器系统Ballast systems c-2 -1电子镇流器Electronic ballast c-2 -2节能灯Energy saving lamps c-2 -3磁性镇流器Magnetic ballast c-2 -4指示灯Indicator light c-3, 电能质量解决方案Power Quality Solutions(PQS) c-3 -1自动仪表读数Automated meter reading c-3 -2接地故障电路续断器Electronic power meter c-3 -3功率因数校正设施Power factor correction facilities c-3 -4浪涌保护模块Surge protection modules 2018/3/15 8
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS c, 业Industrial C-4, 自动化Automation c-4 -1通信系统Communication systems c-4 -2过电流过电压保护Over current and overvoltage protection c-4 -3液压与气动系统Pneumatic and hydraulic systems c-4 -4温度测量Temperature measurement C-5, 医疗器械Medical appliances c-5 -1麻醉设备Anesthesia equipment c-5 -2清洁设备Cleaning equipment c-5 -3 X光设备X-ray equipment C-6, 风能Wind energy c-6 -1电力驱动Electric drives c-6 -2驱动控制Drive control c-6 -3电子设备过压保护Overvoltage protection for electronic drives c-6 -4直流滤波DC filtering c-6 -5输出滤波Output filtering 2018/3/15 9
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS c, 业Industrial C-7, 光电系统Photovoltaic systems c-7 -1 DC EMI滤波DC EMI filtering c-7 -2升压变换器Boost converter c-7 -3电流隔离Galvanic isolation c-7 -4直流链路电容DC link c-7 -5 IGBT桥IGBT bridge c-7 -6交流EMI输出滤波AC EMI output filtering c-7 -7控制电路Control electronics c-7 -8缓冲器Snubbering C-8, 换热器系统Heat exchanger systems c-8 -1冷热水泵 c-8 -2换热器 c-8 -3蒸汽发电机 c-8 -4控制电路 2018/3/15 10
TDK-EPC presentation 应用领域APPLICATIONS d, 消费电子Consumer d-1, 家用电器Home Appliance d-1 -1控制单元Control unit d-1 -2洗碗机/干衣机/电冰箱Dishwasher/Dryer/Electric cooker d-1 -3冷藏箱/加热通风和空调Freezer/ d-1 -4洗衣机/煤气炉点火装置Washing machine/Ignition units d-1 -5电磁炉/微波炉/电冰箱Induction cooker/Microwave ocen/Refrigerator d-2, 娱乐电子产品Entertainment electronics d-2 -1投影机/DVD播放器刻录机Beamer/DVD player recorder d-2 -2音响系统/液晶电视Audio systems/Plasma TVs d-2 -3便携式设备/背投式电视Portable devices d-2 -4机顶盒/录像机/视频播放器Set top boxes/Video recorder d-2 -5锂电池/短程设备Li-Ion battery packs/Short range devices 2018/3/15 11
TDK-EPC presentation The End Thank you 2018/3/15 12