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Tax legislation of RK. System of taxes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Separate types of tax, order of their calculation and collection. • The tax right is a set of financial-law rules which regulate legal relationships between the state and taxpayers concerning formation of the income of the state budget by means of unilateral establishment and collection of taxes by the state.
Tax legislation of RK. • Main goal of a tax is the mission to serve as means of such redistribution of the national income at which the state in relationship with non-state subjects, forcibly withdrawing part of their income, there would be the owner of additional monetary resources, i. e. a formation of the income of the state budget.
Tax legislation of RK. • The tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan represents a set of normative legal acts which unite in itself the financial and law rules regulating tax legal relationships. Today the legislation reached such development which allows to speak about existence of separate and rather independent branch of the right – the tax legislation in system of the legislation of RK
Income tax • Income tax from legal entities and individuals is accrued and paid to the republican budget by all persons having the taxable income in RK , and for persons – residents of RK as well income gained by them outside RK.
Income tax • Payers of this tax are legal entities and individuals: citizens of RK, citizens of the foreign states and the stateless persons having the taxable income in tax year. Legal residents- persons who belong to payers of income tax, except National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and legal entities - nonresidents.
The land tax is charged and paid by all physical and legal entities having in possession or using the land plots.
The property tax belongs to local taxes of the RK and is charged and paid by all legal entities and individuals having on the property right, trust management by property, economic maintaining or operational management property objects.
Taxes and Taxation • Tax is an obligatory payment raised by a state from businesses and individuals. Taxation of enterprises(предприятий) and individuals is a main source of budget formation of all levels. • Tax legislation of the republic of Kazakhstan is based on the code of the Republic “ About taxes and other obligatory payments into budget “, accepted on June 12, 2001. • Nowadays 9 types of taxes and 13 dues , payments and duties and customs payments act in Kazakhstan. Depending of the ways of raising taxes are divided into direct and indirect.
Taxes and taxation Here are the taxes : • 1. corporate income tax • 2. individual income tax • 3. value added tax (VAT) • 4. excise-duty • 5. taxes and social payments of entrails-users • 6. social tax • 7. land tax • 8. tax on transport • 9. property tax.
Taxes and taxation • 1 Corporate income tax -payers are businesses , residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan except National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and state institutions and also businesses which are non-residents doing business in our country. • 2 Individual income tax- payers –are individuals , having taxable objects ( usually revenues) • 3 Vat –is an indirect tax on goods and services. The tax base –is a cost , added on each level of production and sale of goods. the added cost includes salary , per cent on credit, profit , expenses on electric power , transport, advertisement and so on. Price includes the total sum of Vat included by a businessman on all levels of goods promotion to the consumer.
Taxes and taxation • 4 Excise –duty –is an indirect tax. Goods, produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan and imported to the Republic of Kazakhstan are taxed by excise-duties. Payers of it are businesses and individuals who 1 produce excise-duty goods in our republic 2 import excise-duties goods to the customs – territory of our country. 3 conduct wholesale and retail track of petrol ( except aviation) , diesel –engine 4 conduct realization of confiscated , non-managed excise-duties goods 5 conduct exciseduty activity. List of excise-duties goods and activities are a) all types of alcohol drinks b) tobacco goods c) caviar d) jewelry e) petrol f) cars g) fire-arms h) oil • 5 Tax on entrails –users – is a tax on exploring and extracting of mineral resources. Payers are businesses. • 6 Land tax –is a local tax , payment for land by which owners and masters of land are taxed , it is included in the cost-price of output.
Taxes and taxation • 7 Tax on transport means payers are individuals and businesses , is paid every year. If you have transport , you are to pay this tax because your can pollute air. • 8 Property tax –is a type of direct taxes on movable property and realty. Payers are individuals and businesses. • 9 Social tax –is an obligatory payment . Payers are individuals and businesses. It is raised from them on satisfaction of social and cultural needs of population. Its means are accumulated in special funds ( Pension Fund , Fund of Social Defense of population. •