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Task Force on HPH and Age. Friendly Health Care (2013 - 2016) Shu-Ti Chiou, Task Force on HPH and Age. Friendly Health Care (2013 - 2016) Shu-Ti Chiou, MD, Ph. D, MSc Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan President, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services Global vice president of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Chair, International Task Force on Health Promoting Hospitals and Age-Friendly Health Care Chair, International Task Force on Health Promoting Hospitals and Environment T H P A

Outline n Task Force Goal and To. Rs n Task Force Members n Achievements Outline n Task Force Goal and To. Rs n Task Force Members n Achievements in HPH Global Strategies 20132015 p. WHO-HPH Standards and Indicators p. Teaching and Training p. Communication and Advocacy p. Advancement of Clinical Health Promotion Research n Next Steps 2 T H P A

Task Force Goal and Terms of References (To. Rs) 3 T H P A Task Force Goal and Terms of References (To. Rs) 3 T H P A

Task Force Goal and To. Rs n Goal: To innovate and adopt state-of-the-art knowledge Task Force Goal and To. Rs n Goal: To innovate and adopt state-of-the-art knowledge and best practices and help hospitals and health services develop age-friendly culture, structures, decisions, and processes to improve health gain for older persons in and by healthcare settings. n Terms of References (To. Rs) p p p Visualizing age-friendly health care issues in existing HPH Models and Tools (e. g. WHO Standards for HP in Hospitals, HPH Model for documentation of HP activities and DRG, HPH Data); Giving examples on best evidence practice related to HPH Models and Tools (Evidence, staff competences and patient preferences); Developing an internationally applicable framework on age-friendly health care; Developing tools and shared indicators for monitoring, benchmarking and improving performance and age-friendliness; Disseminating the best practice examples and HPH Models and Tools through the network and increasing the health professionals’ competence on agefriendly health care; Establishing a database for age-friendly hospitals and health services programs. 4 T H P A

Task Force Members (11 countries, 15 members) n Chair : 1. Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou, Task Force Members (11 countries, 15 members) n Chair : 1. Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou, Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan (HPH Member) n HPH Coordinators: 2. Dr. Tiiu Härm, Coordinator of Estonia HPH Network 3. Ms. Ioanna Petroulia, Assistant to Coordinator of Greek HPH Network; Clinical Neuropsychologist of Center for Health Services Research, University of Athens 4. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Sommeregger , Coordinator of Austria HPH Network 5. Ms. Marit Kise, Representative of Coordinator of Norwegian HPH Network n International HPH Secretariat: 6. Mr. Jeff Svane Technical Officer, International HPH Secretariat, WHOCC, Denmark 5 T H P A

Task Force Members (11 countries, 15 members) n Age-friendly Experts 7. 8. 9. 10. Task Force Members (11 countries, 15 members) n Age-friendly Experts 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Dr. Yu-Chen Chang, Director of Community Health Department, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan Dr. Belinda Parke, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada Dr. Barbara Liu, Executive Director of Regional Geriatric Program Toronto; Program Director of Geriatric Medicine Postgraduate Program, University of Toronto, Canada Prof. Marie Boltz, Director of Practice Initiatives at the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, USA; NICHE Practice Director Mr. Herbert Habets , Geriatric Clinical Nurse Specialist / Nurse Scientist of Orbis Medisch Centrum, Sittard – Geleen; Senior Lecturer of Zuyd University, Heerlen, Netherlands Prof. Cheng-Chieh Lin, Dean, College of Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan Prof. Feng-Hua Lu, Associate Professor, Institute of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Mr. Takao Suzuki, Research Institute, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan (Invited on April 1 st , 2014, currently waiting for reply) Prof. Finbarr Martin, Professor, medical gerontology, Kings College London; NHS consultant, Geriatrics and General Medicine, UK (Invited on March 31 st , 2014 , currently waiting for reply) 6 T H P A

Achievements in HPH Global Strategies 7 T H P A Achievements in HPH Global Strategies 7 T H P A

1. WHO-HPH Standards and Indicators 8 T H P A 1. WHO-HPH Standards and Indicators 8 T H P A

Framework of Age-friendly Hospitals and Health Services n Taiwan’s Framework of Age-friendly Hospitals and Framework of Age-friendly Hospitals and Health Services n Taiwan’s Framework of Age-friendly Hospitals and Health Services n Developed based on: p WHO age-friendly principles p WHO Standards of Health Promoting Hospitals n World’s first government-driven, nationwide Age-Friendly Hospitals and Health Services Recognition + → 9 T H P A

HPH and Age-friendly Health Care Manual n Task Force has appointed Mr. Jeff Svane HPH and Age-friendly Health Care Manual n Task Force has appointed Mr. Jeff Svane (Technical Officer of the International HPH Secretariat and TF member) to draft the Manual of HPH and Age-friendly Health Care based on the WHO HPH standards. n The manual will be completed by 2015. 10 T H P A

2. Teaching and Training 11 T H P A 2. Teaching and Training 11 T H P A

1. E-learning (1/2) n “E-journal of HPH Taiwan” is circulated to all HPH and 1. E-learning (1/2) n “E-journal of HPH Taiwan” is circulated to all HPH and age-friendly hospitals and services in Taiwan every 2 months. n The news on the establishment of this TF, the information relating to the Symposium on HPH and Age-friendly Health Care in Sweden in May 2013, and the Symposium during the 20 th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in Seoul, Korea in June 2013, are shared in No. 64 issue of International HPH newsletter, published October 2013. n Best practice examples of age-friendly hospitals are collected and shared on HPA website: http: //www. hpa. gov. tw/BHPNet/Web/Health. To pic/Topic. Article. aspx? No=201206250001&par entid=201110140004 No. 64 issue of International HPH newsletter 12 T H P A

1. E-learning (2/2) n The Power. Point slides of the speakers from Symposium on 1. E-learning (2/2) n The Power. Point slides of the speakers from Symposium on HPH and Age-friendly Health Care during the 21 st International HPH Conference are shared on the TF website: http: //www. hphnet. org/component/content/article/20 -members/tf 1/2123 -hph-and-agefriendly-health-care n Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou and Dr. Yu-Chen Chang (Task Force member, Director of Community Health Department, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan) were invited by Mc. Kinsey’s Company to record webinar sessions introducing Age. Friendly Hospitals and Health Services, which were released in October 2013. The webinars are also available via HPA website: http: //www. hpa. gov. tw/English/News. Show. aspx? No=201310230001 Webinar session: Development and Application of a Framework of Age-Friendly Health Care in Taiwan 13 T H P A

2. Support – 1/2 n n One domestic workshop on was held in August, 2. Support – 1/2 n n One domestic workshop on was held in August, 2013, to recruit, encourage, and assist healthcare organizations to participate the recognition. Healthcare organizations that passed the recognition were presented with certificates during the annual award ceremony on November 15 th. In addition, the superintendents of award-winning hospitals were invited to share their experiences of age-friendly hospitals during the ceremony. Dr. Yu-Chen Chang presents during age-friendly workshop T H Deputy-Minister Lin of Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Dr. P 14 Chiou gives out certificate to healthcare organization that passed A the recognition during Award Ceremony, 2013

2. Support – 2/2 n n HPA subsidized local health authorities to recruit healthcare 2. Support – 2/2 n n HPA subsidized local health authorities to recruit healthcare organizations in promoting health promotion, among 136 participating health organizations, 52 chose the topic of age-friendly health care and services in 2013. Two articles introducing age-friendly health care and services and the TF were published in 2013: No. 179, October Issue Common Health Magazine and No. 317, November Issue, Common. Wealth Magazine. 15 Magazine articles introducing age-friendly health care and services and Task Force T H P A

3. Communication & Advocacy 16 T H P A 3. Communication & Advocacy 16 T H P A

International Symposia – 1/6 n 2013. 05. 23 --a Symposium on HPH and Age-Friendly International Symposia – 1/6 n 2013. 05. 23 --a Symposium on HPH and Age-Friendly Health Care during the 21 st International HPH Conference n 2013. 06. 09 --a Pre-conference on 8 th Global Conference on Health Promotion (GCHP), Helsinki, Finland n 2013. 06. 17 a Pre-conference on 38 th International Hospital Federation (IHF) in Oslo, Norway n 2013. 06. 24 –a symposium during 20 th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in Seoul, South Korea n 2013. 09. 23 – Leading Systems Network (LSN) Global Conference, London, UK n 2013. 09. 30 – HPH Autumn School in Tallinn, Estonia n 2013. 11. 22 -25 --2013 Global Health Forum in Taiwan T H P A

International Symposia – 2/6 n Pre-conference on 8 th Global Conference on Health Promotion International Symposia – 2/6 n Pre-conference on 8 th Global Conference on Health Promotion (GCHP), Helsinki, Finland n Pre-conference on 38 th International Hospital Federation (IHF) in Oslo, Norway Co-organizers: Co-organizer: International Network of HPH International Hospital Federation T H P A 18

International Symposia – 3/6 n Symposium on HPH and Age-Friendly n Health Care During International Symposia – 3/6 n Symposium on HPH and Age-Friendly n Health Care During the 21 st International HPH Conference Coorganizer: International Network of HPH a symposium during the 20 th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in Seoul, South Korea Co-organizer: Alberta University, Canada T H P A 19

International Symposia – 4/6 n HPH Autumn School in Tallinn, Estonia Co-organizers Estonian Network International Symposia – 4/6 n HPH Autumn School in Tallinn, Estonia Co-organizers Estonian Network of HPH National Institute for Health Development n A speech in Leading Systems Network (LSN) Global Conference, London, UK organizer: Mckinsey’s Company T H P A 20

International Symposia – 5/6 n 2013 Global Health Forum in Taiwan Co-organizers: Ministry of International Symposia – 5/6 n 2013 Global Health Forum in Taiwan Co-organizers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Health and Welfare T H P A 21

International Symposia – 6/6 n Symposium on Health Care and Healthy Ageing p p International Symposia – 6/6 n Symposium on Health Care and Healthy Ageing p p p Time: 2014. 04. 24 – 11: 00 -12: 30 (90 min) Venue: Plenary Hall, Hotel Fira Palace, Barcelona, Spain Moderators: p p p Speakers: p p n Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou(Director General, Health Promotion Administration, Taiwan/ Chair of International Task Force on HPH and Age-friendly Health Care) Prof. Cheng-Chieh Lin (Dean, College of Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan) Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel, President of the European Union Geriatric Society/ Chairman of the EUGMS Board Prof. Liang-Kung Chen, Professor, Aging and Health Research Center, National Yang Ming University School of Medicine/ Director, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan Dr. Ding-Cheng Chan, Acting director, Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan Dr. Ming-Yueh Chou, Geriatric Medicine Center, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan Welcome!! T H P A 22

5. Advancement of Clinical Health Promotion Research 23 T H P A 5. Advancement of Clinical Health Promotion Research 23 T H P A

Contribution n 1 article was published in 2009, which has also been submitted to Contribution n 1 article was published in 2009, which has also been submitted to scientific library of International HPH network website: p Shu-Ti Chiou, Liang-Kung Chen, Towards age-friendly hospitals and health services, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 49, Supplement 2, December 2009, Pages S 3 -S 6, ISSN 0167 -4943, http: //dx. doi. org/10. 1016/S 0167 -4943(09)70004 -4. 217 posers and 40 orals submissions from Taiwan to the 21 st HPH International Conference were accepted, which included 2 orals and 36 posters on the topic of age-friendly health care and services. Dr. Chang Yu-Cheng (Task Force member, Director of Community Health Department, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan) was invited to submit a manuscript in Supplement of Clinical Health Promotion Journal, which will be disseminated to TF members after it is published. 24 T H P A

Research n In order to assist healthcare organizations in enhancing the ability of older Research n In order to assist healthcare organizations in enhancing the ability of older persons and their families in controlling and monitoring health, preventing and delaying onset of dementia, the advanced project of “Recognition of Age-Friendly Hospitals and Health Services” is currently underway, and its pilot study is expected to proceed before December, 2014. 25 T H P A

Next Steps? 26 T H P A Next Steps? 26 T H P A

Next Steps n To further highlight the co-benefits of age-friendly health care during international Next Steps n To further highlight the co-benefits of age-friendly health care during international events, such as the 2014 International HPH Conference. n To develop tools that monitor the effects of Age-Friendly Hospitals and Health Services. n To maintain the TF website and continue to collect best practice examples. n To encourage healthcare organizations which passed the recognition to submit articles to journals or conferences n To finalize the manual on HPH and Age-friendly Health Care n To assist other National/Regional HPH Networks to apply the Framework of Age-friendly Hospitals and Health Services for Recognition of Age-Friendly Hospitals and Health Services 27 T H P A

Promotion, Prevention, Protection, Participation! Taiwan Health Promotion Administration Ministry of Health & Welfare Promotion, Prevention, Protection, Participation! Taiwan Health Promotion Administration Ministry of Health & Welfare