Sponsorship Korobeinikova Tanya.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 6
Tanya Korobeinikova 521 -1 A 1
Adidas AG German industrial group specializing in the production of sports shoes, clothing and equipment
Adidas Performance - is the direction of the company, which brought together both modern technology to facilitate training athletes, and is characterized by such an integral indicators as modernity of equipment for sports, innovations, breakthrough technologies, "smart products".
Adidas Telstar ball is the official ball of the World Cup held in Mexico. "Adidas" becomes the title sponsor of the Olympic Games in Munich, West Germany and winning the European Championship in football. The appearance of the famous "shamrock" of the company. Three sheets indicate the presence of the company on three continents. At the Olympics, athletes suited up in "Adidas", won 75 gold, 86 silver and 88 bronze medals
Adidas - one of the major advertisers, making emphasis on television advertising featuring international stars. Adidas is also well known for his large sponsorship contracts with famous athletes and sports teams, especially in football. Adidas signed sponsorship contracts with well-known football clubs as, Milan, FC Bayern Munchen, Real Madrid, FC Chelsea, FC Dynamo (Kiev), FC Dynamo (Moscow), FC Liverpool.
References. Http: //www. adidas. ru/ http: //www. genon. ru/Get. Answer. aspx? qid=7 ef 53 b 8 f-4 c 46 -4 c 43 -9867 -5 f 21 a 949 d 319
Sponsorship Korobeinikova Tanya.pptx