Скачать презентацию TALIS Teaching and Learning International Survey Accession Seminar Скачать презентацию TALIS Teaching and Learning International Survey Accession Seminar


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TALIS: Teaching and Learning International Survey Accession Seminar for Israel 22 November 2011 Julie TALIS: Teaching and Learning International Survey Accession Seminar for Israel 22 November 2011 Julie Bélanger OECD/CERI

Effective teaching and teachers are key to producing high performing students TALIS is the Effective teaching and teachers are key to producing high performing students TALIS is the first international survey to focus on the learning environment and the working conditions of teachers in schools 2

Countries look for answers to: How well are teachers prepared today to face the Countries look for answers to: How well are teachers prepared today to face the diverse challenges in schools? How efficiently do appraisal and feedback incite good teaching and support teachers’ development needs? How can policy makers ensure that resources invested in teachers’ professional development will have a positive impact on teachers’ work? 3

What is TALIS? TALIS fills key international (and national) data gaps on teachers, teaching What is TALIS? TALIS fills key international (and national) data gaps on teachers, teaching and the impact that teachers can have on student learning TALIS provides an opportunity for teachers and school principals to give input into educational analysis and policy development in key policy areas TALIS has high level policy support in OECD countries. TALIS is a collaborative efforts between governments, OECD, teachers’ unions and an International Consortium TALIS operates with representative samples: Ø 200 schools, 20 teachers, all randomly selected 4

TALIS 2008 5 TALIS 2008 5

Overview of TALIS 2008 • Teachers and principals of lower secondary education (ISCED 2) Overview of TALIS 2008 • Teachers and principals of lower secondary education (ISCED 2) • 45 -minute questionnaire (paper or online) • Focus: Policies and practices to support effective teaching and learning: – Appraisal of teachers and feedback to teachers – Teaching practices, attitudes and beliefs – School leadership – Professional development of teachers 6

TALIS 2008: 24 Countries • • Australia Austria Belgium (Fl) Brazil Bulgaria Denmark Estonia TALIS 2008: 24 Countries • • Australia Austria Belgium (Fl) Brazil Bulgaria Denmark Estonia Hungary • • Iceland Ireland Italy Korea Lithuania Malta Malaysia Mexico • • • Netherlands * Norway Poland Portugal Spain Slovak Republic • Slovenia • Turkey 7

TALIS 2008 Outputs • One general international report: Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments TALIS 2008 Outputs • One general international report: Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments (2009) • Three thematic reports: – Teachers’ professional development (EC) – Working conditions of new teachers – Teaching practices and innovation in schools 8

Some Key Messages from TALIS 2008 One in four teachers in most TALIS countries Some Key Messages from TALIS 2008 One in four teachers in most TALIS countries lose at least 30% of their lesson time, and some lose more than half through classroom disruptions and administrative tasks. (TALIS 2008) 9

Some Key Messages from TALIS 2008 • • Teachers who receive more professional development Some Key Messages from TALIS 2008 • • Teachers who receive more professional development feel more effective Teachers who hold stronger beliefs about teaching methods, report more collaborative behavior with colleagues, more positive teacherstudent relations, and feel more effective Teachers who receive recognition for good performance from the principal or colleagues feel more effective The impact of school leadership on learning is indirect and mitigated through the actions of teachers

TALIS 2008: Appraisal & Feedback Appraisal and feedback increases teachers’ job satisfaction, job security TALIS 2008: Appraisal & Feedback Appraisal and feedback increases teachers’ job satisfaction, job security and their development as teachers. • One in five teachers surveyed in schools had not had a selfevaluation in the past five years. • Only a minority of teachers reported that appraisal and evaluation affects their professional development (0 ne in four), their career development (one in six) or their pay (one in ten). • Three-quarters reported that they receive no recognition for improving the quality of their teaching. • Three-quarters said that they would not be rewarded for being innovative. 11

Average days of professional development undertaken Comparison of the level and intensity of participation Average days of professional development undertaken Comparison of the level and intensity of participation in professional development Percentage of teachers undertaking professional development

Percentage of teachers who wanted to participate in more development Percentage of teachers who wanted to participate in more development

Percentage of teachers reporting a high level of professional development need Percentage of teachers reporting a high level of professional development need

Impact of professional development and participation Impact of professional development and participation

TALIS 2013 17 TALIS 2013 17

TALIS is growing! 33 confirmed countries - new in green Confirmed Australia Belgium (Fl. TALIS is growing! 33 confirmed countries - new in green Confirmed Australia Belgium (Fl. ) Brazil Bulgaria Canada (Alberta) Chile Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Iceland Israel Italy Japan Korea Latvia Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Singapore Slovak Republic Spain Sweden UK (England) UAE (Abu Dhabi) USA 18

Innovations in TALIS 2013 • New questionnaire items and indicators • Wider coverage: Elementary Innovations in TALIS 2013 • New questionnaire items and indicators • Wider coverage: Elementary and upper secondary level options (ISCED 1 and 3) • Linking to student outcomes: Optional school-level link to PISA 2012 • Getting closer to teaching practices: Pilot video study of teaching practices 19

International Options ISCED 1 ISCED 3 PISA link Belgium (Fl. ) Denmark Finland Mexico International Options ISCED 1 ISCED 3 PISA link Belgium (Fl. ) Denmark Finland Mexico Norway Poland Australia Denmark Finland Iceland Italy Mexico Norway Singapore Abu Dhabi Poland Australia Finland Latvia Mexico Portugal Romania Spain Singapore 20

TALIS 2013 Content Countries’ stated priorities Furthering findings from 1 st round and PISA TALIS 2013 Content Countries’ stated priorities Furthering findings from 1 st round and PISA Trends between TALIS rounds Proposed content 21

TALIS 2013: Purpose & Dimensions TALIS goal: Increase the international information available to OECD TALIS 2013: Purpose & Dimensions TALIS goal: Increase the international information available to OECD countries on teachers, teaching, and the impact that teachers can have on student learning Information on teaching workforce and conditions of teaching Increased emphasis on how these conditions affect the pedagogical aspects of teachers’ work, as well as schools’ and teachers’ effectiveness 22

Main Themes Ø Initial teacher training Ø Induction, mentoring, and professional development Ø Appraisal Main Themes Ø Initial teacher training Ø Induction, mentoring, and professional development Ø Appraisal and feedback Ø School climate Ø School leadership Ø Teaching practices and beliefs, student assessment • Mathematics module 23

Some New Indicators • School leadership: Distributed leadership • Principal PD • Initial teacher Some New Indicators • School leadership: Distributed leadership • Principal PD • Initial teacher training and how well it prepares for teaching • Access to induction and mentoring • School climate: Parent-teacher and parentschool relations 24

Some New Indicators (cont. ) • Teachers’ beliefs about student assessment practices • Profile Some New Indicators (cont. ) • Teachers’ beliefs about student assessment practices • Profile of teaching practices in mathematics 25

Why a link to PISA 2012? Provide a context for teacher and principal responses Why a link to PISA 2012? Provide a context for teacher and principal responses Benefits of PISA link for TALIS Allow policy issues to be analysed in the context of student performance and equity 26

Opportunities for policy analysis Examine associations between teacher and school professional practices with student Opportunities for policy analysis Examine associations between teacher and school professional practices with student outcomes at the school level. For example: How is the academic profile of students in school related to teachers’ : – stated needs for professional development? – likelihood of participating in in-service training? – evaluation of the impact of their training on their work? 27

Video study • Why? – To get closer to the quality of teachers and Video study • Why? – To get closer to the quality of teachers and teaching and to obtain more objective information on teaching practices. • Status: – Planning stage to lead to a proposal in 2012 for a 3 -year pilot study 28

TALIS 2013 Timeline Activity Pilot Date August - September 2011 Field trial March/April 2012 TALIS 2013 Timeline Activity Pilot Date August - September 2011 Field trial March/April 2012 Main study- Southern Hemisphere Sept-December 2012 Main study- Northern Hemisphere March-May 2013 Initial report June 2014 29

Thank you for listening! julie. belanger@oecd. org www. oecd. org/TALIS 30 Thank you for listening! julie. belanger@oecd. org www. oecd. org/TALIS 30