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TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED after ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Tajik technical University (TTU) named TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED after ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Tajik technical University (TTU) named after academician M. S. Osimi, was founded in 1956 by the Council of Ministers of the USSR as Stalinabad Polytechnic Institute and is the first and leading higher technical educational institution in Tajikistan. In 1961 Stalinabad Polytechnic Institute was renamed into the Tajik Polytechnic Institute (TPI). 2

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI In 1992, the Cabinet of TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI In 1992, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan Tajik Polytechnic Institute was awarded the status of Technical University. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in 1997 Tajik Technical University named after the first rector, the famous scholar and statesman Muhammad Osimi 3

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Type the University: the state; TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Type the University: the state; Preparation of specialists is: the state budget and on a contractual basis; Contingent: over 15, 000 students, post-graduate students, trainees (excluding the branch and colleges); Period of training: 1) Preparatory Department foreign citizens - 10 months; 2) bachelor's degree - 4 years; 3) certified specialist - 5 years; 4) master degree - 2 years; 5) post - graduate studies-3 years 4

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Graduates are issued: 1) Certificate TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Graduates are issued: 1) Certificate of completion of the preparatory Department (the owner of the Certificate has the right to enter the University or Institute without entrance examinations), 2) Diploma of bachelor of science, 3) Diploma 4) a Diploma of master of science, 5) Diploma of candidate of Sciences. Academic year: two semesters - fall and spring, which start in September and February. Learning languages: Tajik and Russian. 5

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Currently preparation of specialists is TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Currently preparation of specialists is conducted on a budgetary and contractual basis 57 specialties 48 Humanities, General education, General engineering and profile Department. Work is underway to equip the laboratories with the latest machines and devices. Computer classes are equipped with all necessary for the educational process equipment and have free access to the global Internet network that helps teachers use the latest teaching methods, and provides access to current information. With the help of the Government of India is carrying out preparatory work on the creation of a Tool shop and the school of mechanical center at the faculty. 6

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Since 2000, the University implemented TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Since 2000, the University implemented a system of remote open education, allowing students receive certificates, and diplomas of some of the leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, including Moscow Institute of steel and alloys (technological University) and Moscow state University of Economics, statistics and Informatics. Training in the Center of distance education is conducted with use of modern information technologies. There is an opportunity to get the second education, specialists training in occupations that are not in the universities and institutions of Tajikistan. 7

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Information and communication technology has TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI Information and communication technology has greatly expanded the possibilities of the University for practical implementation of the concept of continuous education. The University is the leading educational institution of the project TARENA to ensure Internet access higher education institutions and research institutions in the city of Dushanbe. 8

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI About 40 percent of University TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI About 40 percent of University teachers have scientific degrees and titles, among them are full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Republican, branch and international Academies, awarded honorary titles. Library facilities of the University consists of more than 500 thousand books, textbooks and manuals. The electronic library of the University. 9

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI For years of existence the TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI For years of existence the University has trained more than 45, 000 engineers, architects, economists, industry and scientific-pedagogical specialists of the highest qualification, who work in Tajikistan, in the countries of near and far abroad. Among the graduates may meet famous scientists, academicians and member-correspondents of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, International and Republican branch academies, doctors and candidates of Sciences, professors and associate professors, statesmen and public figures. 10

TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI University includes 8 faculties (Energy; TAJIK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. S. OSIMI University includes 8 faculties (Energy; Information and communication technologies; Mechanical engineering; architecture and Construction; Transport; Management and transport construction; Chemical technology and metallurgy, Engineering and management), the office for international relations (with the Preparatory Department foreign citizens), the Department of work with students on a contractual basis, Khujand Polytechnic Institute (Mechanical and Technological faculty) and Dushanbe technical College. 11

Faculties, Departments and specializations Faculties, Departments and specializations

Faculty of energy The energy faculty of the university is the largest faculty of Faculty of energy The energy faculty of the university is the largest faculty of the University and exists from the moment of its foundation. Departments: Automated electric and electric machines, Electricity, Power Plants, Physics, Theoretical Foundations of radio and electrical engineering, heat-and heat engineering equipment installation. 13

Faculty of energy Specialties: Power Plants, Alternative and renewable sources of energy; Electricity; Relay Faculty of energy Specialties: Power Plants, Alternative and renewable sources of energy; Electricity; Relay protection and automation of power systems Radio engineering, electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes, Industrial and Process Heating. 14

Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies The faculty is one of the leading teaching Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies The faculty is one of the leading teaching and research departments of the University, a leading training in information and communication technology and management, organized on the basis of a number of specialties Energy Departments: Automated Information Processing and Management, Computer Science, Communication networks and switching systems; Advanced Mathematics. 15

факультет информационно-коммуникационных технологий Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Specialties: Communication networks and switching факультет информационно-коммуникационных технологий Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Specialties: Communication networks and switching systems, automated data processing systems and management information systems and technology. The professions in the Faculty of the years studied: MU Ubaidulloev Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mondal Shoumal - Professor, University of London (citizen of Bangladesh), etc. 16

Mechanics and Technology Faculty Some specialty department run since the opening of the university. Mechanics and Technology Faculty Some specialty department run since the opening of the university. Departments: Mechanical engineering, machine tools and cutting tools, technology, machinery and equipment of primary processing of cotton, Life Safety and Environment; Materials, metallurgical machinery; Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics. 17

Mechanics and Technology Faculty Specialties: Mechanical Engineering, Machine Tools and Tools, equipment and technology Mechanics and Technology Faculty Specialties: Mechanical Engineering, Machine Tools and Tools, equipment and technology improve the wear resistance and restoration of parts of machines and apparatus; Metallurgical machinery and equipment, Printing machinery and automated systems, technology and equipment production of natural fibers, textile technology, printing production technology, environmental engineering protection. 18

Faculty of Construction and Architecture The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, as one of Faculty of Construction and Architecture The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, as one of the oldest faculties existed since the founding of the university. Department of Architecture, Urban Construction and Management; Underground facilities, bases and foundations, industrial and civil engineering, seismology and earthquake engineering, engineering surveying, Heat and ventilation, building production technology organization, Water supply and sanitation. 19

Faculty of Construction and Architecture Specialties: Industrial and civil construction; Urban Construction and Management, Faculty of Construction and Architecture Specialties: Industrial and civil construction; Urban Construction and Management, Production of building materials, products and structures, Heat and ventilation, water supply and drainage; Mining and Underground Construction, Architecture, Architectural Environment, Comprehensive utilization and protection of water resources, expertise, and management of real estate. 20

Faculty of transport The Faculty was founded in 2007 on the basis of some Faculty of transport The Faculty was founded in 2007 on the basis of some special automobile and road department, training in some specialties which started in 1956, as well as a number of specialties of the former Institute of Transport Tajikistan. Departments: Railway Rolling Stock, Maintenance of air transport, road transport operation, transport and technological machines and systems, theory of mechanisms, machines and machine parts. 21

факультет транспорта Specialties: Locomotives, wagons; Operation of air transport and air traffic management, Maintenance факультет транспорта Specialties: Locomotives, wagons; Operation of air transport and air traffic management, Maintenance of aircraft and engines, in car industry, organization and traffic safety, service and technical operation of transport and technological machines and equipment, Hoisting, construction and road machines and equipment. 22

Faculty of Management and Transport Construction The faculty was founded in 2007 on the Faculty of Management and Transport Construction The faculty was founded in 2007 on the basis of certain professions automobile-road of the faculty. Preparation of experts on specialties of the faculty, except for specialties «Automobile roads and aerodromes» and «Organization of transportation and management of motor transport» to produce specialists that are under way since the early seventies, has a little story. Department: the Organization of transportations and transport management; Construction of Railways, bridges and transport tunnels; motorways and aerodromes; Foreign languages; Tajik and Russian languages. 23

Faculty of Management and Transport Construction Specialties: Organization and management of air transport; Organization Faculty of Management and Transport Construction Specialties: Organization and management of air transport; Organization and management of railway transport; Organization and management of road transport, construction of railways, road and track facilities, bridges and transport tunnels, highways and airports. 24

Faculty Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy The faculty was founded in 1995. Some specialties Faculty Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy The faculty was founded in 1995. Some specialties of the faculty was opened in early 1960. Department of General and inorganic chemistry; Physical and analytical chemistry; metallurgy of non-ferrous metals, Technology of electrochemical production; Chemical technology of inorganic materials. 25

Faculty Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy Specialty: Chemical technology of inorganic substances; Technology of Faculty Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy Specialty: Chemical technology of inorganic substances; Technology of electrochemical production; Chemical technology of tightfuse nonmetallic and silicate materials; non-ferrous metallurgy; Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals; physical Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. 26

Faculty Of Engineering Business And Management The faculty was established on the basis of Faculty Of Engineering Business And Management The faculty was established on the basis of the engineering, economic and management disciplines of the University in 1996. Training of specialists in some specialties of the faculty began in the late sixties. Department: Production management; Economics and management in construction; Economy and management in transport, Economics and production management; Fundamentals of economic theory. 27

Faculty Of Engineering Business And Management Specialties: Industrial management; security Management; Environmental management; Economics Faculty Of Engineering Business And Management Specialties: Industrial management; security Management; Environmental management; Economics and management in construction; Economy and management in transport; Information systems and technologies in economy and in transport, Economics and industrial management; Economics and management in power engineering and communications; State and municipal management. 28


postgraduate studies Specialties: Thermo physics and theoretical the heating, Polymer physics, inorganic chemistry, physical postgraduate studies Specialties: Thermo physics and theoretical the heating, Polymer physics, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, Theory of machines, drive systems and machine parts, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Machines, Electrical materials and products; Electro technical complexes and systems, metallurgy and heat treatment of metals; Technology inorganic substances, Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection Initial processing of textile materials and raw materials; Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, structural mechanics, economics and management in the national economy; Theory and History of Architecture, Architecture of buildings and constructions. 30

POSTGRADUATE STUDIES In graduate school, and trained a significant number of foreign nationals. In POSTGRADUATE STUDIES In graduate school, and trained a significant number of foreign nationals. In their countries of university professors working Basyuni Muhammad Said (Egypt), Gavkhar Hamdy (Egypt), Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Halvani (Egypt), Rifat Ashraf Muhammad Ibrahim (Egypt), Muhammad Abdul Azim El Brdini (Egypt), Mervad Shusha Hassan (Egypt), Muhammad Salmon Rohan (Egypt), Nizar Ghannam (Syria), Hisham Al. Mamma (Syria), Ed Ubaid-Qadri (Syria), Ionsane Sory Ibrahim (Guinea), etc. . 31


INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Systematic training of specialists foreign countries began in 1978. Trained more than INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Systematic training of specialists foreign countries began in 1978. Trained more than 450 professionals to foreign countries. The preparatory department foreign citizens, faculty and graduate trained citizens of 34 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. Much of the graduates and post-graduate successfully continue to work as university professors and institutions of Egypt, Syria, Guinea, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other countries, the heads of large companies and construction companies in Nepal, India and other countries. . 33 Международная деятельность

международная деятельность Much of the graduates and postgraduate successfully continue to work as a международная деятельность Much of the graduates and postgraduate successfully continue to work as a professor of universities and institutions of Egypt, Syria, Guinea, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other countries, managers telyami large enterprises and construction organizations in Nepal, India and other countries. Over the years, a group of university professors working in universities and institutions of foreign countries, including Afghanistan, Algeria and Guinea, and contributed to the training of personnel in these countries. 34 Международная деятельность

международная деятельность The University is a member of several international associations and federations: the международная деятельность The University is a member of several international associations and federations: the Association of technical fir universities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Association of building high schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Association of architectural universities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Association of technical universities of Central Asia, the Urals and Siberia; Association of engineering schools of Islamic States, International Association of automobile and road education. 35 Международная деятельность

международная деятельность The University has cooperation agreements with the following universities and institutions of международная деятельность The University has cooperation agreements with the following universities and institutions of CIS and abroad: The Russian Federation; Ukraine; Belarus; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan; Kyrgyzstan; England; Pakistan; Afghanistan; The Republic Of Korea. 36 Международная деятельность


Khujand Polytechnic Institute has two faculties: mechanical and technological. The branch carries out the Khujand Polytechnic Institute has two faculties: mechanical and technological. The branch carries out the training of engineering staff for the textile and light industry. Specialty: civil construction and economy; Machines and devices of textile and light industry; mechanical engineering Technology; Automobiles and automobile economy; Underground development of mineral deposits; Organization of transportations and transport management; power supply; spinning Technology; weaving Technology; Technology of garments; Economy and management in textile and light industry. 38

Dushanbe Polytechnic College was established on the basis of the Dushanbe poly-technical College. In Dushanbe Polytechnic College was established on the basis of the Dushanbe poly-technical College. In structure of faculty includes three faculties. Specialty: Technology of mechanical engineering"; " Liftingtransport, construction and road machines and equipment; Automobiles and automobile facilities; Organization of re-transport and transport management; motorways and aerodromes; Automated systems in information processing and management; Economics and management in transport. 39

Dushanbe technical College The College was established on the basis of the industrial and Dushanbe technical College The College was established on the basis of the industrial and building of technical schools. In the structure of the College of four faculties and 10 departments. Specialty: Industrial and civil construction; Urban construction and economy; heat and gas supply and ventilation; Water supply and Sewerage; Technology of electrochemical production; Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials; mechanical engineering Technology; communication Networks and systems of switching; Radio communication, broadcasting and television; power supply; radio engineering; Automobile roads and 40 aerodromes.

CONTACTS Address: 734042, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Avenue academicians Rajabovs, 10. Telephone: (99237)-2213511; Fax: CONTACTS Address: 734042, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Avenue academicians Rajabovs, 10. Telephone: (99237)-2213511; Fax: (99237)-2217135;