Скачать презентацию T Trimpe 2006 http sciencespot net Week Скачать презентацию T Trimpe 2006 http sciencespot net Week


  • Количество слайдов: 14

T. Trimpe 2006 http: //sciencespot. net/ T. Trimpe 2006 http: //sciencespot. net/

Week 9 - Monday CSI Challenge #9 Name That Scientist 8 th Grade Forensic Week 9 - Monday CSI Challenge #9 Name That Scientist 8 th Grade Forensic Science T. Trimpe 2006 http: //sciencespot. net/

There are many different types of scientists that work in criminal cases. Can you There are many different types of scientists that work in criminal cases. Can you identify each scientist? A. Anthropologist D. Pathologist B. Botanist E. Psychiatrist C. Odontologist F. Serologist __ 1. Examines body tissues to determine cause of death __ 2. Analyzes dental records and dental work __ 3. Analyzes botanical (plant) evidence __ 4. Analyzes skeletal remains __ 5. Provides personality profiles based on evidence __ 6. Analyzes blood evidence

The answers are. . . D 1. Examines body tissues to determine cause of The answers are. . . D 1. Examines body tissues to determine cause of death C 2. Analyzes dental records and dental work B 3. Analyzes botanical (plant) evidence A 4. Analyzes skeletal remains E 5. Provides personality profiles based on evidence F 6. Analyzes blood evidence A. Anthropologist D. Pathologist B. Botanist E. Psychiatrist C. Odontologist F. Serologist

Week 9 - Tuesday Spot the Differences Bat Man 8 th Grade Forensic Science Week 9 - Tuesday Spot the Differences Bat Man 8 th Grade Forensic Science Source: http: //www. slylockfox. com/arcade/6 diff/index. html

Find the 6 differences between the two pictures. Answers: Woman’s hair, boot, glove, belly Find the 6 differences between the two pictures. Answers: Woman’s hair, boot, glove, belly button, wall socket, dress

Week 9 - Wednesday Case #9: Music Hut 8 th Grade Forensic Science http: Week 9 - Wednesday Case #9: Music Hut 8 th Grade Forensic Science http: //www. slylockfox. com/arcade/Brain. Bogglers/index. html

Someone stole a CD and a portable CD player from the mall music store. Someone stole a CD and a portable CD player from the mall music store. Shady Shrew claims he saw the stork unwrap those items and immediately start listening to music. Slylock Fox strongly suspects Shady's account is false. Why? Hint: What is the power source for the CD player?

The CD player needed batteries before it could be used. Shady Shrew made up The CD player needed batteries before it could be used. Shady Shrew made up the lie. The stolen items are in his bag.

Week 9 - Thursday Spot the Differences Test Time 8 th Grade Forensic Science Week 9 - Thursday Spot the Differences Test Time 8 th Grade Forensic Science Source: http: //www. slylockfox. com/arcade/6 diff/index. html

Find the 6 differences between the two pictures. Answers: Apple stem, exclamation point, keyhole, Find the 6 differences between the two pictures. Answers: Apple stem, exclamation point, keyhole, girl’s paper, clock, pencil

Week 9 - Friday Trivia Set #9 8 th Grade Forensic Science T. Trimpe Week 9 - Friday Trivia Set #9 8 th Grade Forensic Science T. Trimpe 2006 http: //sciencespot. net/

1. What are three basic types of fingerprints? 2. What animal has fingerprints similar 1. What are three basic types of fingerprints? 2. What animal has fingerprints similar to humans? 3. What are the four blood types? 4. What do we call the study of gunshots and bullets? 5. What system used by the FBI compiles DNA of known criminals all over the US and can be used to match DNA samples found at a crime scene? 6. What system is a database of fingerprints? 7. What is vehicular manslaughter?

1. What are three basic types of fingerprints? Arch, loop, whorl 2. What animal 1. What are three basic types of fingerprints? Arch, loop, whorl 2. What animal has fingerprints similar to humans? Koala 3. What are the four blood types? A, B, AB, O 4. What do we call the study of gunshots and bullets? Ballistics 5. What system used by the FBI compiles DNA of known criminals all over the US and can be used to match DNA samples found at a crime scene? CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) 6. What system is a database of fingerprints? AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) 7. What is vehicular manslaughter? Killing another person through the use of a vehicle (car, truck, etc. )