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T&D Technologies Stem Meeting Mladen Kezunovic Stem Leader Stem Meeting #29 PSerc Workshop July T&D Technologies Stem Meeting Mladen Kezunovic Stem Leader Stem Meeting #29 PSerc Workshop July 31 -August 3, 2005 PSERC

Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion of the research plan update 2

Agenda PSERC • Sunday, July 31: - Industry presentations - University presentations • Tuesday, Agenda PSERC • Sunday, July 31: - Industry presentations - University presentations • Tuesday, August 2: - Break-out sessions to discuss Research Plan update - Summary of Research Plan update • Other issues of interest 3

Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion of the research plan update 4

Membership-Industry (26) - Baj Agrawal (APS) - David Allen (AREVA T&D) - Luc Audette Membership-Industry (26) - Baj Agrawal (APS) - David Allen (AREVA T&D) - Luc Audette (IREQ) - Lisa Beard (TVA), Observer - Jim Bell (TXU) - Ali Chowdhury (Mid. American) - James Crane (Exelon) - John Dalton (Duke Energy) - Bruce Dietzman (TXU), Observer - Floyd Galvan, Entergy - Jay Giri (AREVA), Observer - Jim Gurney (BCTC) - Mike Ingram (TVA) PSERC - Paulette Kaptain (WAPA) - Dale Krummen (AEP) - Raymond Lings (EPRI) - Chetty Mamandur (MISO) - Art Mander (Tri State G&T) - Mahendra Patel (PJM) - Don S. Pelley (SRP) - Farnoosh Rahmatian (Nxt. Phase) - Bob Saint (NRECA) - Don R. Sevcik (CPE) - Mani Subramanian (ABB) - Devin Van Zandt (GE) - Wendei Wang (GE), Observer 5

Membership-Academia (11) - PSERC Ali Abur (Texas A&M), observer Ravi Gorur (Arizona State), observer Membership-Academia (11) - PSERC Ali Abur (Texas A&M), observer Ravi Gorur (Arizona State), observer Gerald (Jerry) Heydt (Arizona State) Ward Jewell (Wichita State) George Karady (Arizona State), observer Mladen Kezunovic (Texas A&M) Jim Mc. Calley (Iowa State) James Momoh (Howard), observer Bob Olsen (Washington State), observer P. K. Sen (Colorado School of Mines) Kevin Tomsovic (Washington State) 6

Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion of the research plan update 7

Industry/University presentation • • TVA ATC AEP (x 2) EPRI PSERC • Wichita State Industry/University presentation • • TVA ATC AEP (x 2) EPRI PSERC • Wichita State (x 2) • Arizona State (x 2) • Texas A&M (x 2) 8

Industry Presentations PSERC • Bushing CT Ratings (TVA-Lisa) • Coupling Between T&D Lines (ATC-Lorne) Industry Presentations PSERC • Bushing CT Ratings (TVA-Lisa) • Coupling Between T&D Lines (ATC-Lorne) • Protection SPS and RAS scheme approaches as part of wide area control and protection schemes (AEP-Navin) • Wireless power transmission (AEP-Navin) • Use of IED data for predictive or performance focused maintenance (EPRI-Bhavin) 9

University Presentations PSERC • Electric Power Distribution: Matching sources and loads (WState-Jewell) • Massively University Presentations PSERC • Electric Power Distribution: Matching sources and loads (WState-Jewell) • Massively Deployed Sensors (ASU-Jerry) • Failure mechanisms of composite cores for high temperature low-sag conductors (ASURavi) • Use of IED Data fro EMS functionalities (TAMU-Mladen) • Data mining for various time-scale uses (TAMU-Mladen) 10

Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion Outline • • • PSERC Introductions Agenda Membership update Industry presentation University Presentations Discussion of the research plan update 11

Existing research areas PSERC I. Substation Data Integration and Enhanced Functions II. Managing an Existing research areas PSERC I. Substation Data Integration and Enhanced Functions II. Managing an Aging Infrastructure III. Distribution and Transmission Automation IV. New Devices and Related Control Concepts V. New Monitoring, Control and Protection Paradigms 12

On-going Projects Proj No. Title PSERC Leader Due Date, last FY Karady (ASU) 6/05, On-going Projects Proj No. Title PSERC Leader Due Date, last FY Karady (ASU) 6/05, 04 T-16 Voltage Dip Effects on Loads T-17 Algorithms and IEDs for On-line Monitoring Kezunovic (TAMU) 6/05, 04 T-18 Microgrid Protection and Control Lasseter (Wisconsin) 6/05, 04 T-19 Automated Integration of Condition Monitoring Mc. Calley (Iowas State) 6/05, 04 T-22 Performance Assessment of Digital Measurement and Protection System Karady (ASU)) 12/06, 05 T-23 Prioritizing Maintenance for Underground Cables Gorur (ASU) 6/06, 05 T-24 Distribution System Reliability Enhancement Jewell (Wichita State) 6/06, 05 T-25 Optimum Operation of Liquid Filled Power Transformers P. K. Sen (CSM) 6/06, 05 13

On-going Projects Proj No. Title T-26 G Insulator Condition Assessment T-27 G Vegetation management On-going Projects Proj No. Title T-26 G Insulator Condition Assessment T-27 G Vegetation management Through Intelligent System Monitoring PSERC Leader Due Date, last FY Gorur (ASU) 6/06, 05 Supplemental Funding from Exelon Russell (TAMU) 6/06, 05 Supplemental Funding from Exelon 14

New Projects Prop No. Title PSERC Leader Due Date, (FYs) Karady (ASU) 6/2007, (05, New Projects Prop No. Title PSERC Leader Due Date, (FYs) Karady (ASU) 6/2007, (05, 06) 4 Satellite Imagery for the Identification of Interference with Overhead Power Lines 6 Digital Protection System Using Optical Instrument Transformers And Digital Relays Interconnected By An IEC 61850 -9. 2 Digital Process Bus Kezunovic (TAMU) 6/2007, (05, 06) 7 Transient Testing of Protective Relays: Study of Benefits and Methodology Kezunovic (TAMU) 6/2007, (05, 06) 12 Reliability Based Vegetation Management Through Intelligent System Monitoring Russell (TAMU) 6/2007, (05, 06) 15

Other Projects Prop. No. Title PSERC Leader 8 Integration of Substation Information into EMS Other Projects Prop. No. Title PSERC Leader 8 Integration of Substation Information into EMS Functionality Kezunovic (TAMU) 10 Fire Hazard from Fault Currents in Low Voltage Distribution Systems Meliopoulos (Ga. Tech) 1 Development of a Simple Diagnostic Tool for Detecting Gorur (ASU) Insulators with Contamination Problems 2 Cost and Benefit of Improving SAIDI / SAIFI for Distribution Systems 3 Novel Technique for Cost Evaluation of Overhead and Jewell (Wichita) Underground Transmission Lines 5 Analysis and Mitigation of Cascading Outages Caused Kezunovic (TAMU) by Terrorist Attacks and Natural Causes 9 Hybrid Microgrid System Jewell (Wichita) Lasseter (Wisconsin) 16

Other Projects Prop. No. Title PSERC Leader Neutral Voltage Elevation: Characterization and Mitigation Meliopoulos Other Projects Prop. No. Title PSERC Leader Neutral Voltage Elevation: Characterization and Mitigation Meliopoulos (Ga. Tech) 13 Dynamic Interaction of an Integrated Doubly Fed Induction Generator and a Fuel Cell Connected to the Grid Simoes (CSM) 14 Advanced Diagnostics of Transformers and Electrical Machines Toliyat (TAMU) 11 17