Скачать презентацию T-76 4115 Iteration Demo Apollo Crew I 1 Скачать презентацию T-76 4115 Iteration Demo Apollo Crew I 1


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T-76. 4115 Iteration Demo Apollo Crew I 1 Iteration 10. 12. 2008 T-76. 4115 Iteration Demo Apollo Crew I 1 Iteration 10. 12. 2008

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Agenda u Project status (15 min) • achieving the goals T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Agenda u Project status (15 min) • achieving the goals of the iteration • QA plan • project metrics u Work results (20 min) • Technical specification • Demo u Used work practices (5 min) 2

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Introduction to the project Source: Dipoli entrance hall 3 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Introduction to the project Source: Dipoli entrance hall 3

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Introduction to the project u u Client: Design Factory Project: T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Introduction to the project u u Client: Design Factory Project: Information & reservation system • • u u Welcome visitors Guide and assist visitors Manage events Workspace reservation system System will work in Design Factory’s entrance hall and via web. Project also includes testing some new devices such as touch screen. 4

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Status of the iteration’s goals u Infrastructure up and running T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Status of the iteration’s goals u Infrastructure up and running • Development infrastructure & server, OK • Production server, OK u Implementation • Working skeleton, OK • Views and features that are described in Dashboard, PARTIALLY u • • • u Scope of the Sprint 2 was reduced. Advanced UI concepts and ZK framework implementation, OK Updated html-demo, OK Release(s) to production server, OK Group • Keep supportive and inspiring atmosphere, OK • Track stress and load levels, OK u Project planning • Identify and control risks, OK • Good stakeholder communication, OK 5

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Status of the iteration’s deliverables u Project plan, OK • T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Status of the iteration’s deliverables u Project plan, OK • Iteration plan, OK • Quality assurance plan, OK u u u Requirements document, OK Technical specification, OK QA documents • Test cases, OK • QA report, OK • Test log, OK u u u Progress report, OK Release to production server, OK Internal deliverables • • • Working skeleton with some views and features, OK Advanced UI concepts, OK Extended and improved html-demo, OK 6

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Realization of the tasks: I 1 Situation 5. 12. 2008 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Realization of the tasks: I 1 Situation 5. 12. 2008 7

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (1/3): Whole project Situation 5. 12. 2008 8 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (1/3): Whole project Situation 5. 12. 2008 8

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (2/3): Implementation 1 Situation 5. 12. 2008 9 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (2/3): Implementation 1 Situation 5. 12. 2008 9

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (3/3): Updated plan Situation 5. 12. 2008 (R) T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Resource usage (3/3): Updated plan Situation 5. 12. 2008 (R) realized hours (E) estimated hours after Sprint 2 = realized + expected hours in the end Sprint 3 -5 hours are planned 10

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality assurance plan (1/2) u Quality goals • • u T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality assurance plan (1/2) u Quality goals • • u u QC 1: QC 2: QC 3: QC 4: Unit Integration System Acceptance • • Functional Recovery Stress and performance Usability Functionality Usability Code correctness Maintainability Levels of testing Types of testing 11

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality assurance plan (2/2) u QA activities • • • T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality assurance plan (2/2) u QA activities • • • Test-case-based testing Exploratory testing Continuous feedback from the customer Project document review Code reviews Coding conventions Refactoring Static analysis methods Automated unit and acceptance testing Unit test coverage analysis Pair programming Regression testing 12

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality dashboard 13 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality dashboard 13

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality goals 14 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Quality goals 14

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Defects 15 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Defects 15

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Software size in Lines of Code (LOC) 16 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Software size in Lines of Code (LOC) 16

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Changes to the project u Scope of the Sprint 2 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Changes to the project u Scope of the Sprint 2 have been reduced. • Touch screen functionality from dynamic to static. • Workspace view to Sprint 3 u u Group member roles have been changed. Tuomo and Toni have changed their course from 6 credits to 8 credits. UI concept designers have been acquired from Design Foundation. There will be development during Sprint 3. 17

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Risks (1/2): TOP 5 18 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Risks (1/2): TOP 5 18

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Risks (2/2) u u Risk log have been updated 2 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Risks (2/2) u u Risk log have been updated 2 times during Implementation 1. Materialized risks • R 15: Members not able to do assigned tasks Esa was sick for quite long time u Actions: Scope had to be reduced and schedule was modified u • R 02: Effort estimation problems Getting to know with tools and implementation have taken time a little more than expected u Actions: Scope had to be reduced u 19

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Results of the iteration Technical specification u Demo u 20 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Results of the iteration Technical specification u Demo u 20

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Technical specification (1/3) 21 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Technical specification (1/3) 21

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Tech. spec. (2/3): Architecture 22 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Tech. spec. (2/3): Architecture 22

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Tech. spec. (3/3): Data model 23 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Tech. spec. (3/3): Data model 23

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Demo Admin & passive screen u Touch screen (static) u T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Demo Admin & passive screen u Touch screen (static) u 24

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Used work practices u Keep • • u Joint meetings T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Used work practices u Keep • • u Joint meetings on Wednesdays Team spirit Active communication by email Workspace at Design Factory Cooperation with customer Internal weekly announcements Wiki (dashboard) is good tool to track progress Dashboard! Problems • Other tasks take time from this project • Lack of resources: time and developers • Mentor’s have to do some development themselves and therefore they can’t always help others • Selected tools are not that easy to adopt • Communication with peer group and UI concept designers u Try • • Two developer days weekly More cooperation with UI concept designers and DF usability designers Another contact attempt to peer group Old weekly announcements will be skimmed through during Wednesday’s meeting Proposing issues to Wednesday’s agenda via Tuomo Time tracking is done more frequently 25 Developer days in which Mikael concentrates only on mentoring

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo What’s next: Sprint 3 u u Sprint 3’s themes are T-76. 4115 Iteration demo What’s next: Sprint 3 u u Sprint 3’s themes are quality and integrity Quality • • • u Correcting identified bugs and enhancements Performing user, acceptance and process testing Usability evaluations and feedback Creating Selenium and Unit tests Putting CI server to real work Integrity • Refactoring • Unifying module implementations • Coherent UI’s u Other tasks • • Finalizing especially UIs Implementing some new features but main focus is in quality and integrity. 26

T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Questions and comments? u Thank you! 27 T-76. 4115 Iteration demo Questions and comments? u Thank you! 27