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T-34 tanks ТАНК Т-34
T-34 (or Thirty-Four), a Soviet medium tank of World War II, Available since and since 1942. 1940
Tank was adopted by 19 December 1939. this is the only world tank, and the ability to keep fighting was in mass production until the end of the Great Patriotic War.
T-34 tank deserved loved by men and officers of the Red Army, was the world's best car tank fleet. He played a decisive role in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, near Berlin and other combat operations.
Another option T-34/85 with weapons, different from the basic tank, mass manufactured. We are talking about OT-34/85 flamethrower tank. Like its predecessor - RT-34, this machine gun was mounted instead of course automatic piston tank flamethrower ATO-42 factory number 222.
Танк Т-34 образца 1940 г. имел массу в 26, 0 т. , экипаж в 4 чел. , броню толщиной до 45 мм. Отличительной особенностью танка был V-образный 12 циллиндровый дизельный силовой агрегат В-2 -34 мощностью 500 л. с. (двигатель современного танка Т 90 С, В-46 -1 мощностью 840 л. с. – прямой потомок В-2). Вооружение – 76, 2 мм пушка Л-11 и 2 7, 62 мм пулемета ДТ.
Factory "Red Sormovo" plan before the end of 1943, was to produce 100 T -34 tanks with D-5 T gun, but the first combat vehicles of this type only left his shop in early January 1944, that is actually before the official adoption of the new tank adopted.
At 5 am on June 25, 1950 Thirty 109 th Tank Regiment crossed the 38 th parallel; The Korean War began. The mountainous nature of the central part of the Korean peninsula prevented the use of large masses of tanks, so tank regiments were not acting as a team, and were attached to infantry divisions. Main attack on Seoul.
The "tridtsatchetverok" with guns C-53 or C-VMS-53 tower became a triple, and a commander's cupola was moved closer to her stern. Station was moved from the housing to the tower. Vision devices only installed a new type-MK-4. Commander panorama PTC 5 confiscated. Taken care of the engine: air purifiers "Cyclone" was replaced with a more productive type "Multi-cyclone. " Other units and tank system changes hardly undergone.
Upgraded so machines were called T-34/85 sample 1960. In the 60 s tanks equipped with more sophisticated night vision devices TVN-2 and R-123 radio stations. In the chassis set road wheels borrowed from the T-55 tank.
Serial production T-34/85 Soviet Union ceased in 1946 (according to some reports, the factory "Red Sormovo" small batches it lasted until 1950).
В итоге: Всего танков Т-34/85 (с учетом выпущенных в Чехословакии и Польше) было изготовлено свыше 35 тысяч единиц, а если приплюсовать сюда танки Т-34 – 70 тысяч, что делает «тридцатьчетверку» самой массовой боевой машиной в мире.
Как это часто бывает на войне, боевая техника иногда несколько раз переходила из рук в руки. Весной 1945 г. 5 -я гвардейская танковая бригада, воевавшая в составе 18 -й армии на территории Чехословакии, захватила у немцев средний танк Т-34/85. Интересно отметить, что на тот момент материальная часть бригады состояла из легких танков Т-70, средних Т-34 и батальона трофейных венгерских танков. Захваченная машина стала первым танком Т-34/85 в этой бригаде.
It is worth noting that T-34/85 used not only as a tank, but as infantry transporter. Handrails on the case allowed the infantry " tank landing " to move around the battlefield in Armor. Modifications included the flamethrower tank with a flamethrower instead of installing windshield gun , selfpropelled guns SU , tank minesweeper Katkov mine roller , bridge tank. With damaged in battle tanks shot tower and used them as recovery vehicles , although in reality they are rarely represented anything more than just a tank trucks.
Simplicity, ease of operation and maintenance, combined with good armor protection, maneuverability and enough powerful weapons and resulted in success and popularity at the T-34/85 tank. The Germans called T-34/85 "best tank in the world. "