- Количество слайдов: 18
SZTAKI Cloud akadémiai vonatkozása Kecskeméti Gábor MTA-SZTAKI Párhuzamos és Elosztott rendszerek kutatólaboratórium
Számítási felhő technológiák fejlődése Para virtualization x 86 virtualization Hardware Support Paa. S Web Component based computing Service oriented computing Saa. S VPS, VSH Enterprise level virtualization 1970 1980 Iaa. S 1990 2000 2010 Legend: Paa. S – Platform as a Service, Saa. S – Software as a Service, VPS – Virtual private server, VSH - Virtual server hosting, Iaa. S – Infrastructure as a Service
Brief history of Academic Clouds • Xen, Xenoserver platform: 2001 -2003 • In Vigo Project – till 2005 • RTEFactory (2003) -> Virtual Workspace (2005) Service -> Nimbus (2008) • Open. Nebula, Eucalyptus 2008 • Open. Stack 2010 • Apache Tashi 2009 • Clever 2010 -
Eucalyptus overview • Eucalyptus is an open source software mimicking AWS – – How VM instances are managed How to provide virtual network (like elastic IP) How to provide data storage (like S 3) A very brief description, but we can get something • Use the same user interface AWS provided (EC 2, S 3, mainly) – Boto library can be used, too Keke Chen
Eucalpytus CLC: cloud controller Walrus: storage controller similar to S 3 CC: cluster controller NC: node controller Keke Chen
Nimbus Overview • Goal: open source, extensible, Iaa. S implementation and tools – Specifically targeting scientific community – A platform for experimentation with features for scientific needs – Set up private clouds (privacy, expense considerations) • Tools – Iaa. S layer (Workspace Service) – Orchestration layer (Context Broker, gateway) • http: //workspace. globus. org/ 10/20/08 The Nimbus Toolkit: http//workspace. globus. org Kate Keahey (keahey@mcs. anl. gov)
The workspace service publishes information on each workspace as standard WSRF Resource Properties. The Workspace Service Pool node Users can query those properties to find out information about their workspace (e. g. what IP the workspace was bound to) Users can interact directly with their workspaces the same way the would with a physical machine. 10/20/08 The Nimbus Toolkit: http//workspace. globus. org Pool node Pool node VWS Service Pool node Trusted Computing Base (TCB) Kate Keahey (keahey@mcs. anl. gov)
Open. Nebula
Open. Stack
Apache Tashi
• CLoud-Enabled Virtual Envi. Ronment (CLEVER) CLEVER components: – Host Manager – manages virtual environments – Cluster Manager – intermediary between the clients and the host managers • CLEVER communication: – Distributed database – for the state of the middleware – XMPP Communication System – for the interaction between middleware compinents • Federation awareness: – A CLEVER Cluster Manager of an administrative domain is able to control one or more Host Managers belonging other administrative domains.
Hogyan használjuk a felhőt Repository Instantiation VA VA Virtual Repository Appliance Support. VA VA VA Libs+ Service OS Virtual Repository VA VA VA Delivery Appliance Environment VM Support Libs+ Service VMM OS VA VMM Host. VMM VMM Host Environment Host VMM VMM VMM Host Host Infrastructure as a Service Cloud VMM Host
Előnyök • Könnyen elérhető személyre szabott gépek – Kísérleti infrastruktúrák felállítása – Felhős felhasználás helyi ellenőrzése – A kutatók saját gépét nem terhelő személyre szabott virtuális gépek automatizált virtuális gépek létrehozása • Mindig a kutatócsoport aktuális igényeihez igazodó infrastruktúra – A felhő megoldások segítségével könnyen és tetszőleges időre készíthetők virtuális erőforrások – pl. számítási clusterek – A rendszer adminisztrációs feladatok többsége (pl tűzfal management) automatizáltak, szoftverből vezérelhetőek
Federated Cloud Management (FCM) • • An autonomic resource management solution Provides an entry point to a cloud federation Provides transparent service execution for users Following challenges are considered: – – – Varying load of user requests Enabling virtualized management of applications Establishing interoperability Minimizing Cloud usage costs Enhancing provider selection • Layered architecture – Meta broker – Cloud brokers – Cloud providers
FCM Architecture: overview 1 Generic Meta-Broker Service FCM Repository Cloud-Broker Clouda Cloudb • Top-level brokering • Autonomously manage the interconnected cloud infrastructures • Forms a federation with the help of Cloud. Brokers
FCM Architecture: overview Generic Meta-Broker Service 2 FCM Repository Cloud-Broker Clouda Cloudb • Manages VA distribution among the various cloud infrastructures • Automated federation wide repository content management • Offers current VA availability and estimates its future deployment
FCM Architecture: overview Generic Meta-Broker Service FCM Repository 3 3 Cloud-Broker Clouda Cloudb • Interacts with a single Iaa. S system • Manages resources and service calls
Köszönöm a figyelmet További információ: https: //www. lpds. sztaki. hu/Cloud. Research