- Количество слайдов: 9
Synergies Between Other IEA DSM Tasks and DSB q Identify outputs of other IEA Tasks that could be useful for DSB q Benefits of collaboration – Avoid duplicating effort – Speed-up the DSB implementation process – Create new opportunities for customers to participate in DSB slide 1
Task I: International Database on DSM Technologies and Programmes q Objective – Establish and maintain an international DSM database – Provide results to guide the development of effective DSM programmes Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms facilitating the introduction of new DSB products q Limited potential for collaboration q slide 2
Task II: Communication Technologies for DSM q Objective – Assess options for applying communications to DSM and customer service programmes – Specify the necessary technology and demonstrate its application Task results cover communication technologies for load control, data transmission, data processing, automated meter reading and billing q Clear opportunities for beneficial collaboration q slide 3
Task III: Co-operative Procurement of Innovative Technologies for DSM q Objective – Assist in developing the market for energy efficient and environmentally friendly DSM technologies – Develop co-operative international procurement processes q q slide 4 Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms - facilitating the introduction of new DSB products Task completed
Task IV: Development of Improved Methods for Integrating Demandside Options into Resource Planning q Objective – Assist in raising the position of DSM in the resource planning process Task could lead to DSB being more widely used to overcome electricity network constraints q Task completed q slide 5
Task V: Investigation of Techniques for Implementation of DSM Technology in the Marketplace q Objective – Develop common methodology for successfully implementing DSM technologies with residential and small commercial customers Task may provide useful information on the type and quantity of controllable loads for DSB q Task completed q slide 6
Task VI: DSM and Energy Efficiency in Changing Electricity Businesses q Objective – Produce information for authorities on mechanisms to promote DSM and energy efficiency in a liberalising electricity industry Task is likely to assist in the introduction of DSB to a new market q Encourage authorities to design a trading mechanisms that treats DSB favourably q Task completed q slide 7
Task VII: International Collaboration on Market Transformation q Objective – Encourage and accelerate the uptake of energy efficient technologies, with the involvement of major retailers q slide 8 Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms facilitating the introduction of new DSB products
Task IX: The Role of Municipalities in a Liberalised System q Objective – Define priorities for local authorities on DSM – Develop guidelines for improving the implementation of DSM programmes by local authorities q slide 9 Task may highlight locations in which customers may be most receptive to DSB