SWOT Analysis PP.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
(SWOT) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats
What is a SWOT Analysis? The SWOT analysis exercise ignites an enhanced awareness of what one brings to the table in a balanced light of both advantages and challenges.
What makes you standout… It's important to imagine the potential of what you can become. Don't limit yourself to the strengths that you're currently exhibiting in your job. List all of your strengths, even the ones that have been dormant for a while. Pay particular attention to the things that you have that your peers don't — how are you different, unique and special.
What are your strengths? Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others.
How to you find your strengths? What are you good at naturally? What skills have you worked to develop? What are your talents, or natural-born gifts? How strong is your network of connections? What do other people see as your strengths? What values and ethics set you apart from your peers?
WEAKNESS = Opportunity to Grow This part examines the areas in which you need to improve and the things that will set you back in your career.
What are your Weaknesses? What are your negative work habits and traits? What would other people see as your weaknesses? Where can you improve? What are you afraid to do or most likely to avoid? What negative feedback about your personality or work habits have you received?
OPPORTUNITY Look at the external factors you can take advantage of to pursue a promotion, find a new job or determine a career direction.
What career opportunities exist for you? What is the state of the economy? Is your industry growing? Is there new demand for a skill or trait you possess? What are the biggest changes occurring in the current business environment? Who can help you reach your goal?
THREATS This part takes into account the external factors that could hurt your chances to attain your goals.
What external threats can affect your job search? Is your industry contracting or changing directions. Is there strong competition for the types of jobs for which you are best suited? What is the biggest external danger to your goals? Are there any new technology, education or certification requirements that will impede your progress? Are there any new professional standards you cannot meet?
SWOT for Developers Technical skills are as important as soft skills in when you are looking for a new technical role. It’s important to understand your technical strengths and weaknesses. Apply SWOT analysis to job postings before applying for them.
Web Developer Job Posting Job Description Warhead is a website builder and platform that allows anyone to visually create professional-grade websites for any device in real-time without writing a single piece of code. We're growing and looking for a PHP/My. SQL developer interested in helping drive our next level of success. The ideal candidate has a strong interest and passion for coding at a small company that is rapidly growing and has around 1 -2 years of related experience. Skills & Requirements Essential Functions: LAMP knowledge -- ability to use basic commands in a Linux/Apache/My. Sql/PHP environment. Understanding of My. SQL (my. SQL 5+) including database design, encoding, performance. Working knowledge with Java. Script and frameworks such as j. Query. Working knowledge with PHP (PHP 5+) Working knowledge of HTML 5 & CSS 3 Familiarity with version control (GIT preferred) Familiarity with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: Work collaboratively to develop new solutions and software products. Document all issues, changes, and relevant information clearly and concisely. Work efficiently to ensure uptime and optimum user experience. Work with end users & management to ensure the products & design work meets their expectations and deadlines. Adapt to new technologies as needed. Qualifications: BS in Web Development or similar field preferred.
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