We Are Facing Two HUGE Environmental Problems:
1. Global Climate Change
Problem: • We are burning Fossil Fuels Like Coal, Oil, and Gasoline. • Unhelpful Effects: – When we burn these fuels, they release gases that surround the planet like a blanket, and heat it up. – When the ocean absorbs CO 2 it becomes more acidic and the marine web of life is threatened.
Solution: Switch to Clean, Renewable Sources of Energy
Measuring Climate Change Effects in the Ocean • Sampling of sea surface p. H reveals ocean turning acidic • Measured sea surface temperatures are higher than historical average
2. Threats to Biodiversity and the Web of Life
Problem: • We are trashing the land, water, and air • We are causing species to go extinct
SOLUTION: • Stop trashing the planet • Start taking better care of the life around us.
One Way To Stop Shark Finning • The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (S. 850) aims to end shark finning in U. S. waters once and for all. The act would require that all "landed" shark fins--those found on fishing boats for example--be naturally attached to sharks. This bill has already passed the House of Representatives and is awaiting action in the Senate. • Senator John Kerry [D, MA] is a lead sponsor of this bill. Please take a moment to call (202 -224 -2742), or fax (202224 -8525) Senator Kerry. Let the him know that you support the Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (S. 850), and would like to see it come to the Senate floor for a vote.
Swim Statistics • • As of 11/19/2009: Covered 85+ miles over 36 days in the water Made presentations to 10, 000+ students Reached over 50, 000 people social media like twitter, facebook, and changents. • Recycled over 100, 000 pounds of used electronics • Received millions of media impressions through stories on the BBC, NPR, and Associated Press.