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SWEETENERS By Mochamad Nurcholis, STP. MP
Sweeteners n n n Definition : food additive which adds the basic taste of sweetness to a food, provide texture, bulking properties, aroma and color. Sugar is a major sweeteners in food industry. Sugar is used for prolong or extend food shelf life ex : fruits and vegetables, cooking spices. Sugar is also used in bakery, confectionery, jelly, soft drinks and fermented beverages. Sweeteners that aren't purely sugar are sugar substitutes.
Types of Sweeteners n n n "Nutritive" and “Nonnutritive" : a difference in the amount of energy provided (4 kcal/g) Sugar alcohols or polyols: less energy per gram (2 kcal/g); not fully absorbed from the gut Nonnutritive sweeteners offer no energy (or insignificant energy): high-intensity sweeteners
Nutritive Sweeteners n n n Crystal (Sucrose, Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Lactose) Honey Fruits Invert Sugar (by sucrose hydrolisis) Syrups : Glucose, Maple, birch, pine, palm, sugar beet, sorghum, corn, cane, barley malt, molasses, brown rice, etc. Sugar alcohols : Sorbitol, xylitol, manitol, polyol, etc
Nutritive Sweeteners n n Occupy large portion of the space on grocery store shelves worldwide. Satisfy consumer’s desire for sweetness Play other important role in food ex : provide texture, stability, and color. Increasing concern about tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.
More Attention and Consideration of Sweeteners n n n n Solubilities Viscosities Densities (liquid) Crystalization Particle size Hygroscopicities Color n n n Molecular weight Fermentabilities Preserving capabilities Osmotic pressure Relative Sweetness
n n n Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose that provides 4 kcal/g (16 kcal/tsp) Sucrose is major sugar which widely used in food industry Generally, sucrose is produced from cane Sucrose can be produced from bit and other plants such as maple tree (US), palm (Asia) 100% relative sweetness, high solubility (67% at 20 o. C, 84% at 100 o. C)
n n n Memiliki kelarutan tertinggi Ukuran kristal yg lebih halus mudah larut Dapat membentuk larutan super jenuh n n Dpt terhidrolisa menjadi gula invert higr oskopis Warna larutan tergantung p. H
Sukrosa terdapat secara alami dari : n n n Tumbuhan (jagung 1217%, tebu 12 -26%, millet manis 7 -15%, palm 3 -6% Buah dan biji (labu, nenas, kelapa dsb) Akar dan umbi (ubi jalar 2 -3%, beet 320%) n n Buah kurma (81% dr padatannya) Palm sugar (nipa dan kelapa) Maple sugar Sorghum manis (12%)
Crystal Size n n Influence : Texture of candy Sweetness (can be detect or not in mouth) Under a microscope, you can see that sugar crystals aren’t cubes, exactly, but oblong and slanted at both ends. (Image courtesy of Nutrition and Food Management Dept. , Oregon State University)
n n n n Coarse sugar fondants, confections and liquor Medium sugar sanding or sparkling appearance (bakery topping), hard candy Regular / White sugar Daily use in home Fruit sugar / Fine pudding desserts, powdered drinks Finer granulated bakery products (doughnut, cookies) Super fine / Extra fine other name is “castor” delicate texture in cakes Brown sugar tea, coffee, other beverages
Overconsumption of sucrose: n The most common is dental caries or tooth decay. n Oral bacteria convert sugars (sucrose) into acids attack tooth enamel. n Obesity n Sucrose, as a pure carbohydrate, high food energy content 4 kcals per gram or 17 kilojoules per gram) hypercaloric n Raises blood glucose can cause problems for people suffering from defects in glucose metabolism, such as persons with hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sucrose
Overweight subjects who consumed fairly large amounts of sucrose (28% of energy), mostly as beverages, had 1) increased energy intake, 2) body weight, 3) fat mass, and 4) blood pressure after 10 wk. These effects were not observed in a similar group of subjects who consumed artificial sweeteners. Anne Raben, Tatjana H Vasilaras, A Christina Møller and Arne Astrup Sucrose compared with artificial sweeteners: different effects on ad libitum food intake and body weight after 10 wk of supplementation in overweight subjects. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 76, No. 4, 721 -729, October 2002
Sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with increased weight gain and increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes in women. The authors suggest that the association may be the result of excessive calorie intake from sugarsweetened beverages and increased availability of large amounts of rapidly absorbable sugars. Schulze MB, Manson JE, Ludwig DS, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB: Sugar-sweetened beverages, weight gain, and incidence of type 2 diabetes in young and middle-aged women. JAMA 292 : 927 -934, 2004
The Relevance of Intestinal Glucosidases for Carbohydrate Resorption Beta cells Intestines Polysaccharides -amylase Blood Pancreas Glucose Insulin synthesis Oligo-/Disaccharides -glucosidases e. g. maltase, saccharase Monosaccharides e. g. glucose, galactose, fructose other sugars e. g. galactose, mannose, ribose, xylite Insulin release
Fructose n n n Monosaccharide fructose also provides 4 kcal/g. Fructose is a component of sucrose, is present in fruit (fruit sugar or levulose) Fructose has replaced sucrose in many foods and beverages: 1) Sweetening power 2) Lower cost 3) Functional properties : enhance flavor, color, and product stability
Relative Sweetness Sweeteners Relative Sweetness Fructose 114 Maltose 40 Sucrose 100 Lactose 39 Invert Sugar 95 Cyclamate 3000 Glucose 69 Saccharin 30000 Sorbitol 51
1. 2. 3. Glucose Fructose Sucrose
1. 2. 3. 4. Unknown Glucose Fructose Sucrose
1. 2. 3. 4. Water Pentose Fructose Disaccharide Corn syrup solids is used for making semi-dry or dry -cured products
n n Kental, tidak berwarna, tidak mengkristal. Tersusun o/ dekstrosa, maltosa, sakarida o. Be = 41 -46 n n n Corn syrup yg dikeringkan dg spray/ drum dryer KA 3 -4% Larut air dan alkohol 50% dekstrin, 30% maltosa dan 20% glukosa
Berperan sebagai n Pemanis n Control graining n Improve tekstur n Extend shelflife n Retard/prevent crystalization n Mempertahankan air n Menambah body n n Semakin tinggi DE semakin higroskopis Humektan berperan : moisture, conditioner dan stabilizer
n n Absorbsi air permen lengket % gula jagung ga boleh tinggi Kandungan sakarida tinggi kohesif dan adesif tekstur chewy
Polyols (sugar alcohols) n n Foods containing polyols can be labeled as sugar-free because they replace sugar sweeteners Contain less energy than sugars Other potential health benefits (eg, reduced glycemic response, decreased caries risk, prebiotic effects) Many polyol sweeteners occur naturally in plants, they are produced for commercial usage
n A sugar alcohol (also known as a polyol, polyhydric alcohol, or polyalcohol) is a hydrogenated form of carbohydrate, whose carbonyl group (aldehyde or ketone, reducing sugar) has been reduced to a primary or secondary hydroxyl group. n They are commonly used for replacing sucrose in foodstuffs, often in combination with high intensity artificial sweeteners to counter the low sweetness. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sugar_alcohol
Polyols (sugar alcohols) n n n Monosaccharide-derived : Sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol Disaccharide-derived : Isomalt, lactitol, maltitol Polysaccharide-derived mixtures : Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH)
Characteristics of Sugar Alcohols Sugar Alcohol Number of Countries approved US allowed Caloric Value (Calories/g) Sweetness Intensity (Sucrose=1) Sorbitol Numerous, GRAS in US 2, 6 0, 5 -0, 7 Mannitol Numerous, GRAS in US 1, 6 0, 5 -0, 7 Xylitol >35 2, 4 1 Lactitol Several (US, Canada, Japan, Israel, Switzerland) 2, 0 0, 3 -0, 4 Maltitol >10 2, 1 0, 9 Isomalt >40 2, 0 0, 45 -0, 65 3, 0 0, 25 -0, 75 Hydrogenated >10 Starch hydrolysates (Canada, Japan, Aus tralia, US)
Characteristics of Sugar Alcohols Name Sweetness (sucrose = 1. 0) Caloric content (kcal / g) Erythritol 0. 7 [1] 0. 2 [1] Glycerol 0. 6 [3] 4. 3 [3] 0. 4– 0. 9 [1] 3. 0 [1] Isomalt 0. 5 [1] 2. 0 [1] Lactitol 0. 4 [1] 2. 0 [1] Maltitol 0. 9 [1] 2. 1 [1] Mannitol 0. 5 [2] 1. 6 [1] Sorbitol 0. 6 [1] 2. 6 [1] Xylitol 1. 0 [2] 2. 4 [1] 1 4 HSH Compare with: Sucrose Sources: [1] Calorie Control Council [2] Antonio Zamora, "Carbohydrates" [3] Jeremy Keough, "Glycerol"
n Chemical Formula: n n n Description White, odorless, sweet-tasting powder. Mannitol is a sugar alcohol. It has half the calories of sugar, and is half as sweet. It is poorly absorbed by the body, so it does not raise insulin levels as much as sugar. It does not promote tooth decay. Mannitol and sorbitol are isomers, substances with the same chemical formula, but a different shape. Uses Mannitol is used as the dust that coats chewing gum, where it keeps the gum from absorbing moisture and getting sticky. This is due to its humectant (moisture trapping) properties, and very low hydroscopicity (does not attract moisture from the air).
www. huachem. com n n n Types: Crystal, Granule, Powder, Liquid Xylitol is white crystalline powder, a new natural sweetener made from corncob or sugar cane bagasse. It's sweetness level equals that of sucrose. n n It has the function of tooth-decay prevention, because it can not be utilized by cariogenic bacteria in oral cavity. Xylitol is widely used in confectionary, candy, chewing gum, food, soft drink and medicine industries. Xylitol exists in various plants such as vegetables, fruits and wild mushrooms. Xylitol is an intermediate that regularly operate on the glucose metabolism in human body. It is often used for therapeutic purposes. It can be directly utilized by human cells in cases of lack of insulin in the human body because of its insulin-independent nature. It can supply liver glycogen and improves liver function, this is the reason why xylitol is ideal for use in the resuscitation of patients from diabetic and hepatic coma.
n Erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol. It is 70% as sweet as table sugar and excellenttasting, yet it is virtually noncaloric, does not impact blood sugar, does not cause tooth decay, and is absorbed by the body, therefore unlikely to cause gastric side effects unlike other sugar alcohols. Under U. S. FDA labeling requirements, it has a caloric value of 0. 2 calories per gram (95% less than sugar and other carbohydrates), but other countries such as Japan label it at 0 calories.
Chemical name Sorbitol Chemical formula C 6 H 14 O 6 Molecular mass 182. 17 g/mol Melting point 95°C Boiling point 295°C Density x. xxx g/cm 3 CAS number 50 -70 -4
HSH (Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolisates) n n GRAS Pleasant tasting bulk sweeteners Blend well with other sweeteners Synergistic with low calorie sweeteners (acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, saccharin, sucralose) n n n n Reduced calorie (<3 cal/g) Do not crystallize Less browning Texture improvement Moisture control Suitable for diabetes people Do not contribute to dental caries
Novel Sugar Sweeteners n n n D-tagatose has a chemical structure similar to fructose Trehalose is a disaccharide found in mushrooms Products containing these sweeteners cannot be labeled as sugar free Trahalose D-Fructose D-Tagatose
n n n Tingkat kemanisan lebih tinggi dari sukrosa (2001000 x) Penggunaannya sedikit, sehingga tidak bisa menggantikan fungsi gula sebagai pembentuk body dan viskositas Susah untuk mendapatkan rasa spesifik n n Untuk membuat permen rendah kalori, diperlukan bahan lain yang bersifat bulky dan body seperti gum Bahan lain harus diformulasikan lebih dulu, baru ditambahkan artificial sweetener untuk mencapai kemanisan yg diinginkan
Nonnutritive sweeteners n n n n Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) Acesulfame potassium/sunett Alitame/Aclame Aspartame/nutrasweet Anethole Cyclamate Clycyrrhizin Inulin
Non Nutritive Sweeteners n n n n Lo han guo Neotame Perillartine Saccharin Selligueain Stevioside Sucralose
Nonnutritive Sweeteners 5 non-nutritive sweeteners approved by FDA n n n Aspartame Acesulfame potassium Saccharin Sucralose Neotame (most recently)
Saccharin n n n In 1977, FDA proposed a ban on use of saccharin because it was reported to be a carcinogen in rats In 2001, products with saccharin no longer need to carry a warning of its use associated with causing cancer in laboratory animals ADI for saccharin to 5 mg/kg bw/day Despite the decline in usage since a peak in 1982, saccharin is the largest volume, lowest cost, high-intensity sweetener used in the world It is approved for use in over 100 countries and has shown increased popularity in China Ammonium saccharin, Ca-saccharin, and Na-saccharin forms
Aspartame n n n A dipeptide (L-α-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester) Intestinal esterases hydrolyze aspartame to aspartic acid, methanol, and phenylalanine. Metabolized to provide 4 kcal/g, but only minute amounts need to be added, the amount of energy derived is egligible. In 1981, approved by FDA requires that foods that contain aspartame have the prominent display of the following label: "PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE"
Aspartame Synthesis
Acesulfame-K (ACE-K ) n n n 5, 6 -dimethyl-1, 2, 3 -oxathiazine-4(3 H)-one-2, 2 -dioxide Pharmacokinetic studies: 95% excreted unchanged in urine and does not provide any energy Consumption of acesulfame-K does not influence intake of potassium Acesulfame-K can withstand high temperatures. FDA first approved acesulfame-K in 1988, and it is currently approved as a general-purpose sweetener. ADI of up to 15 mg/kg bw/day
Acesulfame Application n n Low calorie beverages Sweets / candy Ice cream Jam, marmalade
Sucralose n n n n Discovered in 1976, by Mc. Neil Specialty Products Company Approval by FDA on 1998, has been used in more than 40 countries including Canada, Australia and Mexico 1, 6 -dichloro-1, 6 -dideoxy-D-fructofuranosyl-4 -chloro-4 -deoxy-D-galactopyranoside (trichlorogalactosucrose) 600 times sweeter than sucrose it has a disaccharide structure in which three chlorine molecules replace three hydroxyl groups Unlike sugar, glycosidic linkage of this substituted disaccharide is apparently unavailable to the enzymes that cleave it Provides essentially no energy, poorly absorbed (range 11% to 27%), excreted unchanged in the feces and urine Heat stable in cooking and baking
Sucrose vs Sucralose Structure
Sucrlaose / Splenda
Neotame n n n A derivative of the dipeptide phenylalanine and aspartic acid (chemical name is (N-[N-3, 3 -dimethylbutyl)-L-α-aspartyl]-Lphenylalanine-1 -methyl ester) with a sweetness potency approximately 7, 000 to 13, 000 times sweeter than sucrose It is partially absorbed in the small intestine, rapidly metabolized by esterase, and excreted in urine and feces <20% of phenylalanine from ingested neotame may be released into the plasma. Thus, the label for products with neotame does not need to alert phenylketonurics that the produce contains phenylalanine Consumed at 100 times the ADI in animals did not produce neurotoxic or behavioral or reproductive toxicity effects. Ingestion also did not have a significant effect on fasting plasma glucose or insulin levels in those with type 2 diabetes. FDA approved as a general-purpose sweetener on July, 2002
Nonnutritive Sweeteners Characteristics
Sweetener use and health n n n n Sweetener use during childhood Sweetener use during pregnancy Obesity Diabetes and glycemic response Hyperlipidemias Dental caries Behavioral disorders
Obesity n n n There is no current evidence supporting a "direct link" between increasing obesity and increasing sweetener intakes (energy) High intakes of fructose increase energy intake and obesity risk through the blunting of circulating insulin and leptin levels. Nonnutritive sweeteners have the potential to save the consumer up to 16 kcal/tsp of sweetening. Replacing intake of added sugars with nonnutritive sweeteners could result in a deficit of 380 cal/day or 1 pound of weight loss in 9 to 10 days, if intake was at 95 g (24 tsp) daily
Diabetes and glycemic response n n n Current evidence does not indicate that, in isocaloric amounts, glycemic response to nutritive sweeteners differs from dietary starch Intakes as high as 60 g fructose or sucrose per day may not adversely affect glycemic or lipid response in persons with type 2 diabetes However, because there exists concern for increased blood lipid levels with high intakes of fructose, addition of fructose as a sweetening agent is not recommended for people with diabetes Polyols produce a lower glycemic response than fructose, glucose, or sucrose, most likely because of their incomplete absorption. however, because of its laxative effect, the amount of polyols consumed may need to be limited Nutritive sweeteners need not necessarily be restricted, but, if consumed, they should be substituted for other carbohydrate sources Nonnutritive sweeteners do not affect glycemic response and can be safely used by those with diabetes
Hyperlipidemias n n n Sweeteners containing fructose and sucrose are of primary interest related to hyperlipidemia. Diets high in these sweeteners have been shown to increase serum triglycerol and LDL cholesterol levels in short-term studies, particularly if the diet is low in fat, with fructose being more hyperlipidemic than sucrose LDL concentrations have been shown to rise with increases in sugar intake. Effects on HDL levels are inversely related to sugar intake Parks and Hellerstein concluded that the hyperlipidemic effects are more pronounced when the carbohydrate content of a high-carbohydrate diet is from monosaccharides rather than oligo- and polysaccharides. There is considerable genetic variability in TG responses to high-sucrose diets as well as influences by absolute amounts of other dietary components present (eg, fiber, total carbohydrates, and fat) Fried and Rao conclude that there is insufficient clinical data to determine the amount of sucrose or fructose that can be incorporated into recommended dietary nutrient patterns that will not raise TG levels
Articles Review n n n Position of American Dietetic Association: Use of Nutritive and Nonnutritive sweeteners J Am Diet Assoc. 2004; 104: 255 -275 Lack of effect of sucralose on glucose homeostasis in subjects with type 2 diabetes J Am Diet Assoc. 2003; 103: 1607 -1612 Evidence-based nutrition principles and recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diabetes and related complications Diabetes Care 2003; 26: S 51–S 61
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