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Sustainable Leadership, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence Presentation to Federal Consulting Group Washington, D. C. November 17, 2006 John Lazar, MA, MCC, NCOC™ 708 -771 -9176 jblcoach@lazarconsulting. com www. lazarconsulting. com
Learning Objectives By end of session, you will be able to: n Identify key factors that enable the development of sustainable leadership. n State the role that coaching plays in contributing to sustainable leadership. n State the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and sustainable leadership. n Identify at least one next step you can take to further sustainable leadership.
Part 1 Model for Sustainable Leadership
Factors to Consider n n Changing environments will demand new and changing organizational structures (ways of organizing) and new ways of leading. Leaders may resist new ways of organizing because: n n n Previous success Perceived importance of own part of the business (silos) Difficulty with new organizational complexity Effort to develop teams Diversity of workforce and values
The Consultants’ View “…the success of the organizational changes is dependent on leadership. As difficult as organizational change can be, leadership change is exponentially more challenging. Leadership often is the slowest to change in response to environmental and organizational demands. ” Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, p. 11)
Sustainable Leadership n n Called “leadership capacity” by Weiss & Molinaro. Defined as “the extent to which organizations can optimize their current and future leadership to drive business results and successfully meet the challenges and opportunities of an everchanging business environment. ” Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, p. 5)
The Leadership Gap n n n If gap isn’t closed, organizations may jeopardize their competitive ability. Conference Board (U. S. ) research: Percentage of senior leaders who believe their organizations have serious leadership gap increased from 50% to 67% from 1997 to 2001. Conference Board (Canada) research: 70% of Canadian CEOs identified leadership as top business concern. Source: reported in Weiss & Molinaro (2005, pp. 13 -15)
Just Over the Horizon n According to RHR Consultancy, among the 500 largest U. S. companies, they will lose 50% of their senior managers in next five years. The rate will be even higher among the most senior managers in civil service. Source: reported in The Economist (2006, October 7, p. 4)
Leadership Challenge is Already Here n n Up to 70% of CEOs surveyed see their own organization’s leaders as being fair or weak in ability to build teams, gain employment commitment, make employees feel valued. Employees doubt extent to which senior management has their best interests at heart (as expressed by their accessibility, visibility and inspirational leadership) or communicates openly about important business issues Sources: reported in Weiss & Molinaro (2005, p. 19); Towers Perrin HR Services (2006)
Leadership Gap Defined by Four Aspects n Talent n n Capability n n Insufficient Development n n Availability Fragmented Values n Generation differences Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapter 2)
Sustainable Leadership: Leader and Organizational Accountability n n Leaders’ accountability for development of their competencies Organizational accountability (through HR as agent) for integrating systems, processes, programs, etc. n n n Embed leadership through organization Focus on critical positions & key talent Integrate leadership development Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapters 10 -14)
Two Leadership Models 1. CCL Leadership Competencies n Three competency clusters n n n Leading the organization Leading others Leading oneself
Leadership Competencies, the CCL Way (1 of 3) n Leading the Organization n n n Managing change Solving problems and making decisions Managing politics and influencing others Taking risks and innovating Setting vision and strategy Enhancing business skills and knowledge Understanding and navigating the organization Source: CCL website, www. ccl. org
Leadership Competencies, the CCL Way (2 of 3) n Leading Others n n Managing effective teams and workgroups Building and maintaining relationships Developing others Communicating effectively Source: CCL website, www. ccl. org
Leadership Competencies, the CCL Way (3 of 3) n Leading Oneself n n n n Developing adaptability Increasing self-awareness Managing yourself Increasing capacity to learn Exhibiting leadership stature Displaying drive and purpose Developing ethics and integrity Source: CCL website, www. ccl. org
Two Leadership Models 2. Holistic Leadership n n n Business strategy Culture and values Customer leadership Organizational leadership Team leadership Personal leadership Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapters 3 -9)
Organizational Accountability Embed Leadership n n Embedded leadership – process to ensure that sustainable leadership is seen and becomes integral part of fabric of organization Foundational strategies n n n Ensure secure supply of talent Develop compelling leadership stories Anchor to well-developed organizational process Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapter 11)
Organizational Accountability – Focus on the Critical n Succession management to address n n Critical positions Vulnerable incumbents and potential candidates Development plans Talent management strategies for n n n Retention Onboarding Expatriation and repatriation integration Sources: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapter 12); Charan, Drotter, & Noel (2001); Watkins (2003)
Organizational Accountability – Integrate Leadership Development n Leadership development options n n n Assessment Coaching and mentoring Learning Experience Implement integrated-solution approach Source: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapter 13)
Part 2 The Coaching Contribution
Coaching and its Focus n n Coaching is “an informed dialogue whose purpose is the facilitation of new skills, possibilities, and insights in the interest of individual learning and organizational advancement. ” Coaching may focus on: n n Behavior Decision-making Fundamental beliefs, values and purposes Overall business performance Sources: Bacon and Spear (2003, p. xvi); Pomerantz and Bergquist (2005)
Forces That Shape Us on Our Journey Forces that Shape Us: Our Degree of Personal Control Genetics None Experiences Some Actions, including our -Beliefs -Interpretations -Choices -Moods -Behaviors All Source: Adapted from Lazar (2006 a)
A Personal Model for Learning & Development – Where to Focus? Observer Identity and Context Actions Results (including Errors) Small, Incremental Change/Improvement Large, Discontinuous Change/Improvement Sources: Adapted from Hargrove (1995, p. 28); Sieler (2003)
Coaching Distinctions n n n Non-judgmental listening is the key. There’s value when another person is a stand for you to be your word. There’s leverage when one can distinguish experience from explanation. Coaching unconceals our blind spots and makes choice possible. Moods are contagious. Noticing them is essential. Being able to shift them is a precondition for personal power. Humor (especially not taking oneself too seriously) lightens the mood and enables learning. Source: Lazar (2005)
Where Coaching Fits with Types of Root Causes TYPES OF CAUSES: Absence of or insufficient Skill/Knowledge Motivation Incentives or improper incentives Environmental support Training Additional or fewer responsibilities Process, output or outcome feedback or evaluation Simplify work Job aids Role or goal clarification Reward Change process Modeling Motivational feedback Praise Improve tools/equipment Documentation Values clarification Punishment Change policy Coaching Contingency management Change work conditions Mentoring C L A S S E S O F S O L U T I O N S Task variation Removal of reinforcement Replace performer Source: Adapted from Lazar (1991)
Coaching Challenges Can Occur at Three Levels n Individual performer n Department/Unit/Program n Organization-wide Source: Adapted from Bergquist (2004)
Where Coaching Contributes If Role is Then Coaching can be used to Supervisor • Increase self-awareness, self-management & others -related awareness S/K • Develop interpersonal & communications S/K • Sustain learning of technical and functional S/K. Managers Above plus • Development of effective management practices. Directors; Above plus Project Mgrs. • Effective project management practices. C-level; Vice Presidents; General Managers Source: Lazar (2006 c) Above plus • Increase ability to manage and lead change • Shift old habits—then develop new habits & S/K • Provide reflection and thought partnership.
An Opinion About the Value of Coaching “Coaching is the single most important part of expanding others’ capabilities… (Coaching) is the difference between giving orders and teaching people how to get things done. Good leaders regard every encounter as an opportunity to coach. ” Source: Bossidy and Charan (2002, p. 74)
Part 3 EI and Leadership
Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Competence (EC) n Different definitions n n n EI – underlying capability to recognize and use emotion EC – personal and social skills that lead to superior performance in work world Different theoretical bases n n n Source: Gowing (2001) Personality theory Performance theory Combination of above, plus more
Different Assessment Methods for EI and EC n n n MEIS (Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey) MSCEIT (Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey) EQ-I (Bar-On) ECI (Goleman & Boyatzis) EQ Map (Cooper & Orioli) Source: Gowing (2001, p. 129)
Self Others Recognition Self. Awareness Social Awareness Regulation Emotional Intelligence The Conceptual Model Self. Management Relationship Management © 2000 Hay Group. All rights reserved. Positive impact on others
Emotional Intelligence Competencies Framework Self-Awareness n n n Emotional self-awareness Accurate self-assessment Self-confidence Social Awareness n n n Relationship Management Self-Management n n n Self-control Transparency Adaptability Achievement Initiative Optimism n n n © 2000 Hay Group. All rights reserved. Empathy Organizational awareness Service Influence Inspirational leadership Developing others Change catalyst Conflict management Teamwork and collaboration
About Competencies & ECI n n (1 of 2) Definition: Any measurable characteristic of a person that differentiates level of performance in a given job, role, organization, or culture. A competency builds upon one’s: n n n Skills Knowledge Values Self-Image Traits Motives © 2000, Hay. Group. Reprinted with permission.
About Competencies & ECI n n (2 of 2) Competencies consist of behaviors that are developmentally scaled (from easy to difficult). For each competency, there is a target level of behavior that, when met or exceeded, positively and differentially impacts performance. © 2000, Hay. Group. Reprinted with permission.
Example of Scaled Competency Influence Degree of Difficulty 4. Develops behind the scenes support Target 3. Uses indirect influence actions or words Level Anticipates impact of 2. Anticipates impact of actions or words 1. Engages audience Competency levels increase by degree of difficulty. © 2000, Hay. Group. Reprinted with permission.
The ECI Priorities Source: Jacobs (2001)
The Power of Self-Awareness n n With self-awareness, person has 50 -50 chance (49%) of demonstrating selfmanagement; without it, person has virtually no chance (4%). With self-awareness, person has 38% chance of having social awareness; without it, person has 83% chance of lacking social awareness. Source: Burckle & Boyatzis (1999)
How Do EI Competencies Fit Together? n n n Some competencies are easier to develop (e. g. , for Social Skills) than others (e. g. , for Self. Awareness, Self-Management and Social Awareness). Some competencies are more important than others. Certain combinations of competencies may contribute to outstanding performance. One competency may compensate for another. You do not need to master every competency to be successful. © 2000, Hay. Group. Reprinted with permission.
Why Should You Know About EI? A Wake-up Call (1 of 3) n 70% of the reasons for losing clients/customers are EI-related: n n n Poor service. Poorly handled complaints. Unpleasant interactions. Didn’t go the extra mile. No follow-up. Lack of human connection. Source: Research by Forum Corporation on Manufacturing and Service Companies, 1989 -1995, cited in Orioli (2000)
Can You Hear Me Now? n 75% of the reasons careers get derailed are EI-related: n n Unsatisfactory team leadership during challenging times. Inability to handle interpersonal issues. Inability to adapt to change. Inability to elicit trust. Source: Research at the Center for Creative Leadership, 1994, cited in Orioli (2000) (2 of 3)
Are You Up Yet? n 50% of time wasted is due to lack of trust. Source: John Whitney, Director, Deming Center for Quality Management, cited in Orioli (2000) (3 of 3)
Like EI, Leadership Has Many Models and Some Consensus n My viewpoint on what the leader does: n n n n Creates vision for a better future Sets direction, tone and context Sets priorities and tempo Sets, models and maintains standards Engages, influences and rallies others Encourages fresh approaches to problems Listens for what is common and uniting
What’s Different Between EI & Leadership Competencies? n Differences: Leadership n n Includes intellectual/cognitive and business skills and performance Includes technical skills and performance May include personality traits Difference: Emotional Intelligence n Includes managing one’s own and influencing others’ positive outlook/mood
What’s Similar Across EI & Leadership Competencies? n Similarities: Both include n n Congruency of personal values and ethical behavior Self-awareness, self-management and motivation Awareness of others and social environment Building relationships and working well with others
Perspectives from Peter Drucker and Daniel Goleman “Your foremost job as a leader… is to take charge of your own energy and then help orchestrate the energy of those around you. ” “In any human group the leader has maximal power to sway everyone’s emotions…The effects of primal leadership extend beyond ensuring that a job is well done. Followers also look to a leader for supportive emotional connection – for empathy. ” Sources: The Effective Leader, cited in Orioli (2000); Goleman, Boyatzis, & Mc. Kee (2002, p. 5)
Part 4 What Now?
Using EI & Coaching to Close Leadership Gap - Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. Follow andragogical principles to learning Use and support integrated approach to developing sustainable leadership Discover, create and refine coaching models that leverage benefits while reducing person cost Pair coaching with other interventions to provide synergy for results
1. Use Andragogical Principles n Definition: an integrated framework of adult learning n Assumptions: Adults 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Need to know why they need to learn something before starting to learn it. Have self-concept of being responsible for their own decisions. Come to educational activity with greater volume and different quality of experiences from youth. Implications for individual differences and richest resources source. Become ready to learn what they need to know to cope effectively with their real-life situations. Are life-centered (vs. subject-centered) in their orientation to learning. They learn most effectively when they are presented in context of application to real-life situations. Generate most potent motivators as internal pressures (desire for increased job satisfaction, self-esteem, etc. ) Source: Knowles, Holton, & Swanson (1998, pp. 64 -69)
2. Use Integrated Approach n Executive/management accountability n n HR accountability n n Leadership as strategic priority Personal responsibility for development Model required behaviors & attitudes Aligned people & organizational initiatives Provide conditions where managers act as people managers Value demonstrated through people alignment with strategic direction & core values Follow EI guidelines for best practice Sources: Weiss & Molinaro (2005, chapter 14); Cherniss (n. d. ); Cherniss & Caplan (2001)
3. New Coaching Models n Include & move beyond one on one coaching: n n n Group coaching Team coaching Peer coaching Shadow coaching Cross-supervisory coaching Coaching culture
4. Coaching Plus… n Coaching to support: n n n n Training & education Onboarding & orientation Expatriation & repatriation Promotional transitions Job changes Leadership changes Health and work-life balance concerns
Review of Key Points n n n Crisis in sustainable leadership Requires integrated approach, with leader & organizational accountabilities Coaching one of several important interventions to develop leadership Emotional intelligence and leadership competencies significantly overlap Developing EI (throughout organization) supports embedding leadership & engagement
Appendix 1 Example of Talent Management
How to Address Targeted Investment in People n n Allstate – Talent Management Program Talent Management – “An enterprisewide system for defining future requirements and identifying, assessing, and developing talent to place the best qualified people in critical leadership positions. ” Source: Groff (2005)
Business Case for Effective Leadership At its best, effective leadership (at all levels)… n Sets a company standard of excellence other enterprises want to emulate. n Cultivates the next generation for effective leadership continuity. n Makes organization’s culture a competitive asset. n Creates a learning environment where people may try “the new” without fear of rejection and reprisal--fostering innovation. Source: Groff (2005)
Aligning Talent with Business Needs Business Imperatives New Role Expectations Communicate New Behaviors Needed Hire Meet Business Needs Perform Role Build Capability Enhance Motivation Source: Groff (2005)
Deepening the Focus on Leadership n Identify emerging leaders among: n n n Source: Groff (2005) Officers Directors/Senior Managers Professional Individual Contributors (Exempt) Individual Contributors (Non-exempt)
Leadership Development Curriculum n n n Different development experiences for different management levels. Development experiences designed for enterprise & business unit activities. Development experiences include: n n n Source: Groff (2005) Education and Training Work-related Learning Progression and Mobility Choices
The Stand for Talent Management n n “We need the best leaders at all levels… but we also need to understand where talent has the greatest impact on business results. ” Top and line management (plus HR & individuals in leadership development) are responsible for its success. Source: Groff (2005)
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About John Lazar, MA, MCC, NCOC™ John has worked within a performance improvement consulting framework for over 25 years. He has been a coach for over 22 years, eleven as an executive coach. He has a Master’s degree in clinical and developmental psychology. He is trained and certified as an Ontological Coach by the Newfield Network and has been certified as a master coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF) since 1999. John is co-owner, co-founder, and co-executive editor of the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations (www. ijco. info), now in its fourth year of quarterly publication. He is a founding member and the former Acting Executive Director of the International Consortium for Coaching in Organizations (ICCO, www. coachingconsortium. org); he is currently a Co-Chair of its Governance and Ethics Committee. His performance consulting and executive coaching firm, John B. Lazar & Associates, Inc. (www. lazarconsulting. com), works with organizations (from entrepreneurial ventures to small and midsize family owned firms to Fortune 50 companies) to create emotionally intelligent leaders, motivated performers, workplaces that work, and business results. He has presented at numerous local chapter meetings and international conferences on a variety of topics in North America, Mexico, Europe and Australia. In 2005, the book Conversations on Success (Volume 6) was published with interviews with 23 success leaders, including John. In addition, his 12 -part series of DVDs/CDs on Take Your Power Back and a two-DVD interview series with Les Brown and John, entitled Master Keys to Success, were released and are available from his website.