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Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia BC Sustainable Energy Association April 2005 Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Released April 2005 • Nine strategic areas • 28 policies • Available at www. bcsea. org/policy Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Strategic Areas • • • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fuels and Transportation Fossil Fuel Production and Large Final Emitters Electricity Buildings, Equipment, and Appliances Urban Planning Landfill Gas ‘Green’ Hydrogen Jobs and Training Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 1 Sustainable Electricity (Policy #13): Adopt a Sustainable Energy Feed-in Tariff, giving producers of green sources of electricity, such as wind, tidal, micro hydro, and solar guaranteed access to the grid, and an appropriate fixed price for twenty years, with the cost being shared by all electricity ratepayers. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 2 Solar Hot Water (Policy #19): Introduce a solar hot water law, requiring the installation of solar hot water systems in all new buildings. Make the same law apply whenever a house is sold, of when the owner undertakes renovations costing more than $20, 000. Establish a low interest revolving loan fund, to provide homeowner and business financing. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 3 Energy Efficiency (Policy #12): Achieve all of the measures listed in BC Hydro’s Electricity Conservation Potential Review. Place an energy efficiency surcharge on residential and commercial electricity bills, and use the income to subsidize the speedy adoption of the most efficient equipment and appliances, and to support home efficiency retrofits. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 4 Climate Change (Policy #1): Support the federal government’s commitment under Kyoto, and adopt Kyoto reductions for BC. Include the implications of climate change in all government planning and decisions. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 5 CST Tax CO 2 Carbon Tax (Policy #4): Place a carbon sales tax on all fuels, starting at $10 per tonne of CO 2, and rising by 10% per year. Return half the money to taxpayers as a general rebate, and put the other half into a Sustainable Transport Fund to support non-fossil fuel transport initiatives, such as transit and cycling. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 6 Power Generation (Policy #14): Place a moratorium on all new fossil fuel generation in BC; upgrade the nuclear policy statement to an explicit moratorium; and ban the foreign purchase of fossil-fuel-generated electricity, where attribution is possible. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 7 Fossil Fuels (Policy #8): Eliminate all government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. To actively discourage growth in production, impose a 500% royalty on oil and gas production above 98% of the previous year’s production. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 8 $5000 fee $5000 rebate Transport (Policy #5): Require fuel efficiency labelling for all new vehicles; impose a revenueneutral feebate to discourage the purchase of inefficient vehicles and encourage the purchase of fuelefficient ones; and adopt distancebased vehicle insurance, so that those who drive less and impose less risk are rewarded by paying lower premiums. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 9 Housing (Policies #24 & #22): Require municipal and regional governments to adopt a transportation demand management policy framework that incorporates “smart growth” principles, with an emphasis on pedestrian design, cycling, transit, and building a strong sense of neighbourhood. Require all new government buildings and long-term leases to be built or renovated to a LEED silver green building standard. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
Top 10 Policies - # 10 Hydrogen (Policy #26): Commit to using only green hydrogen in government-supported initiatives. Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org
For more information and to see the rest of the Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia download your free copy from www. bcsea. org/policy Sustainable Energy Policies for British Columbia www. bcsea. org