substainable development.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
*Sustainable development Made by V. V. Tkacheva group 3 AM 12
*Waste *Emissions *Sustainable development
*Definition *Prehistory *Triple concept *Kioto protocol
Sustainable development-is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Sustainable development-is social movement, developmentgroup of people with the common ideology who try together to achieve certain goals
*Four key problem: PIECE FREEDOM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT 1970 -th it is appearance of many works devoted problems of finite recourses, pollution of environment. 1980 -th people begin tell about eco-development. 1992 -The first world summit with considering the 1992 problem of sustainable development.
Sustainable development base on three important direction
Goal the Kyoto protocol reduce sum quantity of hot house gases. Commitments: European Union-reduce on 8% Japan and Canada- reduce 6% East European an Baltic countries- reduce in average on 8% Russian and Ukraine preserve on 1990 -th level
Everybody must realize impotence of sustainable development because only together we can safe our planet for next generation.
*http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Киотский_протокол *http: //www. uitp. org/Public. Transport/sustainabledevelopment *http: //www. curs. kz/en/koncepcia_ustoichivogo_rasvitia
substainable development.pptx