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Sustainable Consumption & Production: Action Plan Bettina Lorz Environmental Policy Forum 24 October 2008
Threats to Human Health Climate Change Green House Gasses Economic growth Prices do not reflect costs Pollution Threats to Biodiversity Degradation air, water, soil… Depletion Resources Unsustainable Production & Consumption Biased Information Fixed behaviour of consumers Unbalanced Markets Population growth Spending power Market Distortions
Consumption Impacts of Products n 70 -80 % of impacts are caused by: è food & drink è housing (buildings, occupancy, appliances) è (private) transport n Focus policies on Products!
Challenges n Reduce environmental stress in growing economy n Economic opportunities: “Do More with Less” n Towards an energy and resource efficient economy
The Response n Stimulate demand: for better products and production technologies n Continuously improve: environmental products performance over life-cycle n Empower better choices: for retailers and consumers
Action Plan: Core Elements n Better Products n Smarter Consumption n Leaner Production n Action at global level
Better Products n Approach: è Exclude “bad” performance è Promote “good” Performance è Continuous Improvement n Key Legislation: è Eco-design è Energy Labelling è Eco-label
Better Products: Eco-design n Scope: Energy-related products (in the future: all products? ) n Minimum requirements (mandatory) n Benchmarks of environmental performance (voluntary) n Update Periodically
Effective Labelling n Labelling Directive: linked to Ecodesign è energy-using and energy-related è Labelling categories (set by minimum requirements & benchmarks) ->A, B, C , D… n Ecolabel: Excellence & Broad Scope è Voluntary è ‘Front runner’ label (top 10%) è Feeds into ecodesign
Continuous Improvement Environmental Performance Benchmark Minimum requirement D C B Mandatory Label A A+ A+++ Ecolabel
Incentives Performance levels will provide harmonised basis across EU: n For Member State incentives n Mandatory Public Procurement
Green Public Procurement (voluntary actions) n 16% of EU GDP n Provide Guidance n Set Common Criteria n Indicative Targets
Working with Retailers n Retail Forum è Promote sustainable products è Reduce environmental footprint of retail sector è Green supply chains è Share best practice
Leaner Production n Promote Resource Efficiency and Eco-innovation è Tools to monitor, benchmark and promote; addressing targets è Environmental Technology Verification Scheme n Enhance the environmental potential of industry è Revised EMAS è Industrial policy for environmental industries è Support SMEs
Towards Global Markets for Sustainable Products n Promote good practice: SCP Action Plan as input to UN Marrakech process n Promote international trade in environmentally friendly goods and services n Promote sectoral approaches in international climate negotiations
Roadmap n Published: Proposal for extended Ecodesign Directive è Proposal for revised Ecolabel Regulation è Proposal for revised EMAS Regulation è Communication on Green Public Procurement è n Further actions later in 2008 and 2009 Proposal for revised Energy Labelling Directive è Environmental Technology Verification Scheme è Retailer Forum è n Review of Action: 2012 è Extend Ecodesign & Labelling directives ?
European Commission DG Environment Sustainable Consumption and Production Thank you www. ec. europa. eu/environment/eussd/escp_ en. hm