- Количество слайдов: 43
Survey of Literature Daily Agenda/Bell Ringer Quarter 1 2009 -2010
Monday, 9/14/09 Objective: Students will: identify pronouns and antecedents. Agenda: Bell Ringer: IDENTIFY THE PRONOUNS: 1. He is my best friend. 2. We arrived at seven, but they came even later. 3. Jane said that she called you last night. 4. After we eat, let’s go to the movies. 5. Matt and he are taking trumpet lessons. AVID School Supply Drive—donate by Friday for extra credit Open House: Wednesday, 9/23 Check supplies Organize binder Notes Practice
Pronouns Nominative Case Singular: I, you, he, she it Plural: we, you, they Objective Case Singular: me, you, him, her, it Plural: us, you, them Possessive Case Singular: my, mine, yours, his, hers, its Plural: our, ours, yours, theirs
Tuesday, 9/15/09 Objective: Students will identify pronouns. Agenda: Bell Ringer: IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN AND ANTECEDENT 1. The orchestra will give its final performance tonight. 2. The orchestra have tuned up their instruments. 3. Marla and Denise played their trumpets together. 4. Neither the conductor nor the musicians have taken their places on stage. 5. Each musician played his or her solo. AVID School Supply Drive—donate by Friday for extra credit Open House 9/23 Notes Grade p. 25 P. 27, Ex. 7
Pronoun Notes Reflexive Pronouns Singular: , myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves Common Indefinite Pronouns All both few no one Each many nothing any Most others anybody everybody Several anyone everyone nobody None someone anything everything Demonstrative Pronouns This that these those Interrogative Pronouns What which whom another either neither some whose
P. 25, Exercise 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. we—Janice and Bonnie our—Janice and Bonnie us—Janice and Bonnie I—Gwen you—Kara me—Gwen his—Armon hers—Karen them—poems their—children her-Stacy
Ex. 6 continued 6. 7. he—Miguel Your—Leon I—Mrs. Johnson it—report 8. they—twins 9. she—Lani us—Lilly, Pearl 10. his—Kent their—parents
Wednesday, 9/16/09 Objective: Students will identify pronouns and antecedents. Agenda: Bell Ringer: IDENTIFY THE PRONOUNS AND ANTECEDENTS 1. The report is written, but it still must be typed. 2. The guests could see themselves on the television set. 3. Andrea and Lynn said they enjoyed the fair. 4. Paul told Mary that he received an A on his math test. 5. Jason makes himself breakfast every morning. AVID School Supply Drive—donate by Friday for extra credit Open Hours, 9/23 Grade p. 27, ex. 7 Pronoun practice
Write each pronoun and identify its antecedent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Malcolm and his family flew to Scotland to see where their ancestors had come from. They took a ferry to Lewis Island, where Malcolm’s mother’s grandmother had once lived with her family. There they found her house, complete with its original furnishings. “You must be my relatives, too, ” said Mrs. Morrison, opening the door to their knock. “We are related to your great-aunt, ” said Malcolm.
Write each pronoun and identify its antecedent 6. 7. “She was my great-grandmother, ” he added. “I remember your grandmother, ” Mrs. Morrison said to Malcolm’s mother. “She was younger than mine. ” 8. “In fact, you remind me of her, ” she added. 9. Mrs. Morrison showed the family the house and served them lunch. 10. They enjoyed the baked potato, but when she offered them haggis, only Malcolm ate it.
Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. his—Malcolm their—Malcolm and his family They—Malcolm and his family her—grandmother they—Malcolm and his family her—grandmother its—house You—Malcolm and his family my—Mrs. Morrison their—Malcolm and his family We—Malcolm and his family your—Mrs. Morrison
Answers—continued 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. She—great aunt my—Malcolm he—Malcolm I—Mrs. Morrison your—mother she—grandmother mine—Mrs. Morrison you—mother her—grandmother she—Mrs. Morrison me—Mrs. Morrison them—family They—family she—Mrs. Morrison them—the family it—haggis
Thursday, 9/17/09 Objective: Students will identify sentences with vague pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: In one paragraph (5 -7 sentences), describe one goal that you have for this year. How are you going to reach that goal? AVID School Supply Drive—donations due by Friday Grade pronoun practice Vague pronoun practice Homework: bell ringers due tomorrow
Correct the pronoun errors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lisa and Jenn wanted to take her car. Lisa went to get them. Each car handles differently, depending on how it is pressed. Paul’s dog chased their tail. The storms destroyed every house she hit.
Correct the case and number errors 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Whom was the coach of the team? The javelins were kept in the case. After the meeting everyone are going to Jan’s house. Send the winning teams to we. Them are a great relay team.
Friday, 9/18/09 Objective: Students will: identify pronouns and their antecedents; correct pronoun errors in sentences. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Write at least five endings for the phrase, “I have always…” Turn in bell ringers Quiz
Monday, 9/21/09 Objective: Students will: recognize the ways in which pronouns must agree with their antecedents; use correct pronoun-antecedent agreement in writing. . Agenda: Bell Ringer: If you were a famous entertainer, how would you treat your fans? How would you like them to treat you? Your response should be at least one paragraph (5 -7 sentences). AVID School Supply Drive—donate until 9/30 Open House is Wednesday, 5 -7 pm Notes Pronoun-antecedent agreement Homework: Pronoun practice
Pronoun Notes their—pronoun that shows ownership they’re—they are there—indicates location your—pronoun that shows ownership you’re—you are its—pronoun that shows ownership it’s—it is
Pronoun notes Clear Reference: A pronoun must clearly refer to its antecedent. Unclear reference Andy wanted Nathan to use his car. Clear reference Andy wanted Nathan to use his own car. Unclear reference Ann got them and handed them over to Julia. Clear reference Ann got the key. s and handed them over to Julia
Pronoun notes Number: A pronoun may be singular or plural. Gender: A singular pronoun referring to a third person may be masculine, feminine, or neuter (neither masculine or feminine). All other pronouns, including plural pronouns, are neuter. The man got ready for his vacation. Mrs. James was driving her car. Every dog has its day. The pronoun is neuter because animals are referred to as neuter unless the sex is known. I’m up to my old tricks. The pronoun is neuter—first-person pronouns are neuter. The two boys ran until they got to the school. The pronoun is neuter because all plural pronouns are neuter.
Tuesday, 9/22/09 Objective: Students will: identify pronoun-antecedent agreement; identify sentences with vague pronouns. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Write one paragraph about the funniest thing that ever happened to you. AVID School Supply Drive—donations due by 9/30 Open House is tomorrow, 5 -7 pm Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Homework: Pronoun workout
Wednesday, 9/23/09 Objective: Students will identify and correct sentences with vague pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Last night you fell asleep while typing at your computer, but your fingers kept on typing. What did you write? Your response should be at least one paragraph (5 -7 sentences). AVID School Supply Drive—donations due by 9/30 Open House: tonight 5 -7 pm Go over yesterday’s work Pass back papers Homework: Finish Unclear Pronoun exercise Review for quiz
Thursday, 9/24/09 Objective: Students will identify and rewrite sentences with unclear pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Imagine that you have been asked to choose an animal to be the new school mascot. Write a paragraph explaining what animal you have chosen and why it is appropriate as the school mascot. Turn in Bell Ringers AVID School Supply Drive—donate by Wednesday Late Passes Quiz
Monday, 9/28/09 Objective: Students will rewrite sentences with unclear pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: In what place would you least like to live? Write a paragraph explaining why. Avid School Supply Drive—donations due by Wednesday Quiz review Homework: Simplifying with Pronouns
Tuesday, 9/29/09 Objective: Students will identify indefinite pronouns. Agenda: Bell Ringer: You have won an Oscar for your acting ability. Write your acceptance speech that is at least one paragraph in length. AVID School Supply Drive—donations due TOMORROW Sign up for math and/or reading tutoring ASAP AIM High! Receive extra credit for attending Collect homework Indefinite Pronoun Exercise
Thursday, 10/1/09 Objective: Students will: review indefinitely pronouns; practice pronoun-antecedent agreement. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Would you want to be a star if you were so famous that you could never go out alone without hundreds of fans clamoring around you asking for autographs? If so, how would you handle your adoring fans? Explain in one paragraph. AIM High Tutoring—extra credit for attending For math and/or reading Check answers to p. 182 ex. 20 P. 183 ex. 21 Homework: Bell Ringers due tomorrow Review for quiz
Friday, 10/2/09 Objective: Students will identify and correct sentences with unclear pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Do you think it would be more difficult to be blind or to be deaf? Why? Your explanation should be at least one paragraph. Tutoring applications due Monday Turn in Bell Ringers (4) Quiz Homework: Find an article in the newspaper or a magazine and circle all the pronouns.
Monday, 10/5/09 Objective: Students will read and respond to an article. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Why is there so much violence in schools? What can be done to stop the violence in schools? Respond in at least one paragraph. Tutoring applications due TOMORROW “How to Battle School Violence” Circle all statements that are facts Underline all statements that are opinions Homework: Write one paragraph (at least 5 sentences) in response to today’s article Pronoun test tomorrow
Tuesday, 10/6/09 Objective: Students will identify and correct unclear pronoun references. Agenda: Bell Ringer: List five things that you must do in order to get an A or B before the end of the quarter. Tutoring applications due TODAY Collect homework Test
Thursday, 10/8/09 Objective: Students will: review 5 -week exam; find evidence to support a claim. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Write a paragraph supporting the statement “Beauty is only skin deep. ” Collect yesterday’s work Exam Review Claim/evidence Homework: Continue working on finding evidence to support your claim
Friday, 10/9/09 Objective: Students will write a paragraph in response to an article. Agenda: Bell Ringer: “Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win. ” What do you think this means? Respond in one paragraph. Turn in bell ringers Reader’s Response Paragraph Homework: Finish paragraph
Reader’s Response Paragraph Topic Sentence/Claim Evidence S—Statistics F—Facts E—Examples S—Stories Q—Quotes Analysis Concluding Sentence
RRP 1. Claim 2. Evidence 3. Analysis—why does this support your claim 4. Concluding sentence
Tuesday, 10/13/09 Objective: Students will read and respond to an article. Agenda: Bell Ringer: What is your biggest fear? Write about the fear and how you deal with it. Your response should be at least one paragraph (5 -7 sentences). Collect homework Active Reading Homework: Create a claim for today’s article
Wednesday, 10/14/09 Objective: Students will make a claim and find evidence to support it. Agenda: Bell Ringer: What is your favorite movie of all time? Explain why in one paragraph. Reader’s Response Paragraph Find SFESQ Write a full paragraph that includes claim, evidence, analysis Homework: Finish your paragraph.
Thursday, 10/15/09 Objective: Students will make a claim and find evidence to support it. Agenda: Bell Ringer: What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? What do you need to do in order to achieve that goal? Explain in one paragraph. . Reader’s Response Paragraph Find SFESQ Write a full paragraph that includes claim, evidence, analysis Homework: Finish your paragraph.
Monday, 10/19/09 Objective: Students will discuss and develop an argument based on a text. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Write a paragraph describing what was probably most importantt o you when you were three. Collect paragraph Collect “Nocturn” questions Discuss questions Is the narrator guilty? Homework: Finish paragraph in response to question: Is the narrator guilty?
Tuesday, 10/20/09 Objective: Students will identify supporting details in a paragraph. Agenda: Bell Ringer: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. ” What do you think this quote means? How does it apply to your life? Respond in one paragraph. Extra Credit: Attend A Midsummer Night’s Dream Navy Pier, Friday 4: 30 pm, Saturday 11 am Write a 2 paragraph reflection Paragraph analysis Rewrite paragraph Homework: Rewrite paragraph
Paragraph Analysis 1. Your partner’s name 2. Identify the topic sentence 3. Identify the evidence 4. Identify the analysis 5. Does the evidence support the claim? Why or why not?
Wednesday, 10/21/09 Objective: Students will use supporting details to prove a claim. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Is it important to have school spirit? Why or why not? Respond in one paragraph. Extra Credit: Attend A Midsummer Night’s Dream Navy Pier, Friday 4: 30 pm, Saturday 11 am Write a 2 paragraph reflection Partner paragraphs Homework: Enjoy the game!
Monday, 10/26/09 Objective: Students will analyze claims and evidence in a paragraph. Agenda: Bell Ringer: You have just been informed that your garbage will not be picked up for a year. Write a plan for dealing with this situation. Consider ways to create less garbage and other ways to get rid of garbage. Your response should be at least one paragraph. Turn in bell ringers PICTURES ARE TOMORROW! Collect work from Friday Paragraph rewrite with a partner Critique paragraphs Homework: Look pretty for pictures!
Monday, 11/2/09 Objective: Students will analyze arguments, evidence, and analysis. Agenda: Bell Ringer: At this point in time, what grade do you feel you deserve in this class? Your response should be at least one paragraph. Extra Credit: Donate 1 box of tissue by Monday Extra Credit: Buy Monster, by Walter Dean Myers All tutoring programs begin today Collect work from last week Paragraph critique Homework: Based on the critique you received today, identify how you can improve your paragraph.
Tuesday, 11/3/09 Objective: Students will: identify claim, evidence, and analysis; use supporting details to prove a claim. Agenda: Bell Ringer: Write one paragraph about what you consider to be the most pressing problem in the United States and what people can do about that problem. Extra Credit: donate 1 box of tissue by Monday Monster by Walter Dean Myers by Monday Late Passes due by Monday 10 -Week Exam on Thursday Critique paragraphs Rewrite paragraphs Homework: Finish rewriting paragraph