- Количество слайдов: 145
Supporting the Status Quo Abortion should remain legal. Against the Status Quo Abortion, now legal, should be outlawed. Abortion Key words: Roe v Wade; partial-birth abortion; abortion pill (RU-486) 1
Supporting the Status Quo The ACLU is a neutral organization that defends the rights of all. Against the Status Quo The ACLU enforces the will of the Democratic Party by threatening lawsuit against those who disagree with party policy. ACLU 2
Supporting the Status Quo Children should be adopted by whoever will care for them. Against the Status Quo Children should be adopted only by people of the same race. Adoption, Cross-Racial 3
Supporting the Status Quo Colleges should continue to use Affirmative Action to help determine who will get into its programs. Against the Status Quo Colleges should accept students based solely on their scores and portfolio – skin color should not be a factor. Affirmative Action Key words: racial quotas, quota systems, Grutter v. Bollinger 4
Supporting the Status Quo Airport searches are necessary to protect the American public from terrorism. Against the Status Quo. Airport searches invade personal privacy and do little to protect the American public from terrorism. Airport Security Key words: TSA, Fourth Amendment 5
Supporting the Status Quo Intelligent life probably exists on many planets throughout the universe. Against the Status Quo. Intelligent life is probably rare in the universe, if it exists anywhere else at all. Alien Life Key words: The Drake Equation, The Rare Earth Hypothesis, The Fermi Paradox , SETI 6
Supporting the Status Quo There is no evidence suggesting aliens ever visited the Earth. Against the Status Quo Some evidence suggests that aliens visited the Earth in ancient times. Ancient UFOs Key words: ancient astronauts, Eric von Daniken, paleocontact 7
Supporting the Status Quo New drugs and medical procedures should be tried on animals before they are tried on humans. Against the Status Quo Animal experimentation is cruel and unnecessary. Animal Experimentation 8
Supporting the Status Quo: The Ark of the Against the Status Quo: Covenant was lost long ago. Researchers may choose ONE theory to support: The Ark is buried in Mount Nebo. The Ark is hidden in The Temple Mount of Jerusalem. The Ark is in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Ark is in Southern Africa. The Ark is in Languedoc, France. The Ark is in United Kingdom. The Ark is in Ireland. The Ark is in Shikoku, Japan. The Ark is in Sanpete County, Utah. Ark of the Covenant 9
Supporting the Status Quo Atlantis must be considered mythical. Against the Status Quo. Atlantis once existed as a historical place. Atlantis Key words: Thera, Bimini Wall 10
Supporting the Status Quo Getting government money for art should always be free of restrictions. Against the Status Quo The government should not use taxpayer’s money to fund art that is offensive to the taxpayer. Art, Taxpayer Funding Offensive Key words: National Endowment for the Arts, Andres Serrano 11
Supporting the Status Quo Evidence supporting Bigfoot is flawed or faked. Against the Status Quo. Evidence shows that Bigfoot is a living creature in North America. Bigfoot Key words: sasquatch, cripplefoot, Patterson film, Memorial Day Film, Freeman Film, Minnesota Iceman 12
Supporting the Status Quo Immigrant children should be taught English as quickly as possible instead of being taught in their native languages. Against the Status Quo. Immigrant children should receive education in their own language, not in English. Bilingual Education Key words: bilingual education 13
Supporting the Status Quo Border control should remain under Federal authority, not a state’s. Against the Status Quo States should be allowed to control their borders if the Federal Government won’t. Border Control Key words: Arizona SB 1070 14
Supporting the Status Quo Boxing should remain a legal sport. Against the Status Quo Boxing should be outlawed with other gladiatorial events. Boxing 15
Supporting the Status Quo There is no reliable evidence that the streaks seen in the sky are anything other than jet exhaust. Against the Status Quo There is a distinct difference between ordinary jet exhaust and chemtrails; the government is spraying dangerous or unknown chemicals. Chemtrails Key words: Chemtrails, contrails, Stratospheric Aerosol Geo. Engineering, What on Earth are they Spraying? 16
Supporting the Status Quo Small children should not be subjected to beauty pageants; it is harmful to them. Against the Status Quo. Beauty pageants do not harm small children any more than other childhood activities. Child Beauty Pageants Key words: 17
Supporting the Status Quo Churches should be allowed to hire and to marry those who believe as they do. Against the Status Quo The government should force churches to hire gay employees and to marry gay couples, even if it is against their beliefs. Churches, Freedom of 18
Supporting the Status Quo Human beings should not be cloned. Against the Status Quo There is no problem with cloning humans. Cloning 19
Supporting the Status Quo The government should not intervene in cases of child obesity. Against the Status Quo. Child obesity is child abuse. The government should intervene into families in which this occurs. Child Obesity 20
Supporting the Status Quo Child-rapists should continue to earn parole and be released back into the public. Against the Status Quo. Child-rapists should never be released from prison. Child-Rapists Key words: Jessica’s Law, the Jessica Lunsford Act, pedophiles 21
Supporting the Status Quo Each person should finance their own way through college. No one should expect others to pay for their college tuition. Against the Status Quo College is too expensive for young people to pay for. College should be financed by the government. College, free or selffinanced 22
Supporting the Status Quo Condoms should continue to be distributed by stores and clinics, not schools. Against the Status Quo A program distributing condoms by schools should begin in our state. Condoms in Schools 23
Supporting the Status Quo Our state should not adopt the death penalty. Against the Status Quo Our state should have a death penalty. Death Penalty 24
Supporting the Status Quo Doctors should not kill their patients. Against the Status Quo Doctors should be able to help patients end their lives. Dr-Assisted Suicide Key words: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Dr. Kevorkian 25
Supporting the Status Quo High school students should not be allowed to drop out. Against the Status Quo High school students should be allowed to drop out. Dropouts, legalizing 26
Supporting the Status Quo A stricter dress code improves student behavior and achievement. Against the Status Quo A stricter dress code makes little difference in student behavior or achievement. Dress Codes 27
Supporting the Status Quo We should continue to import our oil from other countries. Against the Status Quo We should drill our own oil, even in Alaska. Drilling in Alaska Key words: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR, energy independence 28
Supporting the Status Quo American schools are seriously falling behind European and Asian schools. Against the Status Quo American schools are just as good as European or Asian schools. Education, US is Behind Key words: A Nation at Risk 29
Supporting the Status Quo The dead do not haunt the living; voices heard in recordings are figments of people’s imaginations. Against the Status Quo. The dead sometimes haunt the living and their voices can be recorded. Electronic Voice Phenomena Key words: Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP 30
Supporting the Status Quo Governments should be able to take private property from a citizen and give it to another private owner. Against the Status Quo The government should be able to take private property from a citizen only if it is needed for a public project. Eminent Domain Key words: eminent domain, Kelo vs. City of New London 31
Supporting the Status Quo The environment should be protected, even if it means the economy will be damaged. Against the Status Quo The economy should be protected, even if it means the environment will be damaged. Environment vs. Economy 32
Supporting the Status Quo It is good and correct that the Environmental Protection Agency controls privately owned land to protect wetlands and endangered species. Against the Status Quo The Environmental Protection Agency is stealing land from private property owners. If the Federal Government wants control of land, it should buy it. EPA vs. Property Owners 33
Supporting the Status Quo The elderly should be cared for. Against the Status Quo The elderly should receive euthanasia. Euthanasia for the Elderly 34
Supporting the Status Quo Arguments against evolution must be kept out of the classroom. Students should not be exposed this evidence. Against the Status Quo Students should be able to hear both sides of the argument concerning evolution and decide for themselves. Evolution, Criticism of 35
Supporting the Status Quo Students should not have to take an exit exam in order to graduate. Against the Status Quo Students should have to take an exit exam in order to graduate. Exit Exams Key words: proficiency exams 36
Supporting the Status Quo People that engage in extreme sports should be rescued at the taxpayers’ expense. Against the Status Quo People that engage in extreme sports should pay for their own rescues. Extreme Sport Rescue 37
Supporting the Status Quo: The Face on Mars is a natural rock formation. Against the Status Quo: The Face on Mars is a Monument built by Martians. Face on Mars Key words: Cydonia 38
Supporting the Status Quo The government should not control people’s eating of fast-food. Against the Status Quo The government should control people’s eating of fast-food. Fast Food, Gov’t Control of Key words: Supersize Me, Mayor Bloomberg 39
Supporting the Status Quo The Federal Reserve system is necessary to manage our economy and keep politicians from having direct control of our money supply. Against the Status Quo The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional fourth branch of government that allows a secretive, ultrawealthy group to control our economy. Federal Reserve Key words: Ben Berneke, Timothy Geithner, End the Fed 40
Supporting the Status Quo The secret FEMA prison camps do not exist except in conspiracy theory. Against the Status Quo FEMA has secret prison camps set up inside the US in which they could imprison rebellious American citizens, should it become necessary. FEMA Camps Gaylord, Michigan Key words: Federal Emergency Management Agency; REX 84; Project Garden Plot; Project Cable Splicer; blue list / red list 41
Supporting the Status Quo Women who drink while pregnant should be legally liable for problems that result. Against the Status Quo Women who drink while pregnant should not be legally liable for problems that result. Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome Key words: 42
Supporting the Status Quo Flag-burning is free-speech. Against the Status Quo Flag-burning should be banned. Flag-Burning 43
Supporting the Status Quo Flight 19 disappeared through pilot error or natural causes. Against the Status Quo Flight 19 disappeared due to the mysterious powers of the Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19 of the Bermuda Triangle 44
Supporting the Status Quo Developed nations should give money to the governments of undeveloped nations; it is the best way to combat poverty there. Against the Status Quo Money given from one government to another government is an ineffective means of combating poverty in undeveloped nations. Foreign Aid Key words: foreign aid 45
Supporting the Status Quo Religious expression shouldn’t be controlled by the government. Against the Status Quo Religious expression must be done in private. Allah preserve us! Free Speech, Religious 46
Supporting the Status Quo Fusion energy may be a far-future solution, but is not a realistic choice for today. Against the Status Quo Fusion energy will soon solve our energy problems. Fusion Energy 47
Supporting the Status Quo Fluoride in water is safe. Against the Status Quo. Fluoride in water is dangerous. Fluoride Key words: early onset of puberty, pineal gland, Dr. Jennifer Luke 48
Supporting the Status Quo Corporations that develop genetically modified foods must be allowed to control them with a patent. Against the Status Quo. No one should be able to patent a living thing. Genetically Modified Foods Essential Questions: Should a corporation be able to put a patent on a living thing? How otherwise can a company protect years of expensive laboratory research? Should a corporation be able to control the farms that use its genetically modified seeds? What happens when drifting pollen carries genetically modified DNA into the neighbor’s farm? Does the corporation have any control over that farm? Can a genetically modified crop drive out native species? Are genetically modified crops susceptible to the problems of monoculture? 49 Key words: Monsanto
Supporting the Status Quo Global warming is caused by human behavior and threatens our survival as a species. Against the Status Quo. Global warming is caused by sunspot cycles, not human behavior, and is part of a natural cycle. Global Warming Key words: An Inconvenient Truth, The Great Global Warming Swindle 50
Supporting the Status Quo Ice ages are impossible to predict and unlikely to happen again soon. Against the Status Quo. An ice age, such as what occurred in the past, will soon return. Global Cooling 51
Supporting the Status Quo Grain should be used for fuel as well as food. Against the Status Quo Grain should be used for food, not for fuel. Grain for Fuel Key words: Ethanol 52
Supporting the Status Quo The mosque should not be built near ground zero. Against the Status Quo The mosque should be built near ground zero. Ground Zero Mosque Key words: Cordoba House 53
Supporting the Status Quo America should run a prison in Cuba in which it houses people accused of terrorism. Against the Status Quo The president should close the prison at Guantanamo Bay Prison 54
Supporting the Status Quo Citizens without convictions should continue to be able to own guns. Against the Status Quo The government should outlaw gun ownership. Gun Control Key words: 2 nd Amendment, gun control, Brady Act, right to bear arms 55
Supporting the Status Quo Criminals should be charged not only with the crime they actual committed but also with the additional charge of hate crime. Against the Status Quo Criminals should be charged only with the crime they committed. The government must not outlaw thoughts. Hate Crimes Key words: Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (1994), Matthew Sheppard Act 56
Supporting the Status Quo HAARP is a program to study the upper ionosphere. Against the Status Quo HAARP is a weather-control device. HAARP Key words: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 57
Supporting the Status Quo Health care should remain in the control of private businesses. Against the Status Quo The government should take control of health care. Healthcare, Socialized 58
Supporting the Status Quo Using atomic bombs to end World War II was the correct decision. Against the Status Quo The US should not have dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. Hiroshima & Nagasaki 59
Supporting the Status Quo: Against the Status Quo: The Holy Grail was lost long ago. Researchers may choose ONE theory to support: The Grail is in on display in Valencia Cathedral. The Grail is in Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland. The Grail is owned by the Knights Templar. The Grail was really Mary Magdalene. The Grail is beneath the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. The Grail is on display at the Cathedral of St. Lawrence in Genoa. The Grail is buried beneath Glastonbury Tor. The Grail is hidden on the church grounds of Santa Maria de Montserrat. Holy Grail 60
Supporting the Status Quo Homosexuality develops as a result of cultural and psychological influences. Against the Status Quo Homosexuality is caused by genetics. Homosexuality, Origin of 61
Supporting the Status Quo Human organs should not be offered for sale. Against the Status Quo Human organs should be offered for sale. Human organs for sale 62
Supporting the Status Quo Only legal immigrants should be given citizenship. Against the Status Quo Illegal immigrants should be given citizenship. Illegal Aliens & Amnesty Key words: amnesty 63
Supporting the Status Quo Our government should be able to arrest American citizens and imprison them indefinitely without ever charging them or bringing them to trial. Against the Status Quo Citizens of the United States are guaranteed a trial by the Constitution. Indefinite Detention Key words: NDAA, or National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 64
Supporting the Status Quo Indigo children are the result of intelligent but overindulgent parents. Against the Status Quo Indigo children reveal that a higher consciousness has awakened in a new generation which will bring humankind to a new age. Indigo Children 65
Supporting the Status Quo Mentally ill people should be cured, not punished. Against the Status Quo The insanity defense should be abolished. Insanity Defense 66
Supporting the Status Quo A person’s intelligence-level is developed by academic work. Against the Status Quo A person’s intelligence-level is determined by genetics. Intelligence, Origin of 67
Supporting the Status Quo The dangers of consuming irradiated food outweighs its germ-killing benefits. Against the Status Quo Irradiated foods are safer; food should be irradiated. Irradiated Food Key words: 68
Supporting the Status Quo Israel should be able to settle people anywhere within its own borders. Against the Status Quo Israel is a foreign occupier in the West Bank. It is using settlement to take over new territory. The homes of Israelis there should be destroyed and they should be forced back out. Israeli settlement conflict 69 Key words: West Bank, 1949 Armistice (Green Line),
Supporting the Status Quo There is no known solution to the mysterious murders committed by Jack the Ripper. Against the Status Quo The researcher must focus on a specific suspect to these infamous crimes. Jack the Ripper Key words: Whitechapel 70
Supporting the Status Quo Judges should get justice accomplished. There is no way to be sure what the writers of the Constitution meant. Against the Status Quo A judge should merely interpret the Constitution. Making law is the duty of Congress. Judges, Activist Key words: judicial restraint, judicial activism, activist judges, original intent, judicial intervention, constructionist judges 71
Supporting the Status Quo Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, assassinated President Kennedy Assassination Against the Status Quo Opponents to the status quo may choose ONE of the following possible killers of Kennedy, such as: • The Mob • Castro / The Cubans • Khrushchev / The Soviets / the KGB • The FBI • The CIA • Vice President Johnson • The New Orleans Conspiracy • Oswald, agent of the CIA • The Secret Service • Howard Hunt • The Federal Reserve • The Israelis • The Cuban Exiles • The American Fact-Finding Committee OR an opponent of the status quo may focus on one facet or detail of the assassination, such as: • Alterations to Kennedy’s wounds • The Zapruder film • The Three Tramps • Grassy Knoll shooter • The “Magic Bullet” 72
Supporting the Status Quo The Kyoto Treaty is unfair and an ineffective way to reduce pollution; it was right not to ratify it. Against the Status Quo The Kyoto Treaty is fair and effective way to reduce pollution; it should still be ratified. Kyoto Treaty 73
Supporting the Status Quo There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of large, unknown lake creatures. Against the Status Quo Some lakes contain large, unknown creatures. Lake Monsters Key words: Loch Ness, Nessie, Lake Champlain 74
Supporting the Status Quo Marijuana should remain illegal. Against the Status Quo Marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana, Legalizing 75
Supporting the Status Quo Catholic clergy should dedicate themselves to service, not to each other. Against the Status Quo Catholic clergy should be allowed to marry. Marriage of Clergy 76
Supporting the Status Quo Medical marijuana should be approved in the same way other drugs are approved – by careful testing. Against the Status Quo Medical marijuana should be approved by the population voting on it. Medical Marijuana 77
Supporting the Status Quo The United States should not finish or improve the Mexican Border fence. Against the Status Quo The United States should finish and improve the Mexican Border fence. Mexican Border Fence 78
Supporting the Status Quo Drinking milk is healthy. Older children and adults should continue to drink milk. Against the Status Quo People should be weaned. Drinking cow’s milk is not healthy for adults and older children. Milk: Healthy or not? 79
Supporting the Status Quo Increases in the minimum wage really help those at the bottom. Against the Status Quo Minimum wage increases don’t really help those at the bottom. Minimum Wage 80
Supporting the Status Quo In the late sixties and early seventies, the United States landed twelve men on the Moon. Against the Status Quo No one has been to the Moon. It was faked. Moon-Landing Conspiracy 81
Supporting the Status Quo The United States should not require its citizens to carry a national ID card. Against the Status Quo. The United States should require its citizens to carry a national ID card. National ID Card Key words: Real ID 82
Supporting the Status Quo It is OK to have Native American mascots. Against the Status Quo Native Americans should not be used as mascots. Native American Mascots 83
Supporting the Status Quo At the time the United States became a nation, Native American population within its borders was about 5 -10 million. There are more Native Americans alive today than at that time. Against the Status Quo At the time the United States became a nation, Native American population within its borders was over 100 million. The European settlers are responsible for a genocide on this continent. Native American Numbers 84
Supporting the Status Quo Freedom on the Internet would disappear if the government controlled the content. Against the Status Quo The Internet would be faster and better if the government controlled the content. Net Neutrality Key words: Net Neutrality, Julius Genachowski, SOPA 85
Supporting the Status Quo 9 -11 was caused by Al Qaeda. Against the Status Quo 9 -11 was caused by a secret conspiracy of Americans. Nine-Eleven Conspiracy Key words: Loose Change, Truthers 86
Supporting the Status Quo: Noah’s Ark does not exist in the world today. Against the Status Quo: Remnants of Noah’s Ark might be found today. Noah’s Ark, Discovery of Key words: Mt. Ararat 87
Supporting the Status Quo The North American Union is just a conspiracy theory. Against the Status Quo The government plans to erase our borders and create a North American Union/Amero Key words: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America 88
Supporting the Status Quo Nostradamus made predictions so vague that they can be interpreted to fit current events. Against the Status Quo Nostradamus made predictions that correctly forecasted some current events. Nostradamus Key words: 89
Supporting the Status Quo Nuclear power has too many problems to supply most of our energy. Against the Status Quo. Nuclear power is the best choice for supplying most of our energy. Nuclear Power 90
Supporting the Status Quo The group called Oath Keepers wants to keep our armed forces from obeying unlawful commands. Against the Status Quo The group called Oath Keepers is stirring up rebellion against our legal rulers. Oath Keepers 91
Supporting the Status Quo The government should not allow Americans to drill off-shore. Against the Status Quo The government should allow Americans to drill off-shore. Off-Shore Drilling 92
Supporting the Status Quo The Oklahoma City bombing was done by Timothy Mc. Veigh alone. Against the Status Quo The Oklahoma City bombing was done by Timothy Mc. Veigh and others that have never been caught. Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Key words: John Doe #2 93
Supporting the Status Quo Using chemical pesticides and fertilizers allows farmers to grow more crops and grows them more cheaply than organic farming. Organic is only a niche market. Against the Status Quo Organic foods are better for humans and better for the environment; organic farming is more capable to feed the world than chemical farming. Organic Foods, Organic Farming Key words: Monsato 94
Supporting the Status Quo Wiretapping and closed circuit cameras are necessary to keep Americans safe. Against the Status Quo Allowing the government to spy on citizens is unconstitutional and destroys our liberties and rights. Patriot Act Key words: Patriot Act 95
Supporting the Status Quo Parents are far more permissive than in previous generations were. Against the Status Quo Parents are no more permissive than previous generations were. Permissive Parenting Key words: 96
Supporting the Status Quo People should not be able to photograph the police performing their duties. Against the Status Quo People should be able to photograph the police performing their duties. Photographing Police 97
Supporting the Status Quo Drug companies should be able to make a profit on drugs they develop. The profit pays for many years of expensive research. Against the Status Quo Drug companies should not be able to make a profit on their drugs. No one should profit from sick people. Prescription Drugs and Profit Key words: 98
Supporting the Status Quo Parents should be able to home-school or send their kids to private schools. Against the Status Quo All children should attend government schools. Private Education, Abolish 99
Supporting the Status Quo The American prison system works. Against the Status Quo The American prison system doesn’t work. It should be replaced with…. Prison Reform 100
Supporting the Status Quo The “Pledge of Allegiance” should be allowed in schools. Against the Status Quo The “Pledge of Allegiance” should not be allowed in schools. Pledge of Allegiance 101
Supporting the Status Quo Science does not show that any human being has psychic abilities. Against the Status Quo Some scientific investigations confirm psychic abilities in humans. Psychic Powers Key words: ESP, extra-sensory perception, precognition, remote sensing 102
Supporting the Status Quo There is no official solution to the murder of Jon. Benét Ramsey, the six-year-old beauty pageant contestant. Against the Status Quo The researcher must focus on a specific suspect to this infamous crime. Ramsay, murder of Jon. Benet 103
Supporting the Status Quo Curbside recycling is an effective way to spend the taxpayer’s money earmarked for the environment. Against the Status Quo Taxpayer’s money earmarked for the environment would be more efficiently spent in ways other than curbside recycling. Recycling, Curbside 104
Supporting the Status Quo Students should advance to the next grade whether they have passed their classes or not. Against the Status Quo Students that do not pass their classes should remain in those classes until they pass them. Retention of students 105
Supporting the Status Quo The Roswell UFO crash never happened. People are confused or creating a hoax. Against the Status Quo. An alien craft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1949. Alien bodies were recovered and studied by our government. Roswell Crash 106
Supporting the Status Quo Marriage in our state should be between a man and a woman. Against the Status Quo. Gay people in our state should be allowed to marry. Same-Sex Marriage 107
Supporting the Status Quo Segregated schools should remain illegal. They cannot be “separate but equal. ” Against the Status Quo Many kids do better academically when they are surrounded by people of the same race, gender, or orientation. Segregation, Return to Key words: segregation, integration, “separate but equal”, 108
Supporting the Status Quo Sex education reduces teen pregnancy and STDs. Against the Status Quo Sex education doesn’t reduce teen pregnancy or STDs. Sex Education, Effectiveness 109
Supporting the Status Quo: The Shroud of Turin was woven during the Middle Ages. Against the Status Quo: The Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus. Shroud of Turin, The 110
Supporting the Status Quo Children of single parents face more problems than those with two parents. Against the Status Quo. Children of single parents are just as successful as those with two parents. Single Parenting 111
Supporting the Status Quo The US Government should not pay living African-Americans reparations for the slavery of their ancestors. Against the Status Quo The US Government should pay living African-Americans reparations for the slavery of their ancestors. Slavery Reparations 112
Supporting the Status Quo The decision whether of not a person can smoke in a building should be made by the government. Against the Status Quo The decision whether of not a person can smoke in a building should be made by the owner of the building. Smoking It is Against the Law to Smoke on These Premises. 113
Supporting the Status Quo We should not meddle with the Social Security system. The problems with it are exaggerated. Against the Status Quo The Social Security System is in serious financial trouble. If no changes are made, it will not be there for us. Social Security 114
Supporting the Status Quo Manned space exploration is important for our future. Against the Status Quo Manned space exploration is a waste of time, money, and lives. Space Exploration, cost 115
Supporting the Status Quo English should remain the de facto sole national language. Against the Status Quo. Spanish should be accepted as a second national language. Spanish Language 116
Supporting the Status Quo Our state should continue to leave parenting to parents. Against the Status Quo Our state should outlaw spanking. Spanking 117
Supporting the Status Quo Colleges should continue to use “Speech Codes” to control what students can and can’t say. Against the Status Quo Colleges should not have “Speech Codes” to control what students can and can’t say. …and that’s what I think. Speech Codes I’m going to report you for saying so! Key words: Hate speech laws, Indoctrinate U 118
Supporting the Status Quo The Sphinx is the same age as the other Egyptian monuments and was built by the Egyptians. Against the Status Quo The Sphinx is much older than the other Egyptian monuments, built by an unknown pre-Egyptian civilization. Sphinx, Age of 119
Supporting the Status Quo We should continue to make children’s sports competitive. Against the Status Quo Children would be better off engaging in non-competitive sports. Sports, Competitive & Non. Competitive 120
Supporting the Status Quo Taxpayers should be expected to financially support large sports expenditures for their cities. Against the Status Quo Large sports expenditures should be supported privately, not by taxpayers. Sports, Subsidized 121
Supporting the Status Quo Stem-cells from human embryos should be used for research. Against the Status Quo Stem-cells from human embryos should not be used for research. Stem-Cell Research 122
Supporting the Status Quo The government needed to give 825 billion dollars to private banks. Against the Status Quo The government should not have given 825 billion dollars to private banks. Stimulus Bill Key words: bailout, stimulus package, Stimulus Bill, too-big-to-fail, American Recovery & Investment Act of 2009, AIG 123
Supporting the Status Quo Who gets on AM talk radio should be determined by the free market, not by the government. Government interference intrudes on free speech. Against the Status Quo AM talk radio is too conservative; it should be forced by the government to be more fair. Talk Radio Key words: Fairness Doctrine, “Hush Rush” 124
Supporting the Status Quo Our tax system may require some tweaking, but it is just fine. Against the Status Quo Our tax system is broken and should be replaced with (The researcher may argue for ONE of the below): • The Flat Tax • The Fair Tax. • A National Sales Tax System, Broken 125
Supporting the Status Quo Teachers’ Unions help educators serve children. Against the Status Quo Teachers’ Unions serve the adults in the education business at the expense of the students. Teachers’ Unions 126
Supporting the Status Quo Our state should continue to treat violent teens as teens, not as adults. Against the Status Quo Our state should treat violent teens like adults. Teens Tried as Adult 127
Supporting the Status Quo Tibet is a part of China and should not be recognized as an independent nation. Against the Status Quo The United States should help free Tibet from Chinese occupation. Tibet & China 128
Supporting the Status Quo Classes should contain students with similar ages. Against the Status Quo Classes should contain students with similar abilities. Tracking Key words: Tracking 129
Supporting the Status Quo The problems experienced by transgender people are psychological, not physical. Acceptance of their natural, birth gender is needed. Against the Status Quo The problems experienced by transgender people are physical, not psychological. Corrective surgery is needed. Transgender Surgery 130
Supporting the Status Quo Television is not seriously harmful for children. Watching television has few harmful effects on a person's thinking abilities. Against the Status Quo. Television is harmful for children. Watching television early in life limits a person's thinking abilities. TV, Psychological Effects This topic could be modified for video-gaming instead of TV watching. 131
Supporting the Status Quo The U. N. is effective in promoting peace and human rights. The U. S. is morally and legally obligated to recognize the greater good as defined by the U. N. Against the Status Quo. The U. N. has failed to stop wars, genocide, and human rights abuses. The U. S. should never subvert its national interests to those of the U. N. United Nations 132
Supporting the Status Quo The US needs its troops stationed in areas wherever its national interests are at risk. Against the Status Quo. The US has too many troops stationed in foreign countries. America should call its troops home. U. S. Troops Overseas 133
Supporting the Status Quo A valedictorian should not be able to mention God in his speech. Against the Status Quo A valedictorian has earned the right to speak as he or she wishes. Valedictorian, Religious Speech 134
Supporting the Status Quo Vaccines are safe and do not negatively affect one’s health. Against the Status Quo Mercury and other chemicals in vaccines are unhealthy. Vaccines & Autism Key words: autism, thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide 135
Supporting the Status Quo Vegetarianism is not healthier than a diet that includes meat. Against the Status Quo Vegetarianism is healthier than a diet that includes meat. Vegetarianism 136
Supporting the Status Quo Experiencing media violence not only encourages a few unstable people to become violent, it also contributes to the increase of violent behavior in the society as a whole. Against the Status Quo While experiencing media violence may encourage a few unstable people to become violent, it does not contribute to the increase of violent behavior in the society as a whole. Violence on TV & Games 137
Supporting the Status Quo Students should continue to be able to choose the school they attend. Against the Status Quo Students, who now are able to choose which school they attend, should be forced by law to attend the school closest to them. Vouchers , School Key words: vouchers, schools of choice 138
Supporting the Status Quo The government used excessive force in the siege at Waco, Texas. Against the Status Quo The government did not use excessive force in the siege at Waco, Texas. Waco, the Siege at Key words: Branch Davidians, David Koresh 139
Supporting the Status Quo Waterboarding is not really torture and should remain legal. Against the Status Quo Waterboarding is torture and should be illegal. Waterboarding 140
Supporting the Status Quo Government social programs are the best way to help the poor. Against the Status Quo Social programs like welfare aggravate poverty and foster intrusive government. Welfare Key words: welfare, food stamps, WIC, the projects 141
Supporting the Status Quo Wind energy is not economical and practical enough to be the primary source of our electricity. Against the Status Quo Wind energy is economical and practical enough to be the primary source of our electricity. Wind Energy 142
Supporting the Status Quo Women should not serve in combat. Against the Status Quo Women should serve in combat. Women in Combat 143
Supporting the Status Quo There is no official solution to the serial murders known as the Zodiac killings. Against the Status Quo The researcher must focus on a specific suspect to these infamous crimes. Zodiac Murders 144
Other Topics Any other topic must be presented to the teacher before starting. The presentation must include both a status quo and non-status quo position. Should taxpayers fund more AIDS research? Should grain be used for liquor and beer? Are animal’s rights ever worth more than human rights? Should our government be this big? Are biological weapons a real threat? Are boycotts effective or not? Does censorship really exist? How do we balance the rights of crime victims against the rights of the accused? Are mass extinction events a serious threat to the human race? Is the Endangered Species List manipulated for political purposes? Does nature show signs of Intelligent Design or is Evolution completely controlled by random mutation? Do the rich already pay more than their fair share of taxes? Should the taxpayer subsidize farms? Should gambling be legal? Should Native American tribal members have more rights than the general population? Can women’s eating disorders be linked to the fashion industry? Was there anything unusual in Hanger 19 in Area 51? Should the American Taxpayer have to cover the losses of people who chose build in flood areas? Is a high population a danger to the environment or a benefit to humankind? Should porn be banned? Can we ever get rid of nuclear weapons? Do individuals have the right to suicide? Should government impose restrictions on what kinds of foods can be served in school cafeterias? Does parental “tough love” really work? Should the use of coal be subjected to stricter environmental regulations than other fuels? Should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce? Should DDT be re-approved for use in the wake of recent bedbug outbreaks across the country? Do beauty contests serve any purpose in society? Do oil companies make big bucks while the rest of us pay too much? What, if any, limitations should be applied to the paparazzi? Should denial of the Holocaust be illegal? Domestic Violence Gangs Helmet laws Homelessness Homosexuals in the military Mainstreaming disabled children Michael Moore Nuclear Weapons Outsourcing Jobs Pork-Barrel Spending Prescription Drug Prices Prison Reform Rainforest Problems Retention of failing students School Violence Sexual Harassment Steroids Sweatshops 145