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Supporting Stability: How can we prevent and address family homelessness through education and housing partnerships? www. columbialegal. org
HEART PROGRAM SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Casey Trupin, Coordinating Attorney Katara Jordan, Staff Attorney Stay Informed: Sign Up for Our E-Newsletter www. columbialegal. org Sarah Miller, Liaison Spokane Public Schools
Overview: The Problem www. columbialegal. org
Overview: The Problem • Over 30, 000 students experiencing homelessness in Washington. • State receives only $950, 000/year for Mc. Kinney-Vento (MV). • Only one FTE at OSPI responsible for overseeing MV. • Homeless students behind peers in math, reading, and science proficiency. • Almost $17 million spent on homeless student transportation in 2012 -13. www. columbialegal. org
Causes of Homelessness • Economic Inequality • Health problems • Domestic violence • Natural and other disasters • Abuse/neglect (unaccompanied youth) www. columbialegal. org
The Whirlwind of Homelessness • Living with strangers – – – In strange house/room/bed Different rules/routine No privacy, concerns about safety Families often become separated Often overcrowded, unsanitary • Income Instability – Few or no possessions – Poor health, nutrition, health care • Uncertainty about future – Where will I sleep tonight? – Will we find a home? www. columbialegal. org
What are the Education Experiences of Students in Homeless Situations? • Mobility: – 40% attend two schools/year; 28% attend three plus schools/year. • Learning disabilities: – Three times as likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. – Twice as likely to have learning disabilities. – Yet, less likely to receive special education services. • Lack of academic progress: – Twice as likely to repeat a grade. www. columbialegal. org
HEART – Homeless Education and Resource Team: Spokane Public Schools • HEART is Spokane Public Schools’ method for implementing MV. • 30, 000 students - 1, 100 homeless (approx. 3. 6%) • Spokane is only 1 of 24 grantees. This amount is less than $45, 000 a year. www. columbialegal. org
HEART – Homeless Education and Resource Team: Spokane Public Schools • Type of Housing HEART protects a student’s right to attend their school of origin when it is in their best interests. • It also provides transportation services to and from the school of origin. 2% 4% 24% Snapshot of Spokane as of 5/18/14 • Yellow School Buses 472 Students • Public Transportation Passes 139 students • Cab Services 18 students 70% • Mileage Reimbursement 4 students Sheltered Doubled Unsheltered Hotel/Motel www. columbialegal. org
Snapshot of School District Transportation Funding • Transportation funds are in addition to basic education funding allocations. • Districts are only funded for to/from K-12 pupil transportation. Field trips, mid-day routes, overload, late/early routes are not funded. • Mc. Kinney-Vento transportation is not specifically funded – it is a part of the whole transportation picture. • Student Transportation Allocation Reporting System (STARS) uses a regression analysis to determine expected cost of operation. • Ridership counts are done three times a year and are based on number of students and average mileage. • Districts cannot retain underspent transportation funds. www. columbialegal. org
A Snapshot of Homeless Student Transportation Costs Everett Tukwila Students receiving out of district transportation: 2012 -13: 492/942 students Total costs of transportation: 2012 -13: 132 students (305 students) 2012 -13: $809, 897 2012 -12: $205, 275 Average Cost per Homeless Student $1646 per student 2 -13: $809, 897 Average Cost per Homeless Student Total costs of transportation: $2975 per student www. columbialegal. org Statewide Students receiving transportation: 2012 -13: estimate of 2200 -3600/30, 609 students
Proposal: Policy Action Enable schools to offer families housing supports, if financially beneficial for district and consistent with family’s wishes. www. columbialegal. org
Practical Considerations • Not mandatory for district or family • Flex funds only used when District saves money. • Community providers will take the lead. • District staff minimally involved in housing • Student/family must agree. www. columbialegal. org
Flex Funds in Practice: An Example A district has identified three students as homeless. Each student will have to move at least 30 miles outside of the district to live in the nearest shelter. Over the course of the school year, it will cost the district $36, 000 ($12, 000 each) to transport these students to and from the school of origin to their local residence. Under the current system, the district has no other options but to transport the students. 1 + + + 2 www. columbialegal. org 3 = $36, 000
However, if the district could flex funds… 1 2 3 = $4, 000 +$8, 000 + = Cost of housing support Savings that should be returned to District $6, 000 = +$6, 000 $12, 000 Cost of housing support Savings that should be returned to District No savings due to cost of housing support Housing may not be best option www. columbialegal. org
Discussion Questions • Are there families in your area that could benefit from a proposal like this? • In your area, are housing providers and schools collaborating? • Do the different definitions of homelessness pose challenges? • What type of housing would most benefit the families you work with? www. columbialegal. org
Follow-up & Contact Information HEART PROGRAM SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Casey Trupin, Coordinating Attorney casey. trupin@columbialegal. org Katara Jordan, Staff Attorney Katara. jordan@columbialegal. org Sarah Miller, Liaison Spokane Public Schools sarahmi@spokaneschools. org Stay Informed: Sign Up for Our E-Newsletter www. columbialegal. org
References & Photo Credits References: Student Homelessness Data taken from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Homeless Education Office. Data from Tukwila and Everett requested for research purposes only as it relates to the development of proposal. Photo Credits: “Home Symbol” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2. 0 /Cropped and resized from original “Stock Photo: 19310494” © i. Stock. com/Simmi. Simons Stay Informed: Sign Up for Our E-Newsletter www. columbialegal. org
Additional Resources Stay Informed: Sign Up for Our E-Newsletter www. columbialegal. org