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Supporting Focus Schools Differentiated Technical Assistance Team (DTAT) September, 2012 OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 1
Supporting Focus Schools The ultimate goal in school improvement is for the people attached to the school to drive its continuous improvement for the sake of their own children and students. - Dr. Sam Redding OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 2
Supporting Focus Schools • The Office of School Improvement (OSI) provides direct technical assistance to school and central office personnel via the Differentiated Technical Assistance Team (DTAT) • A Focus School may receive additional technical assistance to supplement the support of its division liaison OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 3
Supporting Focus Schools What matters most to Evan’s success? OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 4
Supporting Focus Schools • Differentiated Technical Assistance Team (DTAT) ü A cadre of highly-skilled retired educators and education consultants selected based on expertise in one or more areas of technical assistance ü Contractors collaborate with stakeholders to build local capacity for raising individual student growth OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 5
Supporting Focus Schools • Identifying school needs ü Analyze results of self-assessment needs surveys from schools and divisions AND the results of needs sensing interviews conducted by division liaisons ü Review data to determine if additional assistance is needed from the DTAT ü Request for technical assistance is available throughout the year using the technical assistance request form or the DTAT dedicated email address OSITA@doe. virginia. gov OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 6
Supporting Focus Schools • If additional assistance is indicated the OSI will ü Involve the division liaison ü Engage additional contractors ü Seek assistance from the Intra-agency technical assistance team OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 7
Support for Focus Schools • Individualized Technical Assistance Plan (ITAP) ü Goals to be addressed ü The nature and duration of technical assistance ü Responsibilities (DTAT contractor and LEA) ü How the technical assistance will be evaluated OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 8
Supporting Focus Schools • Technical assistance opportunities may include ü VDOE staff assistance ü Direct consultation with DTAT contractor ü Webinar participation ü Peer mentoring ü Online resources ü Other OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 9
Supporting Focus Schools • Planned OSI DTAT online web site resource topics by category ü Vision, Mission, Culture, and Climate (ex. – Celebrate learning and student achievement; Enhancing school climate) ü Leadership (ex. - Scheduling – all levels; Distributive leadership; Supporting teachers; Teacher evaluation) ü Continuous Improvement (ex. - School improvement planning; Data analysis; Sustaining capacity during change) ü Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (ex. - Aligning curriculum, instruction, standards; Co-teaching; Differentiation of instruction) ü Student Support Systems (ex. - Alternatives to suspension and expulsion; Engaging parents) ü Division Support and Resources (ex. - Principal support; Supporting school improvement needs) OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 10
Supporting Focus Schools • Timeline for implementation of ITAP ü September, 2012 - September 17 - 18 - Presentation on DTAT to Focus Schools - Gather self-assessment of needs and begin to analyze ü October, 2012 - Begin to review needs sensing interview data from division liaisons and comparing with self-assessment of needs - Identify focus schools in need of additional technical assistance - Develop ITAPs - Develop scope of work for DTAT contractor (where needed) ü October – November, 2012 - ITAP implementation ü November, 2012 – May, 2013 - Receive ongoing DTAT requests from schools OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 11
Supporting Focus Schools • Contact Information: Dr. Yvonne Holloman Associate Director Yvonne. holloman@doe. virginia. gov Mr. Michael Hill PASS Coordinator Michael. hill@doe. virginia. gov Dr. Susan Fitz. Patrick Grants and Programs Manager Susan. fitzpatrick@doe. virginia. gov Ms. Jo Ann Burkholder Student Assistance Systems Coordinator Joann. burkholder@doe. virginia. gov OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 12
Supporting Focus Schools The OSI Team is very excited about the partnership possibilities between the Differentiated Technical Assistance Team and each Focus School. We look forward to working with each of you as we work together to meet the unique individual needs of every student. “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. ” Pat Riley, NBA Coach OSI Differentiated Technical Assistance Team Virginia Department of Education 13