- Количество слайдов: 18
Supplies to buy: 10 fabrics total *Smiley Faces*Money. Black & White Blue Drawstrings Candy
Kennedy Jr. High’s Sewing Factory —A lesson in entrepreneurship
Product: What fabrics will sell? - Vote for 2 Choices: Girl Talk. Pink & Black Dot. Purple. Football. Tie Dye- Red & Orange Stripe. Blue & Green Plaid. Cheetah print. Giraffe print. Cow Print-
Sewing Factory Jobs • • Production Manager Assistant Manager Sales and Service Inspectors Payroll Clean up crew Sewing Machine Repair • • • Sergers/Drawstrings Pressers Cutters/Seam rippers Pinners Sewing Machine Operators Objective: Write a professional job application and practice a interviewing for a job.
Today • • • Discuss products, prices, and promotion. Discuss business concepts. Job Training! (earns 1 ticket) Finish candy bag advertisements. Order candy bags.
Today’s Objectives: • Discuss products, prices, and promotion. • Discuss candy to buy and promotion. • Create an advertisement for the candy bag.
Product: Candy voting Choice 1: Choice 2: Skittles Twix
Product: Drawstrings Fabrics: – – – Pink with Black Dots Giraffe Print Football Purple Cheetah Cow Print (8) Colors to choose: – – Black Red Cream Navy Blue
Today’s Objective • Work in the sewing factory making Candy Bags and earning tickets.
Prices: Fabrics Fabric Choices: Pink with Black Dots- (4) Giraffe Print- (9) Football- (3) Purple- (2) Cheetah- (5) Cow Print- (8) Total Fabrics = 31 Sale price: 3 tickets 2 tickets 3 tickets 2 tickets
Prices • • Candy Bag: 2 -3 tickets 2 Eyes: 1 ticket 1 Nose: 1 ticket Candy: 1 ticket each – 1 twix – ¼ cup skittles • Total: 7 tickets
Business Concepts • Supply vs. Demand • Cost vs. Variety • Customer is always right. – True or not? – How know what the customers want? • Take orders vs. make and then sell. • Hiring Employees- choice or fill job?
Today • • Discuss business concepts. Job Training! (earns 1 ticket) Finish candy bag advertisements. Order candy bags.
promotion • • • Slogan Logo? Catchy Hashtag: #Candys. Good Bright colors
Promotion- Advertising Competition • Create an ad for the candy bags – Company name and/or logo – Catchy slogan/saying • Design your ad – Visuals: • picture of product; promotional character; color – Information • Product, price, and place • Top 3 winners will receive a prize!
Place- 7 step sales process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approach Needs Product Overcoming objections Closing Suggestive selling Follow-up
Job Training! • Earn one ticket while you get trained for your job. • Candy Bag Advertisements are due today to get voted on!
Job Rules • • • Moving from area– lose tickets Moving 3 times- out for the day– no pay. Work on assignment if not doing job. Turn work into Payroll. Ask teacher if you need a break.