- Количество слайдов: 121
Supernova Cosmology Program Saul Perlmutter Mar 2, 2006
y or ct fa SN LS SN N Ba ry o n O sc . S ST er H st u Cl A N S P
SCP Staff Current Collaborators Stockholm ESO/Chile IN 2 P 3/Paris Tokyo STSc. I Toronto Vanderbilt JPL Chicago Michigan
CMAGIC intrinsic dispersion & CMAGIC in other colors Wang, Strovink, Goldhaber, Siegrist, Perlmutter, Conley
Apply CMAGIC to high redshift SNe • Alternative method provides systematic cross check of previous results • SCP + literature SNe • 21 high z, 31 low z • Cosmology fit done as “blind” analysis - conceal final results while developing analysis A. Conley, Ph. D thesis. March 2005
Cosmological Parameters A. Conley, Ph. D thesis. March 2005 Ap. J submitted
Super. Nova Legacy Survey at CFHT First-year results: Astier et al. , A&A 447, 31 (2006) 71 SNe Ia
Super. Nova Legacy Survey at CFHT • • • Started March '03. 40 (d) nights/year for 5 years 4 square degrees : u’, g’, r’, i’, z’ every 2 -3 nights for 10 months/yr 15’, 30’, 1 h, 30’ Detection up to z = 1. 2 -1. 3 Multicolor LC follow- up up to z=0. 9 2000 SN Ia + 2000 SN II ? + AGNs ? +. . 600 well measured SNIa 0. 3
Super. Nova Legacy Survey at CFHT
SNe Ia Spectra from Keck Data from LBL group: Kowalski Schlegel Perlmutter Aldering Spectra of some of the SNLS SN candidates obtained during the 2005 A Keck LRIS observing campaign. The light-blue lines show the data after host galaxy subtraction (if necessary), rebinned to 10Å. Overplotted in black are the best fit SN templates. The spectra are confirmed by Keck to be Type Ia SNe.
First-year results from SNLS The Supernova Legacy Survey: Measurement of WM, WL and w from the First Year Data Set P. Astier, et al. , astro-ph/0510447 71 high redshift type Ia supernovae Hubble diagram of SNLS and nearby SNe Ia, with variouscosmologies superimposed. The bottom plot shows theresiduals for the best fit to a flat cosmology.
First-year results from SNLS Contours at 68. 3%, 95. 5% and 99. 7% confidence levels for the fit to a flat (WM, w) cosmology, from the SNLS Hubble diagram alone, from the SDSS baryon acoustic oscillations alone (Eisenstein et al. 2005), and the joint confidence contours. Contours at 68. 3%, 95. 5% and 99. 7% confidence levels for the fit to an (WM, WL ) cosmology from the SNLS Hubble diagram(solid contours), the SDSS baryon acoustic oscillations(Eisenstein et al. 2005, dotted lines), and the joint confidence contours (dashed lines).
Knop et al (Ap. J, 2003)
Before Extinction Correction After Extinction Correction
Sullivan, et al. (2003)
Decelerating and Dustfree: Targeting SNe in Very High Redshift Galaxy Clusters • Major 219 -orbit year-long HST Program in progress in collaboration with several galaxy cluster groups • • searching ~ 24 massive galaxy clusters at z > 1 with ACS Why clusters? • • 5 times higher density of early type galaxies • • Dominated by nearly dust-free early type galaxies. SNe in these galaxies have negligible dust extinction Our Program • • follow SNe with NICMOS (J band) • • image clusters with cadence ~ 20 -23 day in z’, i’ bands spectroscopy: 20 half-nights on Subaru, ~ 4 nights on Keck Scientific goals • Significantly improve SN constraints of dark energy - statistical and systematic uncertainties • Cluster studies: weak lensing, galaxy morphology, and color-magnitude relationship.
SCP Recent Accomplishments: New large (219 -orbit) HST progam underway: A SN search HST targeting dustfree elliptical galaxies in high redshift clusters Cycle 14 observations began July 2005
SNe in Very High Redshift Galaxy Clusters (a) Left Panel: Simulated 68% confidence region on w' vs. w 0 for the current literature SN sample but with underlying cosmology(w 0 = -1; w’ = 0). The parameters are poorly constrained because color errors are magnified by RB ~ 4. (b) Middle Panel: The solid red contour shows reduced uncertainties (excluding systematic bias) using a Bayesian prior on the extinction distribution prior to suppress color errors. The filled gray contour is from Riess et al. 2004 using this prior. The short-dashed contour shows that this approach is also sensitive to shifts in RB with redshift; the example shifts from 4. 1 to 2. 6. (c) Right Panel: The goal of this project is shown as a confidence region for a simulated new sample of 10 z > 1 SNe Ia found in cluster ellipticals, together with 5 in ellipticals from the past and ongoing GOODS searches, as well as 120 SNe Ia in ellipticals at the lower redshifts now being produced by the ground-based CFHT SN Legacy Survey, the CTIO Essence survey, and (at z < 0. 1) the Nearby SN Factory
First SN discovered in a cluster in this search preliminary Cluster RCS 0221 -03 at z = 1. 02
SNe discovered in ongoing search z=1. 316 preliminary z=0. 926 preliminary
SLIDE WITH SUMMARY OF CLUSTER SEARCH TO DATE - FROM TWIKI PAGE: Current Cluster Rate Summary We have 9 SNe to date (15 Feb 2006) * 3 field z<1, hosted by spiral galaxies o N-010, z=0. 203: Caught on the way down, can be any type o Lauren, z=0. 821: redshift from host o Gabe, z=0. 92: redshift from nebulous host, only have z band data * 2 z>~1, hosted by cluster ellipticals o Frida, z=1. 01: spectroscopically confirmed o K-000, z=1. 41? : no redshift, but host is likely cluster member, low stretch, low peak mag? * 1 z>1, hosted by cluster spiral o Midge, z=0. 98: spectroscopically confirmed (thought host was @1. 09 though) * 2 z>1, hosted by background elliptical
Placing SNe on Hubble Diagram preliminary These SNe are found in elliptical galaxies - no extinction correction
Polarization versus lightcurve timescale Wang, et al. submitted slow fast
SCP 1999 Low-z SN campaign Lightcurves - Cross calibration of multiple telescopes SN 1999 ac SN 1999 ao — 20 nearby SN observed (0. 02 < z < 0. 24) — ~2600 images in UBVRI — 17 different instruments M. Kowalski, B. Farris SN 1999 aw SN 1999 bp SN 1999 aa
Spectra of High Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and a Comparison with their Low Redshift Counterparts I. Hook et al. , AJ in press, astro-ph/0509041 The time sequence of high redshift SN spectra in order of rest-frame date relative to maximum light as determined from the light curve. Spectra of the nearby Type Ia, SN 1992 A are interspersed for comparison. We find no evidence for evolution in SN Ia properties between low and high redshift samples.
Detailed spectroscopic studies of 2 SNe • Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Peculiar SN 1999 aa, – G. Garavini et al. , AJ 128, 387 SN 1999 aa • Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Unusual Type Ia SN 1999 ac, – G. Garavini et al. , AJ in press. astroph/0507288 High S/N spectra allow for identification and temporal evolution of intermediate mass elements SN 1999 ac Synthetic spectrum (SYNOW) compared with SN 1999 ac spectrum for day -15
SCP SN studies using Subaru 8. 2 m • Intensive SN search with Subaru/ Suprime-Cam in 2002 – 5 nights in Spring/11 nights in Fall – coordinated spectroscopy with Keck, Gemini, and VLT • Widest field imaging camera on an 8 -10 m class telescope – FOV of 33 x 26 arcmin. Candidates Spectrum SNe Spec. HST Confirmed SNe Ia Spring 01 22 8 7 3 1 Spring 02 55 13 7 5 4 Fall 02 44 22 25 5 3 Total 121 48 39 13 8 S. Perlmutter, G. Goldaber, K. Dawson, V. Fadeyev, D. Schlegel, A. Spadafora, Tokyo group Spectroscopy Obtained Un-typed SNe Ia
Adding SNe to Hubble diagram at the highest redshifts SCP Subaru data will provide a significant SN sample at z > 1.
Recent SCP Accomplishments: high z • Narrowing in Cosmological parameters: – New Constraints from HST-observed SNe – SNe in elliptical galaxies - study effect of dust • Spectroscopy of high redshift SNe: – Published large data set in 2 papers • Important data sets completed, analysis in progress: – SN “Albinoni” from Keck/HST (z = 1. 2) – ~40 SNe from Subaru/HST (0. 8 < z < 1. 5) – 2 SNe discovered with HST (z ~ 1. 6)
• SCP Low-z campaign – Detailed Analysis of spectra of 2 SNe published – Lightcurves obtained from cross-calibrating telescopes used in extensive observing campaign • Other studies of systematics – First Restframe I-band Hubble diagram submitted for publication – CMAGIC: new analysis approach developed with low-z SNe, applied to a set of high-z SNe for cosmology
SCP Publications in past year (1) 1. Spectra of High Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and a Comparison with their Low Redshift Counterparts. – 2. Spectroscopic confirmation of high-redshift supernovae with the ESO VLT, – 3. M. Sullivan et al. , AJ accepted, astro-ph/05010857 The Supernova Legacy Survey: Measurement of WM, WL and w from the First Year Data, – 7. S. Nobili et al. , A&A, 437, 789 (2005). Also available at astro-ph/0504139 Photometric selection of high-redshift type Ia supernovae, – 6. G. Garavini et al. , AJ in press. astro-ph/0507288 Restframe I-band Hubble Diagram for Type Ia Supernovae up to Redshift z ~ 0. 5, – 5. C. Lidman et al. , A&A 430, 843 (2005) astro-ph/0410506 Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Unusual Type Ia SN 1999 ac, – 4. I. Hook et al. , AJ in press. astro-ph/0509041 P. Astier et al. , A&A accepted, astro-ph/0510447 Gemini Spectroscopy Of Supernovae From SNLS: Improving High Redshift SN Selection and Classification, – A. Howell et al, Ap. J accepted, astro-ph/0509195
SCP Publications in past year (2) 8. Measurement of WM, WL from an analysis of Type Ia SNe with CMAGIC, – 9. A. Conley et al. , Ap. J submitted. Nonlinear Decline-Rate Dependence and Intrinsic Variation of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities, – 10. L. Wang, M. Strovink, A. Conley, G. Goldhaber, M. Kowalski, J. Siegrist, and S. Perlmutter, Ap. J submitted Dust around type Ia supernovae, – 11. L. Wang. Ap. JL in press. astroph/0511003 Spectropolarimetry Diagnostics of Thermonuclear SNe, – 12. L. Wang, D. Baade, F. Patat, Science submitted. Estimation of the Cosmological Parameters from an Analysis of Type Ia Supernovae with CMAGIC, – A. Conley, Ph. D thesis UC Berkeley
Recent SCP Publications • Spectroscopic Observations and Analysis of the Peculiar SN 1999 aa, Garavini, G. , et al. , AJ, 128, 387 (2004). • Spectroscopic confirmation of high-redshift supernovae with the ESO VLT. , Lidman, C. , et al. , A&A, 430, 843 (2005). • Restframe I-band Hubble Diagram for Type Ia Supernovae up to Redshift z~ 0. 5”, Nobili, S. , et al. , submitted to A&A. ” • New Spectra of High Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and a Comparison with their Low Redshift Counterparts, Hook, I. , et al. , submitted to AJ. • Cosmological Constraints from the First Supernova Discovered above Redshift of One. , Fadeyev, V. , et al. , AAS, 205, (2004). • A Set of Nearby SNe Ia Lightcurves, Kowalski, M. , et al. , AAS, 205, (2004). • Various conference presentations • 7 Ph. D thesis since 2003! (2 LBNL, 3 Stockholm, 2 Paris)
Near Term Goals • Complete analysis and publication of recent data – – Subaru data - large sample z> 1 SNe ! HST/ACS SNe - some of the highest redshift SNe ! Albinoni Low-z data set • Ongoing Observing Program – SNLS - hundreds of SNe at accelerating redshifts – Major program (219 orbits) proposed for next HSTcycle forming new collaboration with experts on high-redshift clusters
Long-term Plans Before SNAP/JDEM • Large SCP programs continue – – SNLS HST program Subaru program Farther in future: Dark Energy Camera program • Strategic planning exercise now underway for our supernova cosmology / particle cosmology program up to JDEM. • Resources needed: – additional postdoc(s), graduate students to make best use of new data for cosmology studies – instrumentation development for next programs Next: JDEM!
Internal Assessments: SCP Summary of comments from the Director’s Review (Nov 04) • …the committee agrees with the Division’s decision to shift resources to ATLAS and SNAP. However, the committee also emphasizes the importance to the Division of involvement in experiments that are actively recording and analyzing data, especially for the training of graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. • The outstanding success of the dark energy program at LBNL has made it the premier center for cosmology studies using supernova (SN) measurements, and there is also appropriate interest at LBNL in complementary observational techniques such as lensing. • There are three related but distinct activities on supernovae: the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP), the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory), and JDEM/SNAP. All three efforts are going well, and it is extremely impressive that three state-of-the art projects in this high-profile area are being maintained in a productive and mutually-reinforcing manner.
Internal Assessments: SCP • The SCP, which pioneered the SN measurements, continues to be very productive. The Color Magnitude Intercept Calibration (CMAGIC) technique appears to be very promising, and there have been a number of significant publications in the last year. The highestredshift SN measurements, which probe the “decelerating” era and which have the possibility of informing the planning for SNAP, are particularly important to pursue. The group is quite productive in spite of being relatively small and with several key people time-shared on other efforts. • …additional access to expertise at NERSC could significantly benefit CMB, SCP, and SNfactory productivity.
Dark Energy Survey Overview • DES Science Goals: Study dark energy with four techniques – – • Blanco 4 m Telescope on Cerro Tololo Galaxy cluster surveys (with SPT) Weak lensing Galaxy angular power spectrum SN Ia distances Instrument and schedule – New 3 deg 2 camera on the Blanco 4 m on Cerro Tololo – Construction: 2004 -2009 – Survey Operations: 2009 -2013 – “Precursor” to SNAP, LSST • Two linked, multiband surveys – 5000 deg 2 g’, r’, i’ and z’ – Repeated observations of 40 deg 2 – Catalogs made available to community after one year Image credit: Roger Smith/NOAO/AURA/NSF
SNAP co-PI’s: Perlmutter & Levi
“SNAP”: Super. Nova Acceleration Probe
SNAP Collaboration LBNL G. Aldering, S. Bailey, C. Bebek, W. Carithers, T. Davis†, K. Dawson, C. Day, R. Di. Gennaro, S. Deustua†, D. Groom, M. Hoff, S. Holland, D. Huterer†, A. Karcher, A. Kim, W. Kolbe, W. Kramer, B. Krieger, G. Kushner, N. Kuznetsova, R. Lafever, J. Lamoureux, M. Levi, S. Loken, B. Mc. Ginnis, R. Miquel, P. Nugent, H. Oluseyi†, N. Palaio, S. Perlmutter, N. Roe, H. Shukla, A. Spadafora, H. Von Der Lippe, J-P. Walder, G. Wang Berkeley M. Bester, E. Commins, G. Goldhaber, H. Heetderks, P. Jelinsky, M. Lampton, E. Linder, D. Pankow, M. Sholl, G. Smoot, C. Vale, M. White Caltech R. Ellis, R. Massey†, A. Refregier†, J. Rhodes, R. Smith, K. Taylor, A. Weinstein Fermi National Laboratory J. Annis, F. De. Jongh, S. Dodelson, T. Diehl, J. Frieman, D. Holz†, L. Hui, S. Kent, P. Limon, J. Marriner, H. Lin, J. Peoples, V. Scarpine, A. Stebbins, C. Stoughton, D. Tucker, W. Wester Indiana U. C. Bower, N. Mostek, J. Musser, S. Mufson IN 2 P 3 -Paris -Marseille P. Astier, E. Barrelet, R. Pain, G. Smadja†, D. Vincent A. Bonissent, A. Ealet, D. Fouchez, A. Tilquin JPL D. Cole, M. Frerking, J. Rhodes, M. Seiffert LAM (France) S. Basa, R. Malina, A. Mazure, E. Prieto University of Michigan B. Bigelow, M. Brown, M. Campbell, D. Gerdes, W. Lorenzon, T. Mc. Kay, S. Mc. Kee, M. Schubnell, G. Tarle, A. Tomasch University of Pennsylvania G. Bernstein, L. Gladney, B. Jain, D. Rusin University of Stockholm R. Amanullah, L. Bergström, A. Goobar, E. Mörtsell SLAC W. Althouse, R. Blandford, W. Craig, S. Kahn, M. Huffer, P. Marshall STSc. I R. Bohlin, D. Figer, A. Fruchter Yale U. C. Baltay, W. Emmet, J. Snyder, A. Szymkowiak, D. Rabinowitz, N. Morgan † Institutional affiliation
A multidimensional parameter space: Clustering of physically significant observables
SNAP: Observing supernovae with lightcurves and spectra
SNAP Surveys Survey Deep/SNe Wide Area(sq. deg) Depth(AB mag) ngal(arcmin-2) Ngal 15 30. 3 250 107 1000 28. 0 10 8. 5 26. 7 40 -50 10 9 Panoramic 7000 -10000 Synergy of Supernovae + Weak Lensing • Comprehensive: no external priors required! • Independent test of flatness to 1 -2% • Complementary (SNe + WL only): conservative: w 0 to ± 0. 05, variation w to ± 0. 12 (with systematics) L model w 0 to ± 0. 03 variation w to ± 0. 06 (with systematics) SUGRA model Adding panoramic survey and better systematics: w 0 to ± 0. 03, variation w to ± 0. 06 (with systematics) L model w 0 to ± 0. 015 variation w to ± 0. 03 (with systematics) SUGRA model • Baryon Oscillations: available if improved systematics in space warrant Flexible: Panoramic is greater than 1000 sq. to do would need R > ~250 deg. the radial Baryon Oscillations, but get tangential Baryon Oscillations “for free” with Wide or Panoramic Survey
DOE/NASA Joint Dark Energy Mission Science Definition Team Science Griest, Kim Co-chair UCSD Albrecht, Andy Barish, Barry Science Co-chair UC-Davis Cal. Tech Kirshner, Robert Harvard Baltay, Charlie Yale Lauer, Tod NOAO Bennett, Chuck GSFC Levi, Michael LBNL Bernstein, Gary Penn Linder, Eric LBNL Caldwell, Robert Dartmouth Lupton, Robert Princeton Cheng, Ed Conc. Anal. Moos, Warren JHU Deustua, Susana AAS Morse, Jon ASU Donahue, Megan MSU Perlmutter, Saul UCB/LBNL Eisenstein, Dan Arizona Rauscher, Bernie GSFC Ellis, Richard Cal. Tech Riess, Adam STSc. I Freedman, Wendy Carnegie Obs. Frieman, Josh FNAL Seiffert, Mike Gardner, Jon GSFC Agency Turner, Kathy Co-chair Glazebrook, Karl JHU Agency Salamon, Michael Co-chair NASA JPL DOE Wheeler, Craig Texas-Austin Wright, Ned UCLA
HOUSE COMMITTEE ON RULES CONFERENCE REPORT ON H. R. 2419, ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2006 - (House of Representatives - November 07, 2005) [Page: H 9813] --- “High Energy Physics. --The conference agreement provides $723, 933, 000 for high energy physics research. The control level is at the High Energy Physics level. An additional $10, 000 is provided for research on the international linear collider and for upgrades to the neutrino research program. The conferees support the DOE/NASA Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) and encourage the Department to move JDEM forward aggressively to accomplish this important research. ”
Ba ry on sc O. A N S P SN y or ct fa
WMAP Tegmark, Oliveira-Costa, Hamilton (2003)
Baryon acoustic oscillations: The tool is large galaxy redshift surveys. Luminous Red Galaxies are the brightest + reddest galaxies in the Universe. Easily seen to z=0. 6 for M<-21 in SDSS.
Baryon acoustic oscillations: The tool is large galaxy redshift surveys. SDSS main survey (too small!)
Baryon acoustic oscillations: The tool is large galaxy redshift surveys. SDSS main survey (too small!) SDSS red galaxies
Baryon acoustic oscillations: The tool is large galaxy redshift surveys. SDSS main survey (too small!) SDSS red galaxies (photo-z only)
Baryon acoustic oscillations: First Results! Eisenstein et al. 2005 SDSS spectro-z 40, 000 red galaxies 0. 15 < z < 0. 40 3. 5 -sigma detection Padmanabhan & Schlegel 2005 SDSS photo-z (less accurate) 900, 000 red galaxies 0. 15 < z < 0. 60 2. 5 -sigma detection
Baryon acoustic oscillations: Future Results? ? 2006: Double volume of SDSS/LRG photo-z survey at z<0. 4 --> 2 million galaxies 2007: Double volume of SDSS/LRG spectro-z survey at z<0. 6 --> 100, 000 galaxies 2008: First results from Pan. STARRS survey using photo-z’s 2010: First results possible from Thousand Points of Light at Lick spectro-z survey at 0
Now Ground SN Factory SNLS 5 years from now Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Subaru SNe Space HST Cluster SNe SNAP
y or ct fa SN LS Ba ry o n O sc . ST er H st u Cl A N S SN SN P
Riess et al. (2004) Combined
2 year survey
2 year survey
Holz & Linder (2004)
Current Concept: Compact & Extremely Simple • 90 deg Symmetric Focal Plane allows continuous year round science data taking – one side always sunward, allowing fixed solar panels hence a rigid spacecraft – other side always dark, allowing fixed passive thermal radiator serving sensor array • Innovative telescope design does IR imaging with room temperature optics – three mirror anastigmat has accessible exit pupil and complete cold stop baffling • Built in end-to-end optical test capability simplifies Integration and Testing • The fixed telemetry antenna eliminates a major mission risk: – no gimbals – rigid spacecraft eases ACS task • No onboard data analysis: all images are downlinked to Earth – lossless onboard compression via hardware
Supernova/Weak Lensing Mission Simulator …science-driven requirements
8 -meter
Cosmological Parameter Determination • Shown is the w 0, w' confidence region of this Monte Carlo realization of the SNAP experiment. There is a prior on WM and 300 low-z SNe. An irreducible systematic is included.
PSF Number counts vs size Finer PSF resolves more galaxies at higher redshifts courtesy of J. Rhodes
SNAP Surveys Survey Deep/SNe Wide Area(sq. deg) Depth(AB mag) ngal(arcmin-2) 15 300 -1000 Panoramic 7000 -10000 Ngal 30. 3 250 107 28. 0 10 8. 5 26. 7 40 -50 10 9 Synergy of Supernovae + Weak Lensing • Comprehensive: no external priors required! • Independent test of flatness to 1 -2% • Complementary (SNe + WL only): conservative: w 0 to ± 0. 05, variation w to ± 0. 12 (with systematics) L model w 0 to ± 0. 03 variation w to ± 0. 06 (with systematics) SUGRA model Adding panoramic survey and better systematics: w 0 to ± 0. 03, variation w to ± 0. 06 (with systematics) L model w 0 to ± 0. 015 variation w to ± 0. 03 (with systematics) SUGRA model • Flexible: Panoramic is available if improved systematics in space warrant greater than 1000 sq. deg.
Circumstellar dust as a cause of the extinction of SNe Ia SN 1999 cl L. Wang astroph/ 0511003 This figure shows that the circumstellar dust model (the solid red lines) provides an excellent fit to the observed light curves of SN 1999 cl, whereas the commonly used interstellar extinction law gives extinction corrections that are several magnitudes off from the observed value in different filters.
• Complete analysis and publication of recent data – Subaru data - large sample z> 1 SNe ! – HST/ACS SNe - some of the highest redshift SNe ! – Albinoni – Low-z data set • Ongoing Observing Program – SNLS - hundreds of SNe at accelerating redshifts – Major program (219 orbits) proposed for next HSTcycle - forming new collaboration with experts on high-redshift clusters
Before SNAP/JDEM • Large SCP programs continue – SNLS – HST program – Subaru program – Farther in future: Dark Energy Camera program • Strategic planning exercise now underway for our supernova cosmology / particle cosmology program up to JDEM. • Resources needed: – additional postdoc(s), graduate students to make best use of new data for cosmology studies – instrumentation development for next programs Next: JDEM!
The Time Series of Spectra is a “CAT Scan” of the Supernova
Saul has a new version
Bacon, Ellis, Refregier (2000)
PSF Number counts vs size Finer PSF resolves more galaxies at higher redshifts courtesy of J. Rhodes
Baryon acoustic oscillations Primordeal sound wave, “frozen in” at 500 million light years when H atoms combined in the early Universe. This is the same physics seen in the CMB at z=1100. Use this as as standard ruler of angular diameter distance DA
Power spectra from galaxy surveys What’s left to be learned? Turn-over depends upon horizon size at matterradiation equality Baryon oscillations depend upon sound horizon at recombination (Eisenstein & Hu ‘ 98)
Photo-z’s for Luminous Red Galaxies * Uniform SEDs * Strong 4000 -Ang break * Very little evolution 4000 -Ang break
Complication #4: Redshift errors must be small + wellunderstood d. F Truth test: We have spectroscopic z’s for ~40, 000 LRGs. SD SS -2 Use these galaxies to understand the photo-z errors. SD SS dz~0. 050 dz~0. 025
SDSS Telescope Fiber spectograph
A N S P SN y or ct fa