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Summer University Where are YOU going this SUMMER? Summer University Where are YOU going this SUMMER?

What is Summer University A Summer University is usually a two-week event organised by What is Summer University A Summer University is usually a two-week event organised by an AEGEE local where between 20 and 50 students come together from all over Europe. Summer Universities are organised by students for students. The Summer University Project aims at opening a new perspective to the participants over the multicultural dimension of the European continent. It also promotes understanding among European students, removing national borders and creating a European feeling.

The SU project is: • AEGEE´s biggest and oldest project • Established in 1988 The SU project is: • AEGEE´s biggest and oldest project • Established in 1988 Every year: • 90 Events • 160 AEGEE locals involved • 5000 applicants • 2500 places offered • Events from Helsinki to Malta, from Sevilla to Moskva

Different Types • Language Course The participants can learn a language, having at least Different Types • Language Course The participants can learn a language, having at least 16 hours of tuition for 2 weeks • Language Course + Lasting 2 -4 weeks, participants receive at least 20 hours of tuition by professional teachers. • Summer Course A course about a specific topic, not a language. Participants receive at least 10 hours tuition, often combined with a practical experience. • Summer Course + ntensive course about specific topics of general interest. During the event, participants receive at east 20 hours tuition by professional lecturers. • Traveling Summer Universities During the 2 -4 weeks of cultural trips through Europe, the group stays in at least 4 different places. There is no particular course provided, the aim of this event is to discover the different cultures

Different Themes • Green Summer University Locals organising that kind of a Summer University Different Themes • Green Summer University Locals organising that kind of a Summer University don’t only just offer you cultural exchange and summer fun, but also try to take some responsibility towards our environment and our own future. • Voluntary Summer University Partisipating in a Voluntary Summer University gives you a change to give something to the community you are a guest of and to contribute to the program prepared by the local organisers.

SU Nowadays The SU Project was born with the intention to promote European Integration. SU Nowadays The SU Project was born with the intention to promote European Integration. The history of success began in 1988: 10 courses with 320 places were organised. This year: We celebrate the 21 st Anniversary of the SU Project!

What a participant can expect… • To meet a group of amazing European young What a participant can expect… • To meet a group of amazing European young people • To have an unforgettable experience • To discover Europe the real way!

What is the SUCT? The project is centrally coordinated by the Summer University Coordination What is the SUCT? The project is centrally coordinated by the Summer University Coordination Team, a team of five members located all over Europe, responsible for the good functioning of the project. The current team was elected at the Fall Agora in Eskisehir in 2007: Project Manager, Katrin Tomson (AEGEE-Tartu) Public relations, Antonella Bonavia (AEGEE-Valletta) Publications, Kat Chzen (AEGEE-York) IT Responsible, Joost Rovers (AEGEE-Nijmegen) And the appointed CD Member: Dragan Stojanovski (AEGEE-Europe)

How can you get involved? • Visit our website: www. aegee. org/su • Subscribe How can you get involved? • Visit our website: www. aegee. org/su • Subscribe to the mailinglist: aegee-su-l@aegee. org • Ask the SUCT at: suct@aegee. org • And you can become active either on local level or else on a European level by joining the SUCT after the Fall Agora 2008.

Where are YOU going this SUMMER? www. aegee. org/su Where are YOU going this SUMMER? www. aegee. org/su