Скачать презентацию Summer Internship Sarah Tuley — Environmental Engineering — Скачать презентацию Summer Internship Sarah Tuley — Environmental Engineering —


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Summer Internship Sarah Tuley - Environmental Engineering - sarahtuley@yahoo. com Gustavo Barrios - Electrical Summer Internship Sarah Tuley - Environmental Engineering - sarahtuley@yahoo. com Gustavo Barrios - Electrical Engineering - guz_tavo@hotmail. com Edgar Armenta - Mechanical Engineering – armenta. e. e@gmail. com Introduction Method Results Conclusion Established in 1966 as the successor to the Navy’s Bureau of Naval Weapons, the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is headquartered in Patuxent River, Md. , with military and civilian personnel. Armenta – Industrial Quality & AIRSpeed Armenta FRC-SW is creating a single comprehensive database to more efficiently track aircraft and the work done to them, the assigned tasks are: “Mine” data from existing NAVAIR data bases, use multiple data base queries to create a single and complete set of data as well as continuing to complete and correct aircraft lookup tables. The gathered data will help FRC-SW improve aircraft flight safety, decrease turnaround time and reduce the cost of repair by eliminating rework, which will all contribute to increased customer satisfaction. Armenta The work accomplished this summer insures war fighters receive mission ready aircraft back in the field in a timely manner with the highest of craftsmanship, as well as the effective use of taxpayer’s money. The F/A-18 Super Hornet and its variants are aircraft serviced by FRC-SW NAVAIR's mission is to provide full lifecycle support of naval aviation aircraft, weapons and systems operated by Sailors and Marines. This support includes research, design, development, and systems engineering; acquisition; test and evaluation; training facilities and equipment; repair and modification; and in-service engineering and logistics support. The E-2 & C-2 aircraft, also serviced at FRC-SW Barrios – ATE/TPS Development ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) refers to the test hardware and its own operating system software. The hardware itself may be as small as a man-portable suitcase or it may consist of six or more racks of equipment weighing over 2, 000 pounds. TPS (Test Program Set) typically consist of Test Program Software, Hardware, including interface devices, holding fixtures and cables, and documentation. Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS) Station at NAVAIR FRCSW facilities Barrios Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS) is the standard Navy Automatic Test Equipment for support of all Navy electronics at intermediate maintenance activates both ashore and afloat in addition to Navy repair depots. CASS performs both functional and parametric testing. Units Under Test (UUT) are fault isolated to the failed sub-assembly or component level. Signals are typically injected into a powered-up UUT and the UUT response is measured to determine faults. The Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS) is the Navy’s standard Automatic Test Equipment for electronics and avionics Barrios The ATE/TPS Development designs, develops, and manufactures Operational Test Program Sets. These TPS provide the Navy and Marine Corps the capability of Avionic repair on ship or in the field. Currently working on improving the test program for the E 2 C OTPS 28 Self Test. Tuley Since no dissolved solids were found, engineering hours can now be allocated to other areas of concern within the plant. Gustavo Barrios, Sarah Tuley and Edgar Armenta (from left to right) Tuley Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW) is located at Naval Air Station North Island, “the birth place of naval aviation. ” The Command provides comprehensive, quality support to our nation’s aviation war fighters through the overhaul, repair, and modification of Navy and Marine Corps front line tactical, logistical, and rotary-wing aircraft and their components. Tuley – Turco 6849 Investigation Process tank contains an aqueous alkaline degreaser solution formulated to remove oils from aircraft parts. Organization s concerned about any quantity of dissolved solids which would render the solution ineffective. Determine if dissolved solids exist in a sample of moderately used solution and investigate suitable filtering alternatives. Samples from the subject tank were provided to FRCSW’s Material Laboratory for analysis. No detectable levels of dissolved solids were present in the solution. Acknowledgements • NAVAIR Staff § MEP Staff § Jimmy Pham § David Fowler § Angeline Yang § Scott Langford A tank containing Turco 6849 which is an aqueous alkaline degreaser § Theresa M. Garcia § Eric Pamintuan § Stephen Gamberale § Supporting Organizations § Ray Paulson § Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) § Robert Espinoza § National Science Foundation § Mark Weir § Danny Cohen §Daniel Conley