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Summary of Presentation • Origins & Development • Global Takaful Industry • The Takaful Summary of Presentation • Origins & Development • Global Takaful Industry • The Takaful Concept • Key Differences • Practicals of Takaful • Q&A 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 1

DEFINATIONS OF TAKAFUL • AOIFI defines Takaful as follows: “ Islamic insurance is a DEFINATIONS OF TAKAFUL • AOIFI defines Takaful as follows: “ Islamic insurance is a system through which the participants donate part or all of their contributions which are used to pay claims for damages suffered by some of the participants. ” 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 2

Global Takaful Industry ORIGIN & CURRENT STATUS 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 3 Global Takaful Industry ORIGIN & CURRENT STATUS 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 3

Contributions by Region 4 Source: World Islamic Insurance Directory 2012 Contributions by Region 4 Source: World Islamic Insurance Directory 2012

Number of Islamic/Takaful companies 185 companies * GCC: 72 companies including all licensed companies Number of Islamic/Takaful companies 185 companies * GCC: 72 companies including all licensed companies in KSA 5 Source: World Islamic Insurance Directory 2012

DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC FINANCE Private Initiatives Government Directives People’s Driven DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC FINANCE Private Initiatives Government Directives People’s Driven

Government Directives 1980 s Revolutionary (Full Islamisation) Pakistan Gradualist (Partial Islamisation) Iran Malaysia Sudan Government Directives 1980 s Revolutionary (Full Islamisation) Pakistan Gradualist (Partial Islamisation) Iran Malaysia Sudan

A new dawn emerges in East Africa 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 8 A new dawn emerges in East Africa 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 8

Definition of Takaful • AAOIFI defines Takaful as follows: “ Islamic insurance is a Definition of Takaful • AAOIFI defines Takaful as follows: “ Islamic insurance is a system through which the participants donate part or all of their contributions which are used to pay claims for damages suffered by some of the participants. ”

Islam As A Way of Life ISLAM AQIDAH Faith & Belief Shariah Practices & Islam As A Way of Life ISLAM AQIDAH Faith & Belief Shariah Practices & Activites IBADAH Man-to-God Worship AKHLAQ Moralities & Ethics MUAMALAT Man-to-Man Activities POLITICAL ACTIVITIES ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES RISK MANAGEMENT / INSURANCE Azman Ismail www. iifin. net

Roles and Responsibilities of Shariah Supervisory Council (SSC) Certification of permissible Financial Instruments through Roles and Responsibilities of Shariah Supervisory Council (SSC) Certification of permissible Financial Instruments through fatwas (ex-ante. Shariah Audit) & verification of Transactions’ compliance With Issued fatwa (ex-post Shariah Audit) Issue report to certify the conformity of all transactions with the Shariah principles The calculation & payment Of Zakah Disposal of Non. Shariah Compliant earnings Advice on the distribution of income & expenses among s/holders

Fatwas and resolutions on conventional insurance • 1972 Fatwa by National Council for Islamic Fatwas and resolutions on conventional insurance • 1972 Fatwa by National Council for Islamic religious affairs of Malaysia that life insurance is not lawful as it contains gharar, maysir and riba. • 1985, OIC Fiqh academy, in its resolution No. 9 (2/9) rules that commercial insurance is haram as it contains gharar etc.

What is gharar? • • • Uncertainty, deception, risk, hazard, ignorance. Gharar is where What is gharar? • • • Uncertainty, deception, risk, hazard, ignorance. Gharar is where the buyer does not know what he bought, or the seller does not know what he sold (Ibn Hazm).

ARGUMENTS FOR GHARAR • Identify the gharar element in conventional insurance. • Will insured ARGUMENTS FOR GHARAR • Identify the gharar element in conventional insurance. • Will insured get the compensation as promised? • How much will the Insured get? • When will the compensation be paid? • Can the above be considered gharar? If yes, what extent of gharar, minor or major?

Riba • Investment of premium in riba-based financial instruments (e. g, interest bearing accounts Riba • Investment of premium in riba-based financial instruments (e. g, interest bearing accounts and conventional bonds). • May impose charges for late payment of premiums.

Investment • Premiums are invested in non-shariah compliant instruments – what about shariah investment Investment • Premiums are invested in non-shariah compliant instruments – what about shariah investment link? • Can the legal maxim “whatever leads to haram, is haram itself” be applied here? • Degree Azman Ismail www. iifin. net azmanwong@yahoo. com Topic 2

Maysir (gambling) • How does conventional insurance involve gambling? • By purchasing the policy Maysir (gambling) • How does conventional insurance involve gambling? • By purchasing the policy with non -proportionate premium in the hope of getting much higher compensation should peril occur.

ELEMENTS OF GHARAR, RIBA MAYSIR IN TAKAFUL? • These elements do not exist in ELEMENTS OF GHARAR, RIBA MAYSIR IN TAKAFUL? • These elements do not exist in Takaful as long as it is a contract of taburru’ (gratuitous contract), not a contract of exchange (‘aqd mu’awadah) as in conventional insurance.

Key Differences Between Takaful & Conventional Insurance 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 20 Key Differences Between Takaful & Conventional Insurance 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 20

Insurance Payments Unfortunate Loss Customer Takaful Unfortunate Loss 3/17/2018 A y n Customer ? Insurance Payments Unfortunate Loss Customer Takaful Unfortunate Loss 3/17/2018 A y n Customer ? ce n Claim Paid Insurance Company re fe if D Payments Risk Fund Claim Paid Takaful Insurance of Africa 21

Operation of ‘Insurance’ Risk Trading Concept (Financial Risk) Unfortunate Insured sells his Risk / Operation of ‘Insurance’ Risk Trading Concept (Financial Risk) Unfortunate Insured sells his Risk / Insurer Buys the Risk (financial risk) Loss Insured Insurance Company Indemnify Premiums 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 22

Operation of ‘Takaful’ Risk Pooling Concept Participants /Members Indemnify (Financial Risk) Unfortunate Loss Tabarru Operation of ‘Takaful’ Risk Pooling Concept Participants /Members Indemnify (Financial Risk) Unfortunate Loss Tabarru Fund (Contribution Fund) Company Fund Manager Management Fee Pooling of Risks 3/17/2018 Contributions Refund of Surplus Takaful Insurance Concept of Mutual of Africa Assistance 23

TIA Ushirika Model 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 24 TIA Ushirika Model 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 24


 • When there is a will, there is way 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of • When there is a will, there is way 3/17/2018 Takaful Insurance of Africa 26

Q&A ? s Q&A ? s

PRACTICALS OF TAKAFUL • After concept and development what practical actions make each insurance PRACTICALS OF TAKAFUL • After concept and development what practical actions make each insurance stage compliant: v Promotion / Marketing Stage v. Products Development v. Risk Assessment / Underwriting v. Finance / Accounting v. Reinsurance & Claims v. Concept in Family Takaful

AT PROMOTION/MARKETING Ø Explain/Demystify Takaful Concept Ø For all but sharia compliance makes it AT PROMOTION/MARKETING Ø Explain/Demystify Takaful Concept Ø For all but sharia compliance makes it especially acceptable to Muslims. Ø Offers same classes under different – Compliant - Business Model: • Contribution into own fund instead of premium payment • Possibility of Surplus Share at end of year – Bond beyond premium payment • Unethical and harmful pursuits excluded

AT PROMOTION/MARKETING Ø There is dual governance – by Internal Auditor to the Board AT PROMOTION/MARKETING Ø There is dual governance – by Internal Auditor to the Board of Directors and by Head of Sharia Department to Sharia Supervisory Council Ø Quarterly Sharia audits and rulings Ø Despite additional costs to ensure Sharia Compliance we ensure competitive pricing. Ø Participate in and abide by industry regulations and Insurance law of the country Ø An equal opportunity employer.

WHILE DEVELOPING PRODUCTS Ø Ensure CLARITY - Strive to remove any apparent ambiguities to WHILE DEVELOPING PRODUCTS Ø Ensure CLARITY - Strive to remove any apparent ambiguities to reduce contentions at claim Ø Develop Membership Certificate and Cover Summary in addition to usual working docs – PF, PD, Schedules, Cover Notes, Clauses, Ø PF & PD to contain the Sharia Compliant Declaration. Ø PF & PD to contain the key non compliant exclusions – Pork, Gambling, Alcohol, pornography, Khat, Riba, unethical businesses and pursuits harmful to society Ø Use compliant terms such as Contribution instead of Premium, Participant instead if Insured ** Sum covered

COMPLIANT DECLARATION Ø Recognises the agency relationship between Participant and (appoints) Operator to run COMPLIANT DECLARATION Ø Recognises the agency relationship between Participant and (appoints) Operator to run fund Ø Participant vouches info given is true to the … Ø Sets out the premium segregation ratio– 40/60 Ø Allows investment in compliant instruments Ø Authorises purging of uncompliant income and channeling it to charity. Ø Agrees sharing ratios for investment income Ø Entrenches the sharing of any surplus from the risk fund.

QUOTING & COMPLETING P. FORM Ø Capture sufficient participant and risk info to facilitate QUOTING & COMPLETING P. FORM Ø Capture sufficient participant and risk info to facilitate bonding beyond insurance and availing shared surplus Ø Quotation to contain key non compliant exclusions. Not exhaustive and Participant to be guided by the ejusdem generis rule for others. Ø Highlight need to continuously advise change of use or business to reduce contention at claim Ø Affirms importance of completing proposal form – Info capture & Compliant Declaration

RISK ASSESMENT / UNDERWRITING Ø Ensure completeness of Documentation and details – Subject of RISK ASSESMENT / UNDERWRITING Ø Ensure completeness of Documentation and details – Subject of Sharia Audit. Also IRA & KRA audits Ø Accept only compliant risks and reject others. Where in doubt consult Sharia Department. Ø Being ethical, adhere to industry guidelines including Motor terms, Listed Risks, WIBA Tariffs Ø Exercise Equity in rating – avoid huge subjective rate disparities. NCD, fleets & volume discounts allowed Ø Issue Cover Summary as you book any new business. Ø For Comprehensive motors valuation letter at inception and renewal to minimise contention at claim

FINANCE – PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION Ø Segregation of funds - 5 different accounts Ø Premium FINANCE – PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION Ø Segregation of funds - 5 different accounts Ø Premium Receiving Account. From here distributed to respective accounts. Commissions, Levies, Stamp duty and purchases of Yellow Cards & Motor Certs drawn from here. Ø Other accounts are Operator, Risk Fund, Charity Account. Ø Operator Account – office Rent, stationery, salaries, marketing & promotion, transport, office running Ø Risk Fund – Direct Claims expenses, Reinsurance. Ø Surplus Account – If and once Surplus amount is determined it is moved from the Risk Fund to this account for sharing among qualifying participants

CLAIMS Ø Claims payment is considered one of the justifications for the existence of CLAIMS Ø Claims payment is considered one of the justifications for the existence of Takaful – not a wasted expense. Reality of covered events and need to cushion oneself. Ø There are no ex- gratia considerations. A claim is either payable or not. Equity demands that what you do to one, be ready to do to the entire group Ø Payments are out of the risk fund and must be sanctioned by the Sharia Department upon satisfying themselves Ø The highest body of appeal on any claims issue is the Shariah Supervisory Council whose ruling is final unless one wishes to pursue in a court of law Ø To cushion the Fund some of the Surplus at the end of the period is retained in the Risk Fund and rest is distributed among qualifying participants.

REINSURANCE / RETAKAFUL Ø Reinsured/Cedant becomes Takaful Operator and Reinsurer becomes Retakaful Operator Ø REINSURANCE / RETAKAFUL Ø Reinsured/Cedant becomes Takaful Operator and Reinsurer becomes Retakaful Operator Ø The Retakaful Operator must be Sharia Compliant – we expect surplus from them as we share surplus with our participants Ø Led Inward facultative support to other players but obtain outwards facultative only from compliant operators who will support the Surplus already shared Ø Give the Mandatory cessions to Kenya Re, Zep Re and Africa under their Sharia compliant windows / operations

PECULIARITY OF LONG TERM TAKAFUL Ø Promotion, Product Development, Underwriting and Reinsurance are more PECULIARITY OF LONG TERM TAKAFUL Ø Promotion, Product Development, Underwriting and Reinsurance are more less as in General Ø Group Life and Credit Protection surplus share not to individuals but companies and lenders who are in actual sense the participants. Are annual Ø Pension & Annuities and Endowment Plans are long term investments. Funds are not segregated. Ø No Surplus Share is envisaged. Only substantial growth each year and end term bonuses. Ø PA Rider may be considered for Surplus Share