successful bussiness.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Successful Business Presеntation was made by Sharova Lubov and Trofimova Daria. Faculty of Economics, second course
What is success? 'Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. ' (Dale Carnegie) • the achievement of what one wants or intends? • a high position in one's job, course, sport, in society? • success is connected with the amount of money they earn? • finding personal satisfaction in your work and loving what you do, personal accomplishment and selfsatisfaction *accomplishment(самореализация) self-satisfaction - самоудовлетворение
10 Rules To Build A Wildly Successful Business 1. Build something you believe in That’s the first step to building a great brand. Believe in your purpose, because only your faith and enthusiasm, desire to achieve your goals can turn the dream into the reality and it will have a sense of purpose 2. Be hard-working, patient, strong-willed, persevering and self-confident if you want to be successful. Success always goes hand in hand with hard work and great efforts and very often one faces a lot of obstacles, troubles, disappointment and failure on the way to success. *obstacles(препятствия)
3. Make a Business Plan You'll need someone to help yourself get organized as to what your business's main purpose or goal will be. This could be anything from serving hot dogs to people outside the home improvement store to providing technology support to major players in the business world. You need a plan that sketches out how you will proceed toward your goal and an estimate of how much money you'll need to get there. What will your equipment costs be? Will you be hiring employees? How about renting office space? All of these cost estimates should be included in your Business Plan. *estimate - оценка
4. Hire Professionals The most important professionals you'll need at the beginning are a lawyer and an accountant. The lawyer can help you decide if you want to be a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship (корпорация, товарищество, индивидуальный предприниматель), or some other type of company. A good accountant can help you make this decision based on which will be most advantageous to you from a tax angle. A lawyer can also help you register your business and get any licenses and permits you will need, and can advise you about patenting your idea or protecting your intellectual property by requiring everyone you discuss your business with to sign non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements (неразглашение или соглашения о конфиденциальности).
5. Get Financing How much start-up money will you need? Do you have savings you can use? Do you know friends or business associates who might want to invest in your venture? Or do you need a bank loan? Whatever the situation, you'll need to present a copy of your business plan to bankers or investors if you need to borrow money to get your company rolling. 6. Set Up Your Record-keeping System A good accountant can advise you on the best record-keeping software for your business, and help you set up a system for keeping track of payables, receivables, sales tax, payroll, employee benefits plans, and so forth (задолженности, дебиторской задолженности, налог с продаж, выплаты заработной платы, выплаты сотрудникам планы). You will be relying on the accountant for at least your yearly tax return for your business, and possibly for quarterly payroll and sales tax returns. Your accountant can also get you an EIN number (Employer Identification Number).
7. Find a Location Depending on your business, location may be very important. If you need to be visible to the public (say your business is a bookstore or restaurant), then you'll have to think long and hard about where you should set up shop. Location can make you or break you-and the rent is due no matter which way your fortune turns. You will also need to get a phone, get the utilities turned on, install your furniture and equipment, and get a sign or two that shouts "Hey look! We're here!“ 8. Set Up Accounts with Credit Card Companies Every brick-and-mortar business these days takes plastic or they don't stay in business. You'll pay a small percentage for every credit or debit card transaction a customer makes. You will need to invest in a method for checking the validity of debit and credit cards-like those "Slide Card Here" machines at cash registers everywhere.
9. Hire Employees You may not need to do this step if you're a oneperson operation. Maybe you can get by with just one part-time person to answer phones and do some of the paperwork. Of course, it depends on your business. You can probably run a small bookstore by yourself, but even a tiny restaurant means you'll need a cook, several servers, someone at the cashier, and so forth. You'll need to have them complete various forms for the IRS, and you may want to run background checks or at least check some references before you hire anyone.
10. Promote Your Business Decide how you will let people know you exist, what you can do for them, and why they should come to you instead of someone else. Common forms of advertising are TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads, flyers, and coupons that appear in booklets distributed by local companies.
Conclusion The list above might make you think twice about starting a business of your own. Perhaps you aren't looking to make such a financial commitment regarding the hiring of professionals, finding a location… And it's also a big, big risk. But if you said something like "I've always wanted to have a business of my own. Something I'd really enjoy doing. Be my own boss. “, if you are serious about starting your own business and you want to satisfy your desire in creating something for yourself, these tips will help you achieve your goals and do not give up at the beginning. We all know amount of examples of successful businessman. This people faced their fears, challenged those who don’t believe in them, they took risks, they worked hard, they managed their time, they made sacrifices and they fighted the whole world until they reach what they want. Who know, maybe you can be one of them in the future?
successful bussiness.pptx