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How Does Private Equity Help Your Team Succeed? How Does Private Equity Help Your Team Succeed?

Assisting the management team in executing their business plan. Assisting the management team in executing their business plan.

Overview • Private equity provider responsibilities. • Management team due diligence. • My experiences Overview • Private equity provider responsibilities. • Management team due diligence. • My experiences with private equity. – Crow Creek Energy – day to day business. – Crow Creek Energy II – significant transaction. • Lessons learned.

Your Private Equity Provider Should: • • Provide equity capital at a market rate. Your Private Equity Provider Should: • • Provide equity capital at a market rate. Serve as a force multiplier. Assist with banking contacts and documents. Provide expertise in hedging commodities and interest rates. • Act as respected business reference with third parties.

Finding The Right Private Equity Provider • Know the business style of potential private Finding The Right Private Equity Provider • Know the business style of potential private equity providers. Check references. • Some teams want engineering and geological feed back. Some don’t. • Some private equity providers like a lot of data and frequent contact. Some don’t. • Private equity should have an alignment of interests with team.

Crow Creek Energy • • Tulsa based company. Formed October 2002. Patrick Hall, CFO. Crow Creek Energy • • Tulsa based company. Formed October 2002. Patrick Hall, CFO. Mike Rollins, VP Engineering. David Hoffman, VP Land. M. Storm, President, CEO. NGP committed $15, 000 equity. Management committed $1, 000.

Business Model • Mid-Continent Focus – Arkoma/Anadarko Basins. • Acquisitions with upside potential, PUD’s Business Model • Mid-Continent Focus – Arkoma/Anadarko Basins. • Acquisitions with upside potential, PUD’s and workovers. • Acquire acreage and drill for resource plays. • Low overhead, small staff. • Seven office and two field employees. • Leverage equity with debt.

Private Equity Provider – Natural Gas Partners • Great reputation in industry. • Several Private Equity Provider – Natural Gas Partners • Great reputation in industry. • Several NGP portfolio companies in Tulsa for reference. • Track record of profitable portfolio company sales. • More acquisition oriented than drilling.

Properties • Made four acquisitions in Oklahoma. Cash flow funded drilling. • Developed resource Properties • Made four acquisitions in Oklahoma. Cash flow funded drilling. • Developed resource plays that create multiple PUD’s for every well drilled. • Acquired 22, 000 acres and drilled 25 horizontal CBM wells in Arkoma Basin. • Acquired 12, 000 acres, drilled four wells, made Granite Wash Field discovery in Washita County. • Exited with 42 BCFE, 6. 5 MMCFED.

Exit • Sold as a C Corp to Penn Virginia Oil & Gas 6/06 Exit • Sold as a C Corp to Penn Virginia Oil & Gas 6/06 for $71. 5 MM. • Took down $9. 3 MM in NGP equity. • NGP ROI of 5: 1. • Management ROI of 13: 1.

CCE II • Formed CCEII October 2006 with NGP. • Business model similar to CCE II • Formed CCEII October 2006 with NGP. • Business model similar to first Company. Bias toward larger PDP acquisitions. • NGP $25 MM in equity. Management $3. 75 MM in equity. • First deal – January 2007. Encana mid-continent properties acquisition for $9. 5 MM. • Financed half equity, half debt from BOK.

Encore Transaction • April 10 th Encore mid-continent package data room. • Liked the Encore Transaction • April 10 th Encore mid-continent package data room. • Liked the properties, areas we knew well and had worked before. • Deep Springer in Verden Field, 5. 0 -10. 0 BCF per well 80 acre infill. • Bromide and Big Four in Golden Trend 2. 0 BCFD and 200 mbo on 40 acre infill. • Barnett Shale infill in Tarrant County, 2. 5 to 3. 5 BCF/well. • Large non-op position throughout Anadarko and Arkoma. • Deal size estimated at $275 MM to $325 MM.

We Have Issues • Deposit more than our entire equity commitment. • NGP remaining We Have Issues • Deposit more than our entire equity commitment. • NGP remaining equity commitment $20 MM. Need $170 MM. • Must assemble and syndicate a $250 MM credit facility in six weeks. • Complete enviro and land due diligence on 200 wells. • Hedge 100% of production for two to three years before close. • Must add technical and support staff, get new offices. • Small start up. Seller might balk at our size. • Presented to Board May 2 nd.

NGP Gets Flexible • • • NGP raises their equity commitment to $170 MM. NGP Gets Flexible • • • NGP raises their equity commitment to $170 MM. Crow Creek bids $300 MM for Encore. Negotiate in Ft. Worth with Encore. May 16 th signed PSA for a June 29 th close. Paid deposit of $30 MM.

Getting Busy • Need to secure remaining financing to close in six weeks. • Getting Busy • Need to secure remaining financing to close in six weeks. • Want fully under written revolving facility. $30 MM riding on it. • Two days of bank meetings. • Term sheets due May 29 th. Wachovia wins lead, BNP Paribas and Merrill Lynch take co lead roles. • June 13 th syndication meeting in Houston. • Eight other banks join in syndicate. 100% oversubscribed.

Pressure Builds • Due diligence continues on 200 operated wells with value of $240 Pressure Builds • Due diligence continues on 200 operated wells with value of $240 MM. • NGP runs hedging program through due diligence. • CCE II spends $2. 5 MM pre-closing to buy puts. • Hedge 100% production through 12/09. • Bank group signs off on due diligence. • Close June 29 th for $285 MM after adjustments.

First six months • At closing Encore showed total proved 122 BCFE and 25 First six months • At closing Encore showed total proved 122 BCFE and 25 MMCFED. • 12/31/07 total proved 156 BCFE and 29 MCFED. • Three new wells on line last 60 days adding 7 MMD and 400 BOPD net.

What’s ahead? • 2008 drilling budget $80 MM. • Two to three operated rigs What’s ahead? • 2008 drilling budget $80 MM. • Two to three operated rigs in Verden, Golden Trend, Barnett, and Woodford. • Participate in non-op increased densities in Oklahoma. • Will drill operated Woodford shale prospect in Southern OK. • Bidding on other mid continent acquisitions.

Lessons Learned • Private equity provider should add value in day to day business Lessons Learned • Private equity provider should add value in day to day business and transactions. • Work together with management team to compete for and close transactions. • Support management team in two critical areas.

Banking • Former bankers at NGP speak the bankers language. • Helped us negotiate Banking • Former bankers at NGP speak the bankers language. • Helped us negotiate the best term sheet for credit facility. • Bank contacts narrowed group that could deliver term sheet needed. • Prepared bank books while we focused on due diligence. • Coordinated syndication meetings. • Assisted in preparation and negotiation of bank documents.

Hedging • Staff dedicated to understanding the gas markets and pricing. • Trading every Hedging • Staff dedicated to understanding the gas markets and pricing. • Trading every day in the market for various portfolio companies. • Sound hedging strategies based on market analysis. • Executed large number of trades with multiple counterparties quickly.

How Has NGP Helped Us Succeed? • By doing the things we don’t do How Has NGP Helped Us Succeed? • By doing the things we don’t do as well as they do, allowing our team to focus on doing what we do best.