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Subject Choice & Career Options 2015 By F. Farrell Guidance Counsellor Portmarnock Community School F. Farrell PCS 2015
Agenda § To examine the importance of choosing the right subjects by looking at: ØGeneral college requirements ØSpecific course requirements Ø To explain the school’s programme in relation to subject choice Ø To explain the procedure of subject choice F. Farrell PCS 2015
Leaving Cert. subject choice in PCS. Optional subjects: Four areas § Business area (Accounting, Business, Economics. ) § Sciences area (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Applied Maths, Geography). § Technology area (Engineering, Construction studies, Design and Communication Graphics). § Humanities and Applied area (Art, Music, Ho § me economics, History, etc). F. Farrell PCS 2015
Leaving Certificate in PCS § Core subjects Ø Irish* (excluding exempted students) Ø English Ø Maths* *Irish and Maths are offered at Higher and Ordinary levels. English is also offered at Ordinary and Higher levels. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Technical subjects – Junior Cert Ø Materials Technology/Wood becomes Construction Studies in the Senior Cycle. Ø Technology becomes Engineering in the Senior Cycle. Ø Technical Graphics is called Design and Communication Graphics in the Senior Cycle. Ø Students may choose to study any of the above subjects to Leaving Cert level without having done them for the Junior Cert. However, DCG may be particularly difficult to pursue as theory from JC is carried through and is a substantial element in the overall programme. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Career possibilities in the technical areas: Ø Construction Studies (Architecture, Building Services, Quantity Surveyor, etc. ) Ø Engineering (Mechanical/production engineering but a useful subject for all areas of Engineering). Ø DCG (Engineering, Architecture, Product Design, Draughtsperson). F. Farrell PCS 2015
College Entry Requirements § General College Requirements: Ø Honours Degree requirements (LEVEL 8): Ø Higher Cert/Ordinary Degree requirements -LEVELS 6/7: § Specific Course Requirements i. e. Higher Level C 1 English for Journalism in DCU. § Points - reflect demand of year in question! § Interview/Portfolio/Performance/Fitness Test Ø (Architecture, Theatre/Dance, Video production, Art College). F. Farrell PCS 2015
Subject Requirements § Maths, English & Irish - most commonly required. § A 3 rd Language is generally required by the NUI colleges except for engineering, nursing and science based courses. § Most Business courses state a requirement in OL Maths - not a business subject! § An Art portfolio is required for most art related courses - Art itself may not be required! § A minimum of at least one science subject and/or Maths is generally required for the following fields: Ø Nursing, Medical/paramedical, Science, Engineering. Ø Level 7 common science DIT – no lab science subject required. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Faculty Requirements (examples) § A laboratory science subject is NO longer required for Architecture in UCD but a foreign language IS required. Suitability test/Portfolio requirement for DIT. § A modern language is required for Speech Therapy. § Honours Maths is required for all level 8 engineering degrees. § One laboratory science subject for nursing and generally two for medicine (except UCD/UCG). F. Farrell PCS 2015
Examples of Course Requirements § Medicine (UCC) ØHC 3 in Chemistry + HC 3 in Physics or Biology § Computer Systems (UL, Level 8 degree) ØB 3 in ordinary level Maths/HC 3 (TCD) § Business Studies (UL, Level 8 degree) ØC 3 in ordinary level Maths § Engineering courses (Level 8 degree) ØHonours Maths (HC 3), 1 science subject • Note: Physics is a good indicator for engineering F. Farrell PCS 2015
Science z General Science level 8 DIT – HC 3 in ONE lab. Science subject or Applied Maths Plus OL B 3 in Maths. z Common science DCU level 8 – OL C 3 in Maths plus OL C 3/H D 3 in ONE of physics, biology or chemistry. z Common Science in TCD – OL C 3 Maths and TWO H C 3’s from physics, biology, applied maths, geography. z Common Science in UCD – OB 3 Maths or HD 3 plus OL B 3 or HD 3 in ONE of biology, chemistry, physics, geography** (newly acceptable science subject for entry to the sciences in UCD) z Science in NUI Maynooth – OC 3 Maths and OD 3 in ONE of biology, physics , chemistry. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Engineering z DIT level 8 engineering – common entry – HC 3 in Maths and at least 1 OL D 3 in Physics, biology, construction studies, DCG, or applied maths. z TCD level 8 engineering – common entry – HC 3 in Maths but no science subject requirement! z UCD level 8 engineering – common entry – HC 3 in Maths and HD 3 in any of biology, chemistry, physics. z DCU level 8 engineering – common entry – HC 3 in Maths or HC 3 in Applied Maths plus HD 2 in Maths. No laboratory science subject required. z NUI Maynooth level 8 – common engineering - HC 3 in Maths plus OD 3 in biology, chemistry, physics or technology. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Law z Level 8 law course in the DIT – HC 3 in Irish or English. No maths requirement whatsoever. z Level 8 law course in TCD - OD 3 in English, OD 3 in one other language (Irish, French, Spanish etc) and a minimum of FD 3 (Foundation level) in Maths. z Level 8 law course in UCD – OD 3 in English, OD 3 Irish, OD 3 other language. No Maths requirement whatsoever. z Level 8 law course NUI Maynooth – OD 3 in English, Irish and another language. No maths requirement. z Level 8 law and society course (BCL) in DCU – OD 3 in Irish or English BUT OD 3 requirement in Maths. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Architecture z OD 3 in Maths for entry to Architecture in the DIT but NO modern language requirement. No science subject requirement either. z OD 3 in Maths for entry to Architecture in UCD but candidates are required to have a pass also in Irish and another modern language. No science subject requirement for Architecture in UCD. z OD 3 Maths for Landscape Architecture in UCD BUT no foreign language requirement. However a OD 3 in a lab science subject is required. z UCD Landscape Architects are involved in enhancing, improving and conserving our natural and built environment, and transforming damaged and degraded places. This course is for you if you are creative and enjoy the challenge of design combined with an interest in both people and the environment. It requires a problem solving ability, combined with creativity and technical abilities. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Physiotherapy z UCD requires a candidate to present a minimum of OL D 3 in English, Irish, Maths and a foreign language in addition to a minimum of OL D 3 in one of biology, chemistry, physics. z RCS requires has similar requirements but candidates must achieve a minimum of H B 3 in one of biology, chemistry, physics. z TCD requires a student to present a OLD 3 in one other language besides English (Irish, French etc) and a minimum of OLC 3 in Maths in addition to 2 HC 3’s from physics, chemistry, biology, Maths. z UL requires a candidate to present minimum of a OD 3 in English, a OD 3 in any other language (Irish, French) plus a minimum of OB 3 in one of physics, chemistry, biology. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Medicine z UCD requires a candidate to present a minimum of a OD 3 in English, Irish, a foreign language and Maths in addition to a minimum of a OD 3 in one of biology, chemistry, physics. z TCD requires a candidate to present a minimum of OD 3 in English, a OD 3 in one other language (Irish, French etc), a minimum of FD 3 (foundation level in Maths) in addition to 1 HB 3 and 1 HC 3 in physics, chemistry, biology. If you do not have physics, then a minimum of OC 3 in Maths. z NUIG - same as for UCD. z UCC – The same as UCD/NUIG except that a HC 3 is required in chemistry (subject specific) and in either physics or biology. ALL students wishing to do medicine must sit the HPAT in 6 th year – 28 February 2015 - (Health Professionals Aptitude Test – 2. 5 hours long) F. Farrell PCS 2015
IT Colleges ‘Ladder’ system § The IT Colleges offer a ‘ladder system’ in respect of all engineering degrees (amongst others). § A student can access all level 6 and level 7 degrees with pass maths in the Leaving Cert and can progress to level 8. § More and more universities/IT’s are encouraging students to choose ‘common’ entry science/engineering instead of a denominated stream. F. Farrell PCS 2015
Useful Subject Groupings in PCS § Home Economics and Business. § Engineering with Physics or Construction studies. § A Science subject like Chemistry or Physics with Applied Maths. § Business with Modern languages. F. Farrell PCS 2015
CAO Points system (guidelines) § A student may only count his/her six best subjects. § Only the points from one Leaving Certificate sitting can be used. § All Subjects except HL Maths equal in terms of points value. (25 bonus points for A 1 to D 3 in HL Maths). § Maximum attainment of 625 points. § Minimum requirements = 2 HC 3’s for example. F. Farrell PCS 2015
HL Maths z HL Maths students are awarded an extra 25 points on attaining a grade D 3 or better in their LC. . i. e previously 45 points for D 3 now 70. z Whether a candidate attains a D 3 or an A 1 the extra points allocated remains the same. z The bonus points can only be counted for CAO purposes if Maths features in one of the 6 subjects used to calculate aggregate points score. F. Farrell PCS 2015
What to research! § Check the relevant college/employer literature Ø check the overall college requirements Ø check the course requirement ü subject ü grades/level § Check the course content Ø this will highlight what subjects are predominant § Good websites include Ø www. qualifax. ie; www. careersportal. ie; www. careerdirections. ie F. Farrell PCS 2015
Subject Choice - Guidelines § Pick the best senior cycle option for you! § Established Leaving Certificate Ø Pick the subjects you are most interested in. Ø Maximise your points. Ø Achieve grades specified by employers or colleges. Ø Pick the essential subjects for your hoped course or career. Ø Mistakes can be made in career decisions! F. Farrell PCS 2015
Transition Year Subject Choice Programme 1. The school’s programme outlined 2. Subject choice procedure F. Farrell PCS 2015
Schools Programme § § § § Senior Cycle Modules Career Classes Work Experience Programme Careers Exhibition Aptitude Tests (Dats) Interest Inventory Career Project Careers Interview PCS 2015 F. Farrell
Summary § Maximise your options for college: Ø Maths, English, Irish, a modern European Language, 1 science subject. § Remember to research Ø appropriate careers websites Ø college/employer websites/literature § Important to check the grade/level required. § Pick the subjects you are most interested in or have an aptitude for! § Remember a lot of courses do not require any specific subjects! F. Farrell PCS 2015
OPEN FORUM § Questions? ? F. Farrell PCS 2015