Studying in Denmark An introduction to university life in DK
Universities in Denmark Aalborg Universitet Århus Universitet Syddansk Universitet Københavns Universitet Danmarks Tekniske Universitet IT Universitetet Copenhagen Business School Aalborg Universitet Syddansk Universitet DMJX Roskilde Universitet (RUC)
Grade system
Universities Free for Danish citizens (- books, transport, projects etc. ) - Bachelor is 3 years - Professionsbachelor is 3, 5 - 4 years - Master is 2 years
Estimated working time …. differs a lot! IT Universitetet: 20 hours of lectures 25 hours of preparation Copenhagen Business School: 10 hours of lectures 27 hours of preparation
Tuition Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland for students participating in an exchange programme.
Economy - SU (+loan? ) Work Scholarships Parents
SU - That thing you all want ~ 5, 000 kr every month Up to 3, 000 kr loan every month Some rules regarding SU as a non Danish citizen: - You came here with your parents before you turned 20, and are staying permanently. You have lived in Denmark for 2 years or more, and have been working at least half time for 6 months. If you are a EU citizen you can get SU if your parents have been working in Denmark, and you came to Denmark because of their employment. If you have a special affiliation to Denmark: marriage, family etc. SU office in every university
Working It is very important to find a job related to your studies in Denmark - Higher grades Bigger chance of finding a job when you are done Earns you more money Big part of danish culture, and respected internationally
Finding a place to live Most people live away from their parents Kollegium / Room / Apartment? Renting or buying? Unbelievably nonsensically difficult RDC L U I I UO S The housing situation in CPH is horrible
Living in Copenhagen It is estimated that Copenhagen will grow with 100. 000 people within the next 10 years. Copenhagen is in lack of 45. 000 residentials.
Where to live? “Impossible” Attractive Realistic A room will usually cost between 3, 500 -6, 000 kroner monthly. Apartments cost from 8, 000 -12, 000 monthly.
So what to do? -Some universities will assist you in getting a place to live -Kollegiums without waiting-lists: Regensen and Egmont -Facebook groups and Network
Studying abroad Free to go on exchange through danish university programmes. Self arranged exchange can also be free. Danish scholarships: http: //studyindenmark. dk/study-options/tuition-fees-scholarships
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