Study in Holland Youth Prospects
Amsterdam Merit Scholarship VUFP Scholarship Master Degree Erasmus Mundus Всесвітні студії
VUFP Scholarship for both EU and non-EU students Requirements The successful candidate for the VUFP Scholarship must meet the following requirements: o Not have the Dutch nationality; o Have achieved excellent study results which relevant for the programme he / she wishes to enrol; o In his / her prior academic education, be among the top 10% of his / her class for the relevant programme; o Have been admitted to an international master’s programme, as preselected by the faculty, or IBA; o Hold a relevant bachelor’s degree (for a master’s programme) or secondary school diploma (for IBA); o Be able to comply with the condition to obtain a Dutch visa.
Application procedure o o o If you wish to apply for the VUFP scholarship, you should send the following documents to vufp. dsz@vu. nl: Proof that you belong to the top 10% of your class (issued by your university) or university statement concerning your GPA (Grade Point Average); Motivation letter (Why do you think you deserve the VUFP scholarship? ); Financial Plan listing your budget (other scholarships etc. ). Deadline for application is 1 March 2012. The results of the selection of VUFP scholarship will be published at the website by the end of April 2012.
Erasmus Mundus o All the information is on the following sight http: //www. utu. fi/sivustot/bmumid/
Amsterdam Merit Scholarship o http: //www. studeren. uva. nl/finance/sch olarships. cfm/D 1 B 4 B 4 B 9 -D 96 B-47 C 483729 F 3 E 5 E 19 AE 12
Amsterdam Merit Scholarship Application The faculties and international schools award scholarships themselves; as such, regulations may vary. Students interested in an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship may contact the faculty or international school offering the study programme of their choice for more information.
Всесвітні студії http: //worldwidestudies. org/ o Вибір програми o ІСПИТИ ТА ТЕСТИ o Подача документів для вступу в університет o Подача заявки на грант від Фонду o Співбесіда з членами жюрі Фонду o Укладання договору про надання гранту o Навчання в університеті o Робота по закінченню магістерської програми