- Количество слайдов: 22
Study 3 “You are the light of the world” The King’s Manifesto for Life
Foundation of Kingdom “And behind this teachingon the way of life is the fact that the patterncharacter which he paints is his own. It must be so, for he is the King, the Anointed of the Lord, and from him the Kingdom must take its character and its law; by him the ground of citizenshipmust be defined. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - The Teaching of the Master, pg. 89 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Manifestation of the Christ Character Matt. 5 V. 13 -16 Revealing the Christ character Relationship with the world The new law in operation V. 17 -20 New and old law – True righteousness must abound The law of the heart V. 21 -24 Dealing with hatred in the heart V. 25 -26 Humility in error – judgement and mercy – Peace-making The King’s Manifesto for Life
Foundation of Kingdom “Jesus has pictured for the disciples the character which has its foundation in faith in God as Father, and in a clear conviction in His Kingdom and His righteousness. This character is revealed in the very conditionsof evil which exist in the interim before the Kingdom is established; in those conditions the charactermust retain its unfailing savour which belongs to the covenant with God. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - The Teaching of the Master, pg. 89 The King’s Manifesto for Life
The Salt of the Earth v Salt a necessity of life in warm climate used in the preparation of food (Job 6: 6) and 6: 6 animal fodder (Isa. 30: 24). Had two main 30: 24 uses: Preservative - arrested decomposition; preserved from corruption. u Condiment - giving zest and savour to food. u v Symbol for faithfulness (Num. 18: 19; 2 Chron. 13: 5; Lev. 2: 13), purity and zest (Mk. 2: 13 9: 49 -50). Occurs 8 times N. T. = immortality. 9: 49 -50 Stands in this context for the savour and strength of the Christ character revealed in the Beatitudes. The King’s Manifesto for Life
The Salt of the Earth “To the man of the world meekness, poorness of spirit, and the rest, are the insipid virtues of the feeble, and undervitalized, the inferior; they are the mark of the ‘slave morality’ To Jesus exactly. the reverse is true: the men of God are not insipid but ‘salty’ it is they who ; have savour and strength of character. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - Teaching of the Master, pg. 81 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Rubbing salt into wounds v Salt stings open wounds like leprosy. v Flesh will react and fight back! v Persecuted for righteousness – V. 10 -12 The King’s Manifesto for Life
The Salt of the Earth “When human pride brings rivalry among the disciples he can tell them to ‘havesalt in themselves, and have peace with one another’ The salt of humility. gives the savour of peace. But this potent quality of life does not belong to men by nature. How is it attained? Only by the self-discipline which is selfsacrifice. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - Teaching of the Master, pg. 81 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Lampstand v “candlestick” – luchnia – lampstand. Occurs 12 times in N. T. v The lampstand is a symbol for the ecclesia – The Israel of God. The King’s Manifesto for Life
Ye are the light of the world Mat 5: 14 -15 - Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neitherdo men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it givethlight unto all that are in the house. The King’s Manifesto for Life
Concealing the Light v Light here represents the fruits of knowledge revealed in the character portrayed in Vv. 3 -12 v Christ mentions two ways this light can be concealed: Matt. 5: 15 - Putting it under a bushel - a dry measure of capacity used for buying and selling in the course of daily living - it stands for the interference of ‘business’ and the ‘cares of life’. Luke 8: 16 - Putting it under a bed - a place for repose - it stands for the antithesis of the bushel - inactivity and slothfulness. The King’s Manifesto for Life
The Law Fulfilled Matt. 5: 17 -18 v “destroy” – kataluo – dissolve, destroy, demolish. v “fulfill” – pleroo - to make full, to fill up; i. e. to complete. v “jot” – iota – the smallest Hebrew letter. v “tittle” – keraia – a little horn; very small projections that differentiate Hebrew letters. v “no wise” – ou me – never, by no means. The King’s Manifesto for Life
An Abounding Righteousness Matt. 5: 19 -20 v “break” – luo – loosen, unbind, release from bonds. Even ‘jot’ and ‘tittle’ principles must not be diminished. v “least in kingdom” – Everlasting penalties apply to diminution of God’s law in practice or teaching. v “exceed” - perisseuo - to superabound, be in excess, excel. v “no case” – ou me - never, by no means. The King’s Manifesto for Life
Righteousness of Law versus Faith Scribes and Pharisees Exte rnal Law of als rn Rabbis xte E s “The Law Divine morality Law fulfilled is…holy, Law fulfilled just and good. ” principles ls Ext rna ern xte als E Moses Sadducees Lawyers “The Law written in their hearts. ” “The Pharisee, beginning from the outside, fails to reach the core. Jesus, beginning with the innermost principle, works outwards to externals. ”– Teaching of the Master, pg. 108 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Hunger for Righteousness “. . . it is precisely as his own spiritual sense grows that the godly man becomesmore aware of the gulf between the holiness of God and the corruption of man. ” “. . they cannot wish for the righteousness of God to be manifest in the earth unless they long for it to be fulfilled in themselves. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - Teaching of the Master, pgs. 45 -52 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Murder in the Heart Matt. 5: 21 -24 v “angry” – orgizo - to be provoked to anger, be angry, be wroth. v “Raca” – (Aramaic term of contempt) empty, i. e. a senseless, empty headed man. v “council” – sunedrion - the Sanhedrin, the great council at Jerusalem - 71 members - scribes, elders, prominent members of the high priestly families. The King’s Manifesto for Life
Humility towards God “Meekness is first a disposition towards God; an awe of Him which results in confident dependence on Him as righteous and faithful. But humilitytowards God has its effectin a forgiving and self-abnegating spirit towards men. ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - Teaching of the Master, pgs. 41, 44 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Reconciliation must precede sacrifice v “fool” – moros - dull or stupid (as if shut up), that is, heedless, (morally) blockhead. v “hell” – gehenna - The valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem, where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast out and burned. v “gift” – doron - A present; specifically a sacrifice. The King’s Manifesto for Life
What is Peacemaking? “The peacemaker is not one who plasters over a crack so that it does not show, nor one who takes the easy line of surface amiability. Peace is made by the love which builds up. ” “’The repairer of the breach’ (Isa. 58: 12) Isa. 58: 12 what better synonym for a peacemaker? ” Bro. L. G. Sargent - Teaching of the Master, pgs. 68 -69 The King’s Manifesto for Life
Humility when in error Matt. 5: 25 -26 v “Agree” – eunoeo - to be well disposed, of a peaceable spirit. v “adversary” – antidikos – opponent in a law suit. v “quickly” – tachu - quickly, speedily (without delay). v Early submission is advisable when in error – Man’s justice system is very ‘unforgiving’. The King’s Manifesto for Life
Next Study (God willing) Study 4 – “The Law of the Heart” The King’s Manifesto for Life
The King’s Manifesto for Life