- Количество слайдов: 24
Student Voice 2017/18
What is Student Voice? § Student Voice is about the college: 1. listening to you 2. understanding your concerns and issues 3. working together to create positive change § It is your voice that the college listens to and we want to know your views about all aspects of your student experience. § …Turn up the volume, students have your say!
Get involved – become a Student Rep § Represent your classmates by becoming a Student Rep § As a Student Rep you will play a key part in decision making at College § This involves meeting with students to identify any areas for improvement as well as finding out about positive things that you want everyone to know about. § Meetings will take place during tutorial sessions and your Progress Coach will support you with this.
Student Rep – Role & Responsibilities Role: § Gather the views of your fellow students and raise these issues at the Student Parliament meetings § Work with college staff to improve the student experience Responsibilities: § Lead class meetings (2 per year) § Represent your class by attending Student Parliament meetings (2 per year) § Attend the Annual Conference - 22 March 2017
Benefits of being a Student Rep: § Develops communication, teamwork and professional skills § Helps to increase your confidence § Adds additional skills to your CV and/or applications for further studies You will receive: § An orange Student Rep Lanyard so that you can easily be identified within college in this role § Certificate of recognition at the end of the year
Other roles to consider: § Student Union Officer § Student Governor Further information including job descriptions are available on the VLE - Student Voice or you can contact Moira Lassey, Student Voice Administrator to express your interest by 3 November 2017 mlassey@kirkleescollege. ac. uk
Student Rep nominations § Who would like to put themselves forward for the role? § Tell your classmates why they should vote for you to represent them (you will have a few minutes to prepare and consider)
Voting § This is confidential § Please write down the name of the person you wish to vote for and hand in to your Progress Coach § You will find out who has been successful by the end of the class or at the very latest, this week § If successful, you will need to attend Student Rep Training
Important dates for the future Student Representative Introduction & Training Welcome and overview by Student Voice Team and including launch of SOLA pack. 19/10/17 12: 15 – 1. 30 pm, Dewsbury Centre 17/10/17 12: 15 – 1. 15 pm, Engineering Centre 18/10/17 12 noon – 1. 30 pm, Huddersfield Centre 16/10/17 1: 15 – 1. 30 pm, Brunel House In Class Student Voice meeting (supported by Progress Coach within PAD tutorial) Term 1: 30 October – 03 November 2017 Term 2: 26 February – 02 March 2018.
Student Parliament – November 2017 Student Parliament Attended by Student Reps, SU Executive Team and Student Governor Huddersfield 20/11/17, 12. 00 – 1. 30 pm Dewsbury 21/11/17, 12. 00 – 1. 30 pm (To include election of SU Executive Team and Student Governors)
Who to contact for more information Student Voice Team Contact details § Katie Rhodes – Student Voice Officer Ext 7433 krhodes@kirkleescollege. ac. uk § Moira Lassey – Student Voice Administrator Ext 7342 mlassey@kirkleescollege. ac. uk
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