- Количество слайдов: 22
Student Teaching Orientation • • • • Finger Printing The Student Teacher's Responsibility The Cooperating Teacher The College Supervisor Important Dates. Work /School Compensation Evaluation Certification Requirements and Reciprocity Graduation Resolution of Conflicts Outside Meetings Questions This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Finger Printing • NYS Law Requires that you be fingerprinted prior to certification and check for crimes against children. • Public Safety will fingerprint you for a fee of $10 (10 -11 any Friday) or you may take the packet to your local law enforcement agency This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
The Student Teacher's Responsibility • Adhere to all regulations outlined in the Student Teaching Handbook. • Be on time and be involved. • Act in a professional manner at all times. • Always be prepared(in advance) and meet all deadlines. • Dress in an appropriate manner. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
The Student Teacher's Responsibility(cont. ) • You are guests of the school district. If you fail to meet your responsibilities the college supervisor or cooperating teacher has the right to withdraw you from the experience at any time. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
The Cooperating Teacher • To assist you with planning and implementation of your lessons. • Be present in the classroom at all times. • Give you feedback on your teaching. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
The College Supervisor • Will visit the school four times during the experience. • Will give you feedback on your progress. • Will give you expectations to be met. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Important Dates • You will follow the schedule of the Public Schools not the college. • Check the Calendar you were given. . This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Important Dates. • Monday, January 13 First day of Student Teaching • Friday, March 7 Last day of Student Teaching • 3 rd Qtr. Friday, March 7 - DEPARTMENTAL MEETINGS (TBA) • Monday, March 10 First day of Student Teaching • Friday, May 9 Last day of Student Teaching • 3 rd Qtr. Friday, May 9 DEPARTMENTAL MEETINGS (TBA) This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Note- You Start before Buffalo State • Start date- January 13 th This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Work /School • You must devote full time to this experience. • You may not work or take other coursework during this experience. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Compensation • Sorry you get none. • You are not allow to accept substitute pay while student teaching. You are a student of the college and we cannot accept liability if you are unsupervised at any time during the situation. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Evaluation • Portfolio • You will evaluated half way through the experience and at the end in writing. • Your College Supervisor will conference with you after each observation. • Your final evaluation for the first experience will be given to you by your college supervisor FRIDAY, MARCH 7 at a time TBA. You will then meet with your supervisor for the next situation if different. • The same procedure will be followed for the second situation. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Portfolio- You will compile a portfolio of your lessons that you can: • use appropriate technology to design instruction which supports the learning of mathematics. This technology includes, but is not limited to, computers and computer software, calculators, interactive television, distance learning, electronic information resources, and a variety of relevant multimedia. • use knowledge of student diversity to design instruction to affirm and support full participation and continued study of mathematics by all students. This diversity includes gender, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, language, special needs, and mathematical learning styles. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Portfolio- You will compile a portfolio of your lessons that you can: • design instruction that uses a variety of physical and visual materials for exploration and development of mathematical concepts in grades 7 -12. • design instruction that uses student groupings such as collaborative groups, cooperative learning, and peer teaching. • use a variety of methods to determine students' understanding of mathematics and to monitor your own teaching effectiveness. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Certification Requirements • Overall requirements: – CQ • You have to pass the LAST and ATW to apply for certification. Be fingerprinted and attended the SAVE workshop. Forms are available at the Teacher Certification Office. CH 112 • Provisional- Awarded when you turn in your certificate of qualification. This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Certification cont. • For Permanent Certification within five years your must: • • Pass Content Specialty Test Pass Assessment of Teaching Performance Two years successful experience Attain a Masters Degree in a related field This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Graduation • Fill out forms-Micky This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Resolution of Conflicts • 1. ) Your College Supervisor • Dr. Wilson 833 -4751 • • • Dr. Sue Mc. Millen 625 -9761 Mr. King 692 -8537 Dr. Reiner 882 -8766 Ms. Magner 649 -5737 Or call the office at: 878 -5621 This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Resolution of Conflicts(cont. ) • 2) Coordinator of Student Teaching • T. Giambrone 878 5717 or giambrtm@math. buffalostate. edu • 3) Department Chair • R. Sanders 878 5621 or • sanders@math. buffalostate. edu This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Outside Meetings • • • January 28, 2003 4 p. m. Conference Room February 25, 2003 4 p. m. Conference Room March 25, 2002 4 p. m. Conference Room April 15, 2003 4 p. m. Conference Room *College Supervisors may require meetings at other times. Ò All meetings mandatory. April 7 & 8 Teacher Recruitment Days BUFFALO CONVENTION CENTER This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Save Workshops • School Anti-Violence Education (SAVE) • More Info at: http: //www. pware. com/ This is the syllabus for MED 407/408
Questions • Office of Teacher Certification • http: //www. highered. nysed. gov/tcert/ • BSC Teacher Education • http: //www. buffalostate. edu/depts/teachercert/ • SAVE workshop schedules. • http: //www. buffalostate. edu/academics/cenc/htm/pro_course_list. htm • General Info from me. • http: //math. buffalostate. edu/~giambrtm/ This is the syllabus for MED 407/408