- Количество слайдов: 15
Student Branch Fundraising, Activities, Events, & Recruiting IEEE Southeastern Michigan Student Branch Officer Training Don C. Bramlett, PE, SMIEEE, FESD, FMSPE IEEE MGA Treasurer IEEE Region 4 Advisor IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section Advisor DTE Energy – Senior Project Engineer
Sections Cover Broad Scope Locally Geographic Unit Member & Geographic Activities Board Structure Regions Technical Activities Board Areas Parent Committees WIE, YPs, LMC, Consultants Network Divisions Section IEEE Societies & Technical Councils Chapters Sub. Sections Affinity Groups Student Branches SB Chapters Councils SB Affinity Groups
IEEE-SEM Section Map 3 3/18/2018
IEEE-SEM Section Student Branches University of Detroit Mercy Michigan State University of Michigan – Ann arbor University of Michigan – Dearborn Wayne State University Lawrence Technological University Oakland University Eastern Michigan University 4 3/18/2018
Planning 5 Ps Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance 5 3/18/2018
Fundraising Normally there may be four (4) different kinds of money the Branch may need to raise: Operating Funds - for continual expenses Seed Money – an “advance” for an event Subsidy Money – to reduce the cost for members Capital Funds – to buy things 6 3/18/2018
Fundraising (continued) Sources of Funding: IEEE Allotment and Rebate IEEE Region, Section, Technical Societies, Chapters University – Department Head, Student Associations Local Industry Campus fundraising events or activities 7 3/18/2018
Fundraising (continued) Considerations: Brainstorming is a good way to thinks of ideas Best Practices from other Student Branches Be aware of University Fundraising constraints Need to be careful not to tarnish the image of IEEE, the University and engineering, in general 8 3/18/2018
Fundraising (continued) When asking outside sources for money: Donor must have funds to give (not everyone does!) Put the request in writing and include a brief budget Convince them of the merits of your cause and how their involvement with help both you and them Show them that your proposal is well-thought out and that you are soliciting form others as well Give them time to make a decision and then follow-up 9 3/18/2018
Event Planning Invite on-campus technical/professional speakers Organize field trips to industry Enter design, paper, poster & website competitions Plan fun social events Conduct community service events Operate pre-university program events Hold Engineers Week program Plan an IEEE S-PAx 10 3/18/2018
IEEE-SEM Section Events Conferences Spring Section Conference Fall Section Conference Technology for Humanity Conference Section Technical or Professional events/workshops Technical Society Conferences Chapters – 17 Chapters represent 24 Technical Societies/Councils Chapter Technical Meetings Affinity Groups – YPs, LMs, WIE, CN Affinity Group Meetings 11 3/18/2018
Who qualifies for IEEE Student Membership? Undergraduate or graduate students taking at least 50% of a normal full-time course of study (going to school at least part-time) Listed below are some IEEE pertinent fields. These are important because it is from these areas that you most likely to recruit new student members. Engineering Computer Science and Information Technology Physical Sciences Biological and Medical Sciences Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy
Recruiting Student Members Need to have a program of activities of interest to prospective new Student Members Need to publicize; get IEEE before students Need to make personal contact; ask students Need to have spirit and enthusiasm Need to make students feel welcome Need to listen to student needs Need to follow through with commitments 13 3/18/2018
Region 4 & IEEE-SEM Section Student Branch Support Ø IEEE Region 4 Student Activities Committee Chair Steven D. James – james@ieee. org Ø IEEE-SEM Section Chair, Student Activities Nevrus Kaja - nkaja@umich. edu Ø IEEE-SEM Section Student Representative Samar Koda – skida@emich. edu Section website: http: //sites. ieee. org/sem Section Student Activities: http: //sites. ieee. org/sem-sa/ 14 3/18/2018
Conclusion The End Have Fun!! Thanks for your attendance, participation and volunteerism!