Structure and Layout of Informal Letters • • • 1. Informal Greeting 2. Introduction/Opening Remarks 3. Main Body 3. Conclusion/ Closing Remarks 4. Informal Ending
Informal Greeting • • Dear Jane Dear Tom Hi Hello
Introduction/Opening Remarks • • How are you? I thought I'd write and let you know that. . The reason I'm writing is. . Sorry I’ve taken so long to put pen to paper, but. . . I was really delighted to hear that… I have something special to tell you. . . Can you imagine. . .
Main Body • Опрацювання пунктів комунікативного завдання • З’єднувальні формули • Firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly, moreover, besides; • on the one hand…on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless; • all in all, to sum up, in conclusion
Conclusion/ Closing Remarks • That's all my news for now. Write back soon. . . • Well, I'd better go and do some work! Once again, well done. . • Please, write me soon and tell me all your news. • Well, that's all my news. I'd better end now, because. . .
Informal Ending • • • Lots of love Hope to hear from you soon Give my best wishes to your parents Looking forward to your letter Best wishes to. . . I would be glad to hear from you soon Keep in touch Love / Regards Yours Ім’я
Example Dear Dan, Thanks for your last letter. I think it's great you want to brush up on your English and of course I'm only too glad to help. Here a few things you can try. First of all, it would be a good idea to start reading more in English. You probably won't have time to read novels but there are plenty of magazines that also help you improve your English. As you are so fond of nature, why don't you take out a subscription to National Geographic! You'll be amazed at how fast you pick things up when you actually like the subject. Another suggestion is to watch films on DVD without the subtitles. That way you force yourself to listen to the language very carefully. For a film lover like you, that'll be learning while really having fun! The best advice I can give you, though, is to get more English speaking pen-friends and email friends. That method really worked for me when I wanted to improve my Italian. I hope these ideas will help. And remember, practice makes perfect, so don't give up too easily! Write and let me know how you get on. Yours, Pam