altai 2008 presentation.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 6
Straw-Bale Construction Harvesting the Potential as an Affordable, Energy-Efficient Building Strategy Bale Construction is a relatively new and under-utilized form of wall construction with great potential to contribute to energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It's main contribution has been in residential construction, but is growing in popularity on commercial projects as it's benefits are understood across the spectrum of users. The biggest potential of bale construction lies not in it's physical characteristics, but in it's ability to connect people with common goals. Our work together has much more importance than one or two projects, but can be summarized by any of them individually
Straw-Bale Construction Straw Bale Construction has become a viable building system for a wide range of applications. Among its many cross-cutting benefits it are: Abundant Low-embodied energy material Able to create highly energy-efficient buildings An added value market for farmers A vehicle for green tech jobs and business creation Ideal for affordable and self-help housing A contributor to energy security Climate-beneficial wall system An affordable way to add beauty and customization
Straw-Bale Construction Regulations Testing and real-life experience shows predictable structural behaviour and moisture transport. Regulation tends to slow down innovation, but working with regulators we can bring wide-spread acceptance and understanding
Straw-Bale Construction Utilization comes from sharing it's benefits with those who doubt it's viability, while also sharing our knowledge and experience to create an “open source” model available for future generations to improve.
Straw-Bale Construction Failure is not an option - it is a fact of life - and should not be feared if we are to take risks and learn what the best solutions are.
Straw-Bale Construction By taking risks, sharing both our successes and failures, teaching our children how to do the same, and persevering through doubt, we are working (once again), together, to build a more secure future.
altai 2008 presentation.ppt