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Strategy 2022: A Holistic View Tony Hayes International President ISACA 2013 -2014 © 2012, ISACA. All rights reserved.
Agenda v. Strategic aspiration v. Review initiatives v. Discuss next steps 2
Strategic Aspiration By 2022, ISACA should become the foremost global organization on the topic of trust in and value from information and information systems, providing constituents with distinctive new knowledge and services. ISACA must also provide an expanded set of offerings to help constituents and others enhance the governance and management of information and information systems assets in order to enhance trust in and capture optimal value from IS 3 investments.
The Initiatives 1. Expanding products for our current constituents 2. Creating new products for new constituents 3. Targeting industries and building enterprise relationships 4. Strengthening our operating model 2012 2013 2014 Horizon 1 2015 2016 2017 Horizon 2 2018 2019 2020 202 Horizon 3 4
Market Validation High 1 1. Expanding products for our current constituents 2. Creating new products for new constituents 3. Targeting industries and building enterprise relationships 4. Strengthening our operating model High 2 High 3 Medium Low 5
Series 1 Initiatives Expanding products for current constituents 1 A. Continue to provide knowledge offerings that address cloud or outsourced computing services as they relate to current constituents. 1 B. Expand knowledge offerings for governance activity roles to provide more practical guidance in areas of implementation and value capture. 6
Series 1 Initiatives Expanding products for current constituents 1 C. Expand knowledge offerings on privacy targeted at current H 1 constituents. ØImplementation guidance, good practices and processes for managers and practitioners ØAimed at wider audience interested in privacy issues 7
Series 1 Initiatives Expanding products for current constituents 1 D. Develop an approach to scanning for relevant megatrends and determining ISACA’s response to them. 8
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 A. Pragmatic knowledge and other offerings targeted at information systems security practitioners H 2 ØPragmatic, nontechnical implementation guidance and good practices on security management ØAudiences: Junior security practitioners; security managers and practitioners; senior professionals with a security interest 9
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 B. Offerings for IT demand delivery professionals to develop, implement and run systems using best practices that address risk, security, assurance and value H 3 considerations of their enterprise ØIT solution designers ØIT operations 10
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 C. Offerings for business buyers (e. g. , IT vendor managers), purchase influencers, and business end users on how to evaluate information systems L solutions and ascertain information systems provider trust 11
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 D. Offerings targeted toward enterprise risk professionals (in addition to IT) such as operational risk professionals and financial risk M professionals ØCross-silo IT risk management framework for multiple audiences ØGuidance on risk governance and oversight for senior audiences 12
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 E. Offerings for new datacentric roles within enterprises (e. g. , chief data officer) that explain how to build data governance and management mechanisms (e. g. , how to L describe decision rights around data) 13
Series 2 Initiatives Creating new products for new constituents 2 F. Practical guidance around privacy targeted at operational roles (e. g. , privacy officer) and possibly M regulatory roles Refinement: ØLink to 1 C 14
Series 3 Initiatives Targeting industries and building enterprise relationships 3 A. Create an enterprise assessment program to enable third-party assessment bodies to assess the level of trust in third-party technology provider services and H level of COBIT maturity. 2 ØPossibly, enterprise assessment of maturity level, using industry benchmarks 15
Series 3 Initiatives Targeting industries and building enterprise relationships 3 B. Create a new enterprise membership program to enable a previously untapped group of individuals to benefit from ISACA frameworks and guidance by offering a differentiated value H proposition vs. individual 1 ØEnterprises that would benefit from broad adoption of membership. COBIT ØEnterprises seeking simpler billing ØEnterprises that embed ISACA IP 16
Series 3 Initiatives Targeting industries and building enterprise relationships 3 C. Introduce industry-specific extensions of core offerings in risk, security and assurance for traditional IS H constituents. 3 ØGuidance and good practices in implementing COBIT in specific industries, mapped to industry regulations 17
Series 4 Initiatives Strengthening operational model ü HR, technology ü Relationships ü General 18
Series 4 Initiatives Strengthening operational model—HR, Technology 4 A. Enhance marketing capabilities in support of S 22 initiatives. 4 H. Ensure business analytics exist to consistently provide the information and analysis necessary for ISACA’s decision making and reporting needs. 4 I. Ensure program management capabilities exist to facilitate ongoing execution and reporting on progress of strategic initiatives. 4 L. Ensure appropriate reflection of strategic objectives in the skills and experience of volunteer and staff leadership. 19
Series 4 Initiatives Strengthening operational model—Relationships 4 B. Expand government outreach activities to increase ISACA’s continued relevance. 4 C. Develop an approach to key account management to accelerate knowledge offering uptake and individual membership growth among enterprises. 4 D. Bolster uptake of online communities. 4 F. Develop key strategic partnerships with critical organizations. 4 G. Assist chapters in understanding the new ISACA initiatives and their important role in local networking and educational opportunities while also allow for leadership development. 4 J. Develop and begin execution of a plan to build relationships with enterprises in priority geographies and sectors. 20
Series 4 Initiatives Strengthening operational model—General 4 E. Enhance knowledge development and distribution processes. 4 K. Manage the risk associated with S 22. 21
Next Steps v. Ensure key stakeholders are fully informed and briefed on S 22 v. Finalize a consistent approach to using COBIT 5 for each initiative. v. Ensure that the volunteer structure is aligned with the strategic objectives. v. Monitor those items on the lower end of the priority range. v. Finalize a high-level, yet comprehensive, reporting system. 22
Questions? strategy@isaca. org Thank you! 23