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Strategies for Knowledge Management Success SCP Best Practices Showcase March 18, 2004
Agenda n Intentional Knowledge Management n Getting from here to there n Knowledge Workshop (Education) n Knowledge Certification (Accountability) n Counting the cost
Intentional Knowledge Management n Knowledge Management Truths l Knowledge is the product of the support center l Managing knowledge is not a “nice to do” thing but a “need to do” thing l Bandwidth to do knowledge work will be limited l It is critical to use that time wisely (all knowledge creation work must add value) l You have to have a plan
Knowledge Initiative Overview Knowledge Initiative Vision: The core work of the support center is the capture and re-use of knowledge to promote achievement of the company’s key goals. Program Objectives: n n n n Drive business transformation from case-centered to knowledgecentered Place focus on process change instead of tool implementation Engage all levels of the Support organization Increase the likelihood of a sustainable knowledge effort Promote consistency in processes, content and standards Provide a standard measure for groups wanting to share knowledge with customers Provide accountability Certify the processes and content quality independent of the tool
Knowledge Initiative Phases Foundation Internal Building Preparation Planning for the Initiative n Knowledge Champion appointed n Workshop attendance n Workshop deliverable completion n Initiative kick-off held n Workshop deliverables executed n Process and tool training provided to Center employees n Knowledge content building begins n Maintenance Validation & Customer Access n n n Process and tool adoption Regular use of knowledge base Many knowledge contributors High quality of content Efficient review process Continuous enhancement/ improvement n Rollout to customers n Maintenance to ensure upto-date and relevant knowledge n Use of product and customer information gathered n
What to Expect n. Objectives: 1 -2 months l. Process Changes “Go Live” External l. Cultural Changes 3 -6 months l. Business Transformation l. Training Customer Access Prep Level III 1 – 2 Weeks Assessment, Support & Audit “Go Live” Internal Secondary Training 2 -4 months Level II 30 – 60 Days Kick-off, PM Process Training, Build and Audit Level I Deliverables Workshop Pre-Workshop Knowledge Initiative Process 7 -14 Months
Critical Success Factors Management n Clearly understand communicate the benefits – eliminate/prevent misconceptions at the start n Making decisions based on business objectives, not just technology n Maintain a long-term perspective n Establish a supportive performance management system n Develop and sustain management buy-in and support at all levels Workflow n Focused resources n Establish a cultural change n Integrate knowledge activities as part of the core workflow n Focus on quality – the effort has to add value n Demonstrate and celebrate success
The Knowledge Workshop n Purpose Educate our Knowledge leaders regarding: – What we need to do – Why we need to do it – How we will do it – How to Measure Success – Who will do it l Provide focused time to develop plans l n Audience Support managers l Knowledge champions l
Transforming the Business n Support strategies have evolved to improve customer service, employee satisfaction and company performance n Successful support strategies require effective development and transfer of useful knowledge n The knowledge solution becomes the point of leverage Knowledge is the common denominator. Solutions are the main unit of value for the organization. Focusing on knowledge requires a fundamental change in how we work – it requires a business transformation to be successful.
Knowledge Workshop Deliverables • • • Knowledge Strategy Risks/Obstacles Action Plan Process Flow Diagram Resource Identification and Transition Plan Stakeholder Analysis and Plan Training Plan/Matrix Knowledge Domain Analysis Measurement Plan Incentive Plan Communication Plan Implementation Plan Next Steps Four-Week Action Plan
Workshop Deliverable Definitions n Knowledge Strategy – Defines the vision, goals and objectives of the Knowledge Initiative (KI) for the organization. n Risks/Obstacles – Defines what could go wrong and what obstacles may arise. It also outlines preventative actions for the risks and contingency plans in case something does go wrong. n Integrated Process Flow – Defines how the KM process will be incorporated into current operating processes and procedures. n Resource Identification - Identifies who will fill the major knowledge worker roles and outlines the plan for transitioning their current responsibilities. n Stakeholder Analysis – Identifies groups and individuals who will be impacted by the KI and the communication efforts required for each.
Workshop Deliverable Definitions n Training Plan - Defines what training will be conducted, who will attend and how it will be delivered. n Knowledge Domain Analysis – Defines the plan of attack for building knowledge. n Measurement Plan – Defines how the progress and success of the KI will be assessed. n Incentive Plan – Outlines the incentives and rewards that may be used to promote buy-in to the business transformation being made. n Communication Plan – Outlines initial communications for the KI. n Implementation Plan – The plan detailing tasks, resources, milestones and deadlines for accomplishing the KI objectives. n Next Steps Action Plan – The plan of activities for the next 4 weeks for the Knowledge Champion and support center manager.
Knowledge Strategy Purpose: To define what the future will look like with a knowledge-centered support organization and how it supports achievement of your organization’s strategic objectives. Objectives: n Ties Knowledge Management to strategic goals n Defines a vision of the future and the goals to be achieved n Serves as a basis for communicating the need for change n Provides a method for measuring success n Provides a basis for project planning
Knowledge Strategy Elements: n Support Mission and Vision – what Support is here to do and what it wants to achieve in the future n Vision – where we want to go, what we want to be, what we want to achieve, what our future looks like n Strategic Objectives – the specific results we plan to achieve through the Knowledge Initiative; should be clearly linked to organizational goals n Benefits – how achievement of the Knowledge Initiative vision and objectives will help us - both as an organization and as individuals n Key Performance Indicators – what will tell us we are achieving our strategic objectives n Critical Processes – major high-level activities that must be accomplished in order to achieve the strategic objective
Knowledge Domain Analysis n An analysis of the knowledge needs of the organization. n Includes: l Assessing knowledge strength and weaknesses l Identifying where knowledge currently resides l Determine what knowledge needs to be built when – Assess criticality/impact – Volume of related cases – Complexity – Priority n Results in a plan of attack for building knowledge and making the most of your knowledge resources. n An on-going, continual process.
Knowledge Certification Knowledge Initiative Vision: The core work of the support center is the capture and re-use of knowledge to promote achievement of the company’s key goals. Program Objectives: n n n n Drive business transformation from call-centered to knowledgecentered Place focus on process change instead of tool implementation Engage all levels of the Support organization Increase the likelihood of a sustainable knowledge effort Promote consistency in processes, content and standards Provide a standard measure for groups wanting to share knowledge with customers Provide accountability Certify the processes and content quality independent of the tool
Knowledge Certification Process Level I Certification – Foundation Building Level II Certification – Internal Preparation Level III Certification – Validation Level IV Certification - Maintenance
Knowledge Certification Process Level I Certification – Foundation Building Objective: To ensure that all Support Centers are fully prepared to succeed prior to formally launching the Knowledge Initiative Certification Elements: n n Knowledge Champion appointed Knowledge Workshop participation Timely completion of Workshop deliverables Weekly Status Report completion
Knowledge Certification Process Level II Certification – Internal Preparation Objective: To validate that the Support Center is fully prepared to begin using the new processes and tool successfully Certification Elements: n Knowledge Initiative Kickoff Meeting is held n All Knowledge Workshop deliverables are executed n Knowledge Training has been conducted for all Knowledge Workers n Successful completion of content quality audit
Knowledge Certification Process Level III Certification – Validation Objective: To validate the adoption of the new processes and tools by the Support Center and to verify that the effort can be sustained Certification Elements: n Successful completion of Knowledge Audit n Survey of users shows positive perception of tools & processes n Knowledge work has positively impacted 1 -2 targeted support metrics
Knowledge Certification Process Level III Certification Elements (cont) n Demonstrate that: • • • Knowledge is flowing into the system from a variety of sources Knowledge is being efficiently processed Knowledge is being used by a large majority of the user population Knowledge workers have dedicated time for knowledge work Knowledge work is not isolated to a low % of Support Center staff
Knowledge Certification Process Level IV Certification – Maintenance Objective: To ensure the knowledge content is continually evaluated and maintains a high level of quality and effectiveness. Certification Elements: n Successful completion of Knowledge Audit n Backlog of non-reviewed content meets standards
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