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Overarching Priority ASGI-SA • The Department of Education continues to contribute to the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative South Africa, by – Strengthening the general education system for all – Improving access to high skills and a cognitively demanding curricula in schools and colleges – Ensuring participation in relevant Higher Education programmes
Minister’s continuing vision To impact more urgently and directly on poverty, unemployment and social cohesion, by providing quality education for all.
Ministerial Goals for 2007/8 • Improved access to quality early childhood development programmes • School improvements through QIDSUP • Improving foundation phase literacy and numeracy • Prioritisation of mathematics, science and technology • Support for further and higher education
Continuing approaches • Policy review and implementation • Assessing the attainment of learning outcomes • Monitoring learner performance • Conducting a feasibility study in the use of ICTs to enhance teaching and learning • Building partnerships: Business and NGOs
Departmental Strategies • Strengthened monitoring and evaluation • Using research to understand improve the system • Re-engineering EMIS to track individual learners in the system • Prioritising teacher development • Strengthening districts
Department Structure Branches 1. Administration 2. Planning and Monitoring 3. General education 4. Further Education and Training 5. Social and School Enrichment Programmes 6. Higher Education
Systems Planning and Monitoring (Programme 2) · Developing national norms and standards for school • • infrastructure. · EMIS · Analysing education investment expenditure. · Labour relations to enhance quality teaching · HRD Strategy · Ensure funding norms and standards for all components of the education system
General Education (Programme 3) – Increased access to quality Early Childhood Development (ECD). – Monitoring effective implementation of the new Curriculum. – Prioritising access and quality of education for learners with special educational needs.
General Education (Programme 3) • Attracting and ensuring appropriately qualified and competent teachers at all levels, with special focus on scarce skills. • Ensuring effective professional leadership in schools. • Credible and up-to-date data on school performance and learner achievement
Further Education and Training (Programme 4) • Increase FET learners, emphasising language, mathematics and science proficiency; • Ensure modern, relevant and high-level curricula in Grades 10 to 12, as well as in FET colleges; • Implement a national examination system for the National Senior Certificate. • Monitor and support the goals of the White Paper on e. Education.
Further Education and Training (Programme 4) • Support the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) in Grades 10 to 12. • Publish Grades 10, 11 and 12 textbook catalogues. • Publish reports on the results of the National Senior Certificate examinations. • Investigate the dropout and repeater rates in Grades 10 to 12. • Increase the number of Dinaledi schools
Further Education and Training (Programme 4) FET colleges: • Develop programmes and gazette requirements for the National Certificate (Vocational). • Build partnerships with FET stakeholders e. g. SETAs, business and universities. • Continue the recapitalisation of FET colleges, based on the FET programmes offered at each college. • Address norms and standards for FET colleges.
Further Education and Training (Programme 4) • Improve throughput and placement rates of college students. • Support the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning at all FET College campuses. • Support colleges in providing credible assessments of learning.
Social and School Enrichment Programme (Programme 5) 1. Promote equity, national cohesion and identity 2. Participation and success rates of girl learners in gateway subjects in higher grade; 3. Facilitate implementation of sport in schools 4. Support and strengthen curricula driven HIV and AIDS activities through peer education 5. National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP). 6. Improving access, retention and throughput rates in ABET 7. Planning of mass literacy programmes
Higher Education (Programme 6) • • • 1. Support to the higher education system. 2. Regulating private higher education institutions. 3. Strengthen research and teacher development 4. Institutional support and student leadership 5. Internationalisation of the higher education with emphasis on the African Continent. 6. Enrolment planning 7. Establishment of national institutes of higher education in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape.
VOTE 14: EDUCATION Consolidated Education Expenditure Estimates from 2007/08 to 2009/10 2006/07 2007/08 % Incr 2008/09 2009/10 R'000 118, 731, 684 130, 728, 142 Total Education 94, 617, 885 104, 719, 636 11% National 14, 299, 176 16, 000, 923 12% 18, 226, 271 19, 400, 945 Provinces 80, 318, 709 88, 713 10% 98, 505, 413 107, 327, 197 0 0 0% 2, 000 4, 000 Additional allocation to address personnel matters in education: Unallocated
Provincial Education Departments: 2007/08 to 2009/10 2006/07 2007/08 % Increase R'000 Total Eastern Cape 80, 318, 709 88, 713 2008/09 2009/10 R'000 10. 46% 100, 505, 413 111, 327, 197 13, 122, 087 14, 726, 061 12. 22% 16, 616, 075 17, 680, 951 5, 333, 257 5, 692, 455 6. 74% 6, 330, 671 7, 012, 556 Gauteng 12, 458, 959 14, 543, 467 16. 73% 15, 966, 587 17, 130, 958 Kwa. Zulu-Natal 16, 136, 078 18, 576, 821 15. 13% 20, 384, 512 22, 533, 275 Limpopo 11, 398, 658 11, 948, 413 4. 82% 13, 638, 328 15, 022, 432 Mpumalanga 6, 325, 857 7, 956, 022 25. 77% 8, 601, 009 9, 372, 959 Northern Cape 1, 647, 976 2, 266, 871 37. 55% 2, 534, 610 2, 771, 420 North West 6, 779, 976 5, 323, 945 -21. 48% 5, 936, 416 6, 462, 130 Western Cape 7, 115, 861 7, 684, 658 7. 99% 8, 497, 205 9, 340, 516 0 0 0. 00% 2, 000 4, 000 Free State Additional allocation to address personnel matters in education: Unallocated
VOTE 14: EDUCATION: SUMMARY 2006/07 2007/08 % Incr 2008/09 2009/10 R'000 R'000 Total Baseline 14, 299, 17 6 16, 000, 92 3 12% 18, 226, 271 19, 400, 945 Higher Education Institutions 10, 988, 70 1 11, 944, 15 1 9% 13, 309, 708 14, 666, 997 44% 1, 555, 2 67 1, 958, 7 11 1, 258, 7 11 Transfers to NSFAS 926, 378 1, 332, 697 Baseline Allocation 1, 112, 697 0% 1, 175, 2 67 Teacher Bursaries 120, 000 0% 180, 000 400, 000 FET College Bursaries 100, 000 0% 200, 000 300, 000 72, 640 5% 76, 211 79, 911 1, 501, 3 44 Transfers to other public Entities Conditional Grants to Provinces 69, 325 1, 712, 507 1, 905, 634 11% 2, 201, 3 91 9, 847 10, 391 6% 10, 838 11, 376 Earmarked funds 58, 051 200, 530 245% 509, 033 581, 975 Public Examinations 55, 377 58, 090 5% 60, 845 63, 887 Other Transfers
VOTE 14: EDUCATION ALLOCATION VS EXPENDITURE FOR 2006/07 Allocation Exp % Spent R'000 P 1: Administration 121 410 119 146 98. 14% 50 537 36 430 72. 09% P 3: General Education 241 308 228 257 94. 59% P 4: Further Education and Training 715 953 710 891 99. 29% 1 149 925 1 141 481 99. 27% 11 960 693 11 956 879 99. 97% 59 350 56 721 95. 57% 14 299 176 14 249 805 99. 65% P 2: System Planning and Monitoring P 5: Quality Promotion and Development P 6: Higher Education P 7: Auxiliary and Associated Services TOTAL
VOTE 14: EDUCATION: PRIORITIES 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 R'000 Baseline allocation in 2006 ENE 15, 342, 923 16, 690, 271 17, 004, 945 0 0 2, 000 ICT, Research, Planning and Piloting 30, 000 0 0 Adult Literacy 20, 000 350, 000 480, 000 120, 000 180, 000 400, 000 54, 000 27, 000 0 100, 000 200, 000 300, 000 Systemic Evaluation 20, 000 50, 000 20, 000 IQMS 26, 000 29, 000 32, 000 288, 000 700, 000 1, 162, 000 16, 000, 923 18, 226, 271 19, 400, 945 Salary adjustments Teacher Development & Initial Supply (bursaries) FET: Preparation for NCS Exams FET: Bursaries Higher Education Total 2006 MTEF Allocations
EDUCATION SYSTEM PRIORITIES: 2007/08 TO 2009/10 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 R'000 1, 218, 617 4, 117, 873 7, 760, 713 Teacher Development 356, 632 574, 924 774, 687 Quality Development and Upliftment Programme (QIDSUP) 440, 198 622, 325 1, 093, 789 74, 145 61, 327 68, 297 347, 642 859, 297 1, 823, 940 0 2, 000 4, 000 Priorities identified during 2007 MTEF Systemic Evaluation Personnel: Posts and Remuneration Additional allocation to address personnel matters in education: Unallocated