- Количество слайдов: 13
Strategic Communication Learning Program
External Affairs Vice Presidency Country Partners Bank Staff Intl. Development Agencies
External Affairs Vice Presidency Road Map Advanced Negotiation & Strategic Communication ER Q m C om Media Training ts Client Engagement and Partnering ct e Managing Political Risk Stakeholder Consultations Art & Science of Strategic Communication (incl. e-learning) y el iv g om C m tin ca ni u f Ef f r. R o l su e
External Affairs Vice Presidency Communicating Effectively for Results Target Audience: Bank Staff Learning Objectives: § Learn and practice interpersonal communication skills § Apply acquired knowledge and skills in a series of videotapes exercises Course Description: This course is a combination of plenary discussion and a series of video taped conversations that give participants opportunities to practice communication skills and receive developmental feedback on their skills. There are five video taping sessions: § § § Baseline - Video of participants natural style, before course work Listening - Video of participant practicing listening skills Inquiry - Video of participant practicing listening and inquiry skills Sharing- Video of participant practicing listening, inquiry and sharing (feedback) skills Consolidated Baseline retake - Video of participant re-doing the baseline case with the original partner, using integrated listening, inquiry and sharing skills The cases are based on real WBG situations. They are designed to test participants’ ability to use the course model in difficult conversations. The role-play partners are each provided with different information designed to illustrate the value of employing the model. Facilitators match cases to participants based on their actual work responsibilities and learning styles of the participant.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Art and Science of Strategic Communication Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Identify opportunities for strategic communication within World Bank operational work § Describe the key principles and process of strategic communication § Apply five management decisions that frame an effective communication strategy § Develop evaluation indicators for communication activities § Learn and apply principles of persuasive communication. Course Description: Strategic Communication is a powerful tool that can improve the chances of success of development projects, programs, and policies. All development efforts require some kind of behavior change. In this two-day course, learn to harness the power of communication to help people adopt behaviors that will improve lives and communities. Well-conceived, professionally implemented communication programs that are tied directly to development project objectives can make the difference between a project’s success and failure. This training provides operational and communication staff with understanding and skills to use Strategic Communication to enhance the design, delivery and results of projects, programs, and policies.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Stakeholder Consultations Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Identify the benefits and constraints of conducting a stakeholder consultation. § Identify connections between stakeholder consultation and other areas of World Bank work. § Describe the World bank perspective and mandate for stakeholder consultation. § Use a stakeholder table and an interest/power matrix to identify and map stakeholders. § Make decisions about stakeholder consultation methodology based on key criteria. § Learn about ways of providing feedback to stakeholders about the consultation process. § Use stakeholder consultation checklist to design or assess the design of a stakeholder consultation. Course Description: This one-day workshop is aimed at providing the definition and systems approach to understanding consultations among various stakeholders (civil society organizations, governments, donor agencies, and business community).
External Affairs Vice Presidency Managing Political Risk Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Understand the importance of managing political risk (non-financial) in relation to World Bank programs. § Learn about various tools (stakeholder analyses, communication management decisions, crisis management) to analyze and manage political risk and apply them in a case study exercise. § Through group exercises, develop effective communication strategies to help manage political risk. § Identify resources at the Bank to help analyze and manage political risk. Course Description: Every development project/program has a unique set of risks that could potentially sidetrack the Bank’s efforts. A lack of understanding of the relevant political, economic, social, cultural and historical dynamics can hinder and even prevent a project’s successful completion, no matter how technically sound it may be. This advanced interactive two-day course is designed to provide the tips and tools for understanding and managing political risk. Participants will learn to use Strategic Communication, an effective tool for managing external risk to projects/programs.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Client Engagement and Partnering Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Understand the definition of collaboration and partnering § Learn the tools to engage with clients in a collaborative manner § Apply new knowledge and skills through a series of exercises Course Description: This course is designed to address the role of the Bank's operational staff in collaboratively engaging with clients. The course provides tools and tips for use in creating opportunities for collaboration and engaging clients strategically. The course builds on the content presented in a two part e-learning program which participants have to complete before the face-to-face session. Through simulated interactive exercises and role plays as well as analysis of real-life situations participants will learn about establishing and sustaining collaborative client relationships in complex operational environments. The process of client mapping will be highlighted as a process for assessing and prioritizing the potential relationships. Communication tools such as advocacy and inquiry will be applied to improve interaction and discussions between clients and partners as well as between team members and colleagues. Those skills will also be applied in a simulated meeting context in recognition of how vital effective meetings are to productive collaboration. Finally the course is culminated with a follow-through action planning process.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Media Training Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Frame key issues and vulnerabilities affecting the World Bank while developing strategies and messages to transmit the complexities of the World Bank’s work. § Explain and promote the World Bank’s concerns and priorities in its development projects. § Create effective and responsive answers to tough questions without being misquoted or quoted out of context in any media situation, from ambush interviews to news conferences. § Respond to last-minute media requests and handle media interactions within a fast-breaking news environment. Course Description: A fast-paced and highly-interactive two-day training designed to provide participants the knowledge, tools and techniques required to communicate effectively with news media globally, in furtherance of World Bank objectives. The course will also cover media relations: how to forge a good working relationship with the media; what motivates the media; as well as country and regional specifics. Participants are trained by senior consultants with extensive international Media coaching experience using videotaped interviews, personalized coaching, critique and feedback.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Advanced Negotiation and Strategic Communication Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Better understand of the value of strategic communication and effective negotiation to project, program, and policy success. § Better understand the change processes and negotiation tactics in the context of projects, programs and policies. § Obtain durable agreements within the team, with developing country partners, and other development assistance organizations. § Engage multiple stakeholders in a two-way dialogue with proponents of development and reform so that interventions respond to the needs of those meant to benefit from them. § Use of various tools to develop an overall communication strategy and negotiation strategy and tactics. Course Description: The course offers intensive training in advanced communication and negotiation strategies, tactics and techniques needed for leadership negotiation skills. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the value of strategic communication and effective negotiation to project, program, and policy success. Often programs and reforms fail not because the technical design is flawed, but because issues of political economy and client engagement were not taken into account. Grounded on a client-oriented approach, this course will help participants reach durable agreements both within the team, with developing country partners, and other development assistance organizations, through effective negotiation and persuasive communication. Effective negotiation guided by a coherent communication strategy is a powerful means to engage multiple stakeholders in a two-way dialogue with proponents of development and reform so that interventions respond to the needs of those meant to benefit from them. Participants will learn about change processes, conflict management in the context of projects, programs and policies, and gain handson experience in the use of tools to develop an overall communication strategy which will inform the negotiation strategy. Day One will focus on the design of a communication strategy, audience analysis and behavior change processes. Days Two and Three will focus on managing difficult external and internal negotiations including complex multi-party and multi-issue interactions. At the end of the course, competent and experienced negotiators will develop into "leadership negotiators" - skilled practitioners who can guide and influence significant negotiations and become models and mentors to team members and other Bank colleagues.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Strategic Communication: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why? (e-learning) Target Audience: Operational staff, Task Team Leaders, Managers Learning Objectives: § Understand the value of strategic communication to public sector reform programs. § Learn about Strategic communication or client-centered communication as promoting changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors supportive of the overall reform goals. § Learn and apply the five management decisions that guide the development of a communication strategy. Course Description: The course is designed to help participants develop a strategic communication plan as part of their work on public sector reform programs. Broad-based support and public understanding of the reform issues are critical to the success of these reforms. However, many reformers often fail to use communication effectively to frame issues in ways that resonate with and are relevant to the concerns of people. Strategic communication has now been recognized as the missing link in public sector reforms. This course is meant to provide theory and the tools for strategic communication, enabling participants to apply the concepts learned to their own country situation.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Strategic Communication for Public Sector Reform (blended learning: e-learning + FTF) Target Audience: Policymakers, development specialists, government officials, civil society representatives and communication professionals working on economic and social reform programs in developing countries. Learning Objectives: At the end of the six-module e-learning course, participants will have a better understanding of the following: § The value of strategic communication to public sector reform programs. § Strategic communication or client-centered communication as promoting changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors supportive of the overall reform goals. § The five management decisions that guide the development of a communication strategy. § Persuasion and negotiation as critical skills in building alliances and in generating support from various constituencies of reform. At the end of the three days face-to-face workshop the participants will be able to: § Develop insights on ways to improve the integration of communication strategies in their projects; § Start to integrate specific interests and objectives into a more comprehensive country communication strategy. Course Description: The course is designed to help participants develop a strategic communication plan as part of their work on large-scale public sector reforms. Broad-based support and public understanding of the reform issues are critical to the success of these reforms. However, many reformers often fail to use communication effectively to frame issues in ways that resonate with and are relevant to the concerns of people. Strategic communication has now been recognized as the missing link in public sector reforms. This course is meant to provide theory and the tools for strategic communication, enabling participants to apply the concepts learned to their own country situation.
External Affairs Vice Presidency Communication Quality Enhancement Review (Comm. QER) Comm. QER is a review of projects, ESW, and other operational products, and the communication interventions to promote buy-in and support to reforms. It is a tool to help the Task Teams to improve their communication and negotiation skills to achieve stronger operational results. It will review the existing communication strategy (or help devise a communication strategy) and will help prepare and practice their negotiation tactics. Comm. QER is a voluntary and on-demand review requested by the TTL or manager. Comm. QER consists of: - Review - Comm. QER Event - Follow up The Comm. QER Panel consists of four members: - Strategic Communication expert - Negotiation expert - Lead sector specialist - Senior Operational Officer. The functions of the Panel are: - Review all the submitted relevant project documents - Interview the TTL or manager (and members of the intact team if necessary) - Prepare and conduct the Comm. QER ½ day event - Write a brief guidance note on the communication and negotiation strategy - Provide follow up and debrief of an actual negotiation.